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110 of 12 releases

0.3.1 (Back Again!) release from the 0.3 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Getting Things GNOME! 0.3.1 - Release Note - 24/11/2013

After about 12 months of very active development, the GTG team is proud to
announce the release of Getting Things GNOME! 0.3.1!

This version is packed with an amazing amount of bug fixes and many novelties!
The goal with 0.3.1 was to refactor several of it’s existing functionalities and improve the codebase. A lot of time was spent on improving the plugins. In the process we have fixed lots of bugs and have made a few feature enhancements!

What's new in 0.3.1?

Here's an (incomplete) list of changes:

  - Fixed Hamster Plugin: The Hamster plugin which was used to start a GTG Task as a Hamster activity was not working for some time. It has been fixed. Now ta...


2013-11-24 Getting Things GNOME! 0.3.1
    * Fix for bug #1024473: Have 'Show Main Window' in notification area, by Antonio Roquentin
    * Fix for bug #1043457: gtcli search returns closed tasks, by Nimit Shah
    * Fix for bug #1073607: "GTG starts after login" doesn't work with an invalid link
    * Fix for bug #1062659: "Allow locale format of date", by Nimit Shah
    * Fix for bug #1047753: Changing due date doesn't update "days left" information, by Codee
    * Fix for bug #1090301: "Deactivating the untouched tasks plugin leaves "add @untouched tag" in plugins menu", by Nimit Shah
    * Fix for bug #1039651: Urgency coloring of parent tasks in collapsed view, by Parin Porecha
    * Fix for bug #1032745: Calendar widget is padded to always be visible on the screen
    * Russian localization of help by DmDr
    * Fix for bug #1096622: Damaged image in the help, by Parin Porecha
    * Fix for bug #1095390: Quick Add bar incorrectly parses tags, by Parin Porecha
    * Fix for bug #1079143: Adding the same custom color in tag editor multiple times raises an Exception, by Parin Porecha
    * Better handling of preferences loading (bug #1094307)
    * Added command "gtcli overview"
    * Fix for bug #1076029: (Fixed regression) Notification area applet can't display attention icon
    * Pep8ification of code, by Nimit Shah
    * Fix for bug #1141582: Crash on enabling hamster plugin, by Nimit Shah
    * System level global shortcut key for quick adding task, by Parin Porecha
    * Refactor Bugzilla plugin, by Chenxiong Qi
    * Fix for bug #816356: When sorting by due-date, use the closest date of all children, by Nimit Shah
    * Fix for bug #1193678: Empty tag created, by Nimit Shah
    * Switch from external configobj to Python's ConfigParser
    * Fix for bug #1218093: GTG crashes on start with IndexError: tuple out of range, by Parin Porecha
    * Fix for bug #1102453: hamster integration plugins crash when start a task, by Rex Tsai
    * Fix for bug #1242384: send-email: toolbar item is not removed from an opened task, by Fabiano Fidencio
    * Fix for bug #1029342: Give an option to remove tag color, by kpytang
    * Fixed Hamster Plugin: bugs #487582, #487585, #1236066, #1242083 and #1242279, by Parin Porecha

File Description Downloads
download icon gtg-0.3.1.tar.gz (md5) GTG Release 0.3.1 "Back Again!" 4,608
last downloaded 6 days ago
Total downloads: 4,608

0.3 (make it stable) release from the 0.3 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Getting Things GNOME! 0.3 - Release Note - 06/11/2012

After about 9 months of very active development, the GTG team is proud to
announce the release of Getting Things GNOME! 0.3!

This version is packed with an amazing amount of bug fixes and many novelties!
The goal with 0.3 was to get GTG back on its feet after more than a year of
working on the internal plumbing. We also fixed many bugs in the process. We
can now say that this goal has been reached, and then some!

What's new in 0.3?

Here's an (incomplete) list of changes:

  - Performance: thanks to the amazing work of Izidor Matusov, GTG has recovered
    its youth and can handle your many tasks way faster than before!
  - Data backup: GTG keeps several copi...

File Description Downloads
download icon gtg-0.3.tar.gz (md5) GTG 0.3 3,082
last downloaded 6 days ago
Total downloads: 3,082

0.2.9 (Don't open that! It's an alien planet!) release from the 0.3 series released

Release information
Release notes:

This release contains several new features:
  * backends
  * search feature
  * new DBus interface
  * GTCli -- command line tool for GTG
  * other smaller updates

GTG 0.2.9 requires 2 new dependences:
  * python-liblarch
  * python-liblarch-gtk

Both of them could be downloaded from liblarch page -

For using backends, you need to install libraries:
  * Launchpad backend: launchpadlib
  * Mantis backend: suds.client


    * Big refractorization of code, now using liblarch
    * Extended backend system to support multiple backends by Luca Invernizzi
    * Backend GUI configuration by Luca Invernizzi
    * Backends:
       * Added Mantis Bug Tracker backend, by Alayn Gortazar
       * Added Tomboy/Gnote backend, by Luca Invernizzi
       * Added Launchpad backend, by Luca Invernizzi
       * Added Twitter/Identica backend, by Luca Invernizzi
    * Graphical crah handler, thanks to Acire and python-snippets
    * Command line tool based on DBus interface of GTG, by Bryce Harrington
    * Added search feature, by João Ascenso
    * Rewritten notification area plugin with showing only 10 most doable tasks from Workview, by Izidor Matušov
    * Setting start/due date by a right click menu in the task browser, by Fabio Prina & Kevin Mehall
    * Right click behaviour in the task treeview is now consistant with other GNOME applications, by Jonathan Barnoud
    * Rework of deleting dialog
    * Previewing task content (gmail-like-ui), #384049, by Luca Invernizzi and Kevin Mehall
    * Attaching file to a task by drag-and-dropping it on the task or writing file:// URI
    * Added script for anonymizing task files; Marko Kevac
    * "Sexy" export template, created by Duncan Lock
    * DBus API is now CamelCase (be sure to update your personal scripts), by Lionel Dricot
    * Fuzzy date "Later" was renamed to "Someday"
    * Daily backup of gtg_tasks.xml
    * Save perferences, window positions and statuses immediately after a change
    * Fixed crash traceback when pressing 'delete' key, by Jeff Oliver
    * Fixed url autolinking for http(s) schemes, by Madhumitha Viswanathan
    * Underscore characters in tasks not treated as accelerators (bug #676088) fixed, by Madhumitha Viswanathan
    * Fixed several bugs about hamster integration, by Richard Klein
    * Added link to web documentation in Help menu, by Ronan Jouchet
    * Fixed bug with data consistency #579189 (empty tags.xml), by Marko Kevac
    * Added samba bugzilla to the bugzilla plugin, by Jelmer Vernoij
    * Fixed bug #532392, a start date is later than a due date, by Volodymyr Floreskul
    * support for gtg:// URIs by Luca Invernizzi
    * Fixed bug #584667, indicating missing plugin dependencies, by Erin McLaughlin
    * Add a new tag dialog keeps the previous value, by Izidor Matušov
    * Added keyword bko for recognizing and linking KDE bugs, by Zimin Huango
    * Several usability improvements, by Jean-François Fortin Tam
    * Several code refratorings by Paul Kishimoto

File Description Downloads
download icon gtg-0.2.9.tar.gz (md5, sig) GTG 0.2.9 2,292
last downloaded 5 days ago
download icon (md5, sig) Standalone script for downgrading after using GTG 0.2.9 or higher 159
last downloaded 6 days ago
Total downloads: 2,451

0.2.5 (Brandon, time to take out the trash) release from the 0.2 series released

Release information
Release notes:

You are recommended to upgrade to this version.

 The only change is that after trying the development, future GTG 0.3 code, you are able to switch back to your stable version of GTG.


* Ability to downgrade data from development, future GTG 0.3 code, by Izidor Matušov

File Description Downloads
download icon gtg-0.2.5.tar.gz (md5, sig) GTG 0.2.5 908
last downloaded 6 days ago
download icon (md5, sig) Standalone script for downgrading after using development code 86
last downloaded 10 weeks ago
Total downloads: 994

0.2.4 release from the 0.2 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Getting Things GNOME! 0.2.4


Several bugfixes and polishing.

File Description Downloads
download icon gtg-0.2.4.tar.gz (md5) gtg-0.2.4.tar.gz 4,566
last downloaded 6 weeks ago
Total downloads: 4,566

0.2.3 (NSEA Protector) release from the 0.2 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Getting Things GNOME! 0.2.3 (NSEA Protector)


A bit of polishing.

File Description Downloads
download icon gtg-0.2.3.tar.gz (md5, sig) GTG 0.2.3 (NSEA Protector) release 469
last downloaded 6 days ago
Total downloads: 469

0.2.2 (Protector) release from the 0.2 series released

Release information
Release notes:

release 0.2.2: codename Protector
- a brand new preference dialog
- a plugin to send a task via mail
- a plugin to import tasks via JSON
- a plugin to delete old closed tasks automatically
- support for libindicator for the notification area, making GTG up to date with Ubuntu lucid
- a renewed RTM plugin, with tags support
- a better dbus support, to integrate with other software
- Tons of bug fixes


    * Autostart on login, by Luca Invernizzi
    * Preferences dialog, by Paul Kishimoto
    * Send task by mail plugin by Luca Invernizzi
    * Import_json plugin by Bryce Harrington
    * Improve RTM plugin (bug #520427): don't sync tasks from archived lists
    * Automatic cleanup of closed task, plugin by Luca Invernizzi
    * Allow to change dismissed date of tasks by Luca Invernizzi
    * Docky applet support, by Luca Invernizzi
    * Allow to change closed date of tasks, by Lionel Montrieux, bug #502111
    * notification area plugin updated to support appindicate by Luca Invernizzi and Jono Bacon
    * gtg_new task now supports command switches by Luca Invernizzi
    * Fix bug #511651, white space around title, by mrk
    * Expanded CLI to gtg to support task descriptions by Bryce Harrington
    * Added a guide to plugins by Chris Johnston
    * RTM plugin tags synchronization by Luca Invernizzi
    * Evolution plugin by Luca Invernizzi
    * Tomboy support by Luca Invernizzi
    * Dbus autostart by Gordon Ball and Luca Invernizzi
    * Notification area bug fixes by Luca Invernizzi

File Description Downloads
download icon gtg-0.2.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) GTG 0.2.2 (Protector) release 833
last downloaded 10 weeks ago
Total downloads: 833

0.2.1 (Beryllium sphere) release from the 0.2 series released

Release information

2009-01-31 Getting Things GNOME! 0.2.1
    * Schedule for context menu by Bryce Harrington
    * Improved export feature by Bryce Harrington and Luca Invernizzi
    * Restore closed tasks filtering by selected tag, fixes bug #498857
    * Temporary fix allowing to reset tag color by Matthew Rasmus
    * Added the ability to add a tag from the right click menu in the task browser, by Matthew Rasmus.
    * Better explanation of the "Work view" concept in documentation
    * Multiple selection
    * API clarifications
    * Cut & Paste improvements
    * Notification area plugin improvements
    * Icons reflect action availability
    * Misc. editor bug fixes
    * Misc. tag list bug fixes

File Description Downloads
download icon gtg-0.2.1.tar.gz (md5) gtg 0.2.1 release 651
last downloaded 5 days ago
Total downloads: 651

0.2 (Gorignak) release from the 0.2 series released

File Description Downloads
download icon gtg-0.2.tar.gz (md5) gtg 0.2 final release 950
last downloaded 24 hours ago
Total downloads: 950

0.1.2 release from the 0.1 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Getting Things GNOME! 0.1.2 "Usually it's just cardboard walls in a garage" :
This release is a minor release, it comes before major refactorings and functionality improvements foreseen for the 0.2 release.

Although it is a minor release, it comes with a lot of bug fixes which improves usability and task edition. We'd like to thanks particularly all the developers that have helped us for this, you made a terrific job!


2009-07-04 Getting Things GNOME! 0.1.2-rc1
    * Available in 18 languages, with 12 languages being more than 99% translated
    * Shadows around the listview widgets, by Jean-François Fortin Tam
    * Fixes package dependencies
    * Tooltips for button
    * Automatically select title in task editor
    * Crash on startup with non empty LANGUAGE envvar
    * Use GNOME settings for toolbar, by Anton Rebguns
    * Better tag markup handling
    * No more multiple instances
    * HTTP link parsing by Ben Dowling
    * Update README by Michael Vogt
    * Update XML files sooner by Michael Vogt
    * Remember color (by Zach Sheperd)
    * URLs can now include ';' characters. Fixes bug 360969
    * Added support for opening subtasks and links with the keyboard: Fixes bug 369272, by Ben Dowling
    * Add polish translation by Tomasz Maciejewski
    * Apply patch to fix bug #326388 by Brian Kennedy
    * Apply patch to fix bug #374745 by Brian Kennedy
    * Title for newly created task is now selected to allow easy editing
    * Apply patch to fix bug #374745 by Brian Kennedy
    * Fixed some bugs in the task editor

File Description Downloads
download icon gtg-0.1.2.tar.gz (md5) 0.1.2 1,731
last downloaded 30 weeks ago
download icon gtg-0.1.2-rc1.tar.gz (md5) 0.1.2-- Release Candidate 1 126
last downloaded 2 days ago
Total downloads: 1,857

110 of 12 releases