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2.4.0 release from the 2.4 series released

Release information
Release notes:

HEK functionality implemented.

File Description Downloads
download icon ~hv-dev_helioviewer.org_trunk-r797.tgz (md5) Code release tarball 395
last downloaded 24 hours ago
Total downloads: 395

2.3.0 release from the 2.3 series released

Release information
Release notes: 2.3.0 is an major release focusing back-end improvements, reuse, and the movie generation experience. Support has been added for embedding into third-party websites, and JSONP support makes it easier for new versions of the front-end to be created which interact with the main back-end. Similarly, the front-end has been
rewritten to allow for easier creation of custom front-end clients without having to reimplement a tiling system, etc.

The back-end queueing system (Helioqueuer) has been ported from Ruby to PHP to allow for better integration with the rest of the back-end, and the movies table structure has been modified for improved time estimation and similarity searching. Additional options (frame-rate and movie length) are offered to a...


New features:

* JSONP support
* Added option display date from last visit when returning to
* Added setting to automatically update images every 5 minutes
* Added support for embedding in other websites
* Added support for specifying frame-rate or duration during movie creation
* Added support for PROBA-2 SWAP data
* Created an installer diagnostic script
* Added support for tracking custom events in Google Analytics
* Movie and screenshot selection rectangle preserved during visit
* Data availability information included in getDateSources response

Bug fixes:

* Fixed bug #691356 JPX Summary file does not exist
* Fixed bug #783497 Port Helioqueuer to PHP
* Fixed bug #903360 Error occurs for certain layer orders when attempting to create AIA/LASCO
* Fixed bug #925542 The minimum width of the display window is too big
* Fixed bug #624857 After clicking “clear history” unfinished requests are still processed, and download links displayed
* Fixed bug #885795 Add image attribution to about dialog
* Fixed bug #888269 Attempt to normalize movie frame-rate instead of duration when possible
* Fixed bug #909795 Normalize date strings for API requests
* Fixed bug #909897 Mark movies that have not finished in less than x hours as Error
* Fixed bug #930628 Improve movie creation time estimation
* Fixed bug #942547 Validate value for dsun before attempting to process in front-side
* Fixed bug #609219 API should return an error message when an invalid parameter is specified in a request
* Fixed bug #783481 Report mouse coordinates immediately upon activation
* Fixed bug #787744 Add a checkSettings method to the UserSettings class to verify user settings integrity
* Fixed bug #876707 Included creation_time in FFmpeg metadata for mp4/webm movies
* Fixed bug #789515 Reduce filesize of WebM movies

Library updates:

* Flowplayer (3.2.7 => 3.2.8)
* jQuery (1.7.0 => 1.7.2)
* jQuery UI (1.8.16 => 1.8.18)
* jQuery.JSON (2.2 => 2.3)
* jQuery imgAreaSelect (0.9.5 => 0.9.8)

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5, sig) 2.3.0 783
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
Total downloads: 783

2.2.2 release from the 2.2 series released

Release information
Release notes: 2.2.2 is an incremental release. This release is focused on sharing. Buttons have been added below movies to make it easier to share the movie on Facebook, Twitter, etc and optional link-shortening has been included for both and movie URLs using Another new feature is a visual glossary. While still a work in progress, the glossary aims to help make it easier to find out what the different terms used on, and also help determine what a partcular feature or event is.


New features:

 * Easy sharing on Facebook, Twitter, etc. using AddThis
 * Added a visual glossary of solar terms
 * URL shortening via
 * Download source JPEG 2000 images associated with an image layer
 * It's now possible to create 1-hour or 28-day movies

Bug fixes:

 * Fixed bug #890721 Prevent redundant videos from being uploaded to YouTube
 * Fixed bug #887154 Have links shared on Facebook use relevant thumbnail.
 * Fixed bug #887634 Add a cap to video queue to avoid excessive wait times
   during heavy usage
 * Fixed bug #887152 Fix an issue causing zoom slider to be improperly
 * Fixed bug #888270 Prevent flash video player from blocking movie links
 * Fixed bug #888585 Escape square brackets in links to enable
   better automatic hyperlinking

Library updates:

 * jQuery (1.6.4 => 1.7)
 * jQuery Mousewheel (3.0.2 => 3.0.6)

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5, sig) 2.2.2 393
last downloaded 8 days ago
Total downloads: 393

2.2.1 release from the 2.2 series released

Release information
Release notes: 2.2.1 is an incremental release. This release focuses mainly on convenience, adding new features to make it easier to share intersting events, and adding better intelligence when it comes to things like handling opacity after a layer is changed. As always, the release includes many other less visible changes aimed at improving performance and reliability.


New features:

 * Movie player now includes a link button which can be used to share links
   to videos in directly.
 * Centering information is now saved across uses and is included in links.
 * Shared videos are now automatically refreshed every couple minutes

Bug fixes:

 * Fixed bug #787009 Adjust styles for icon and panel when screenshot or movie
   manager is opened
 * Fixed bug #789412 Anticipatory instrument selection for STEREO A/B
 * Fixed bug #856619 Cache news feed locally to speed up time to load entries
 * Fixed bug #857007 Movie order reversed in drop down window
 * Fixed bug #784054 Create a more obvious loading indicator
 * Fixed bug #784078 Display a loading indicator in the dialog box when
   checking YouTube authorization
 * Fixed bug #787011 Readjust layer opacity settings when switching layers
 * Fixed bug #797851 SECCHI status does not reflect time lag
 * Fixed bug #797856 Helioviewer links report the wrong time
 * Fixed bug #799960 occasionally requests tiles with
   mismatched filenames and datasource information
 * Fixed bug #788179 more detail in screenshot, movies - ready popup
 * Fixed bug #791863 Screenshot requests that include dates without a
   millisecond component generate incorrect filenames

Library updates:

 * jQuery (1.6 => 1.6.4)
 * jQuery UI (1.8.12 => 1.8.16)

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5, sig) 2.2.1 88
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
Total downloads: 88

2.2.0 release from the 2.2 series released

Release information
Release notes: 2.2.0 is a major release including a number of stability and performance improvements, as well as a large amount of bug fixes. The main focus of this release is the recently added movie and screenshot creation capabilities. A large amount of work has been done to improve the reliability of those features, and also to pave the way for new functionality which will be added in upcoming releases and will be directed at giving users more fine-tuned control over the movie creation process.


New features:

 * STEREO EUVI/COR image support
 * WebM support
 * IE9 HTML5 video support added
 * YouTube video sharing support added
 * New flash video player (Flowplayer)
 * Improved screenshot quality
 * Better mobile support (drag and drop, working sliders, etc)
 * Added a data monitor page (

Bug fixes:

 * Fixed bug #693901 Enable lookup of video properties using only its id
 * Fixed bug #332020 Double-click zoom functioning incorrectly
 * Fixed bug #602756 Optimize movie generation when near end of available data
 * Fixed bug #662607 HTML5 Video format choice should be based on browser and not OS
 * Fixed bug #662897 Avoid using compressed images during movie frame generation
 * Fixed bug #692574 Generate WebM videos for each movie request
 * Fixed bug #701509 Use RSUN instead of CDELT when scaling EIT images
 * Fixed bug #730701 Speed up time with which shared videos appear on
 * Fixed bug #735617 Store meta-information for tiles and screenshots generated by
 * Fixed bug #781148 Use current time as default observation time
 * Fixed bug #193782 Cursor bug in IE
 * Fixed bug #609225 When attempting to use the Flash video browser, perform check for Flash support
 * Fixed bug #612506 Movie pop-up menu returns NaN for older movies
 * Fixed bug #621798 Use jQuery instead of Shadowbox when displaying Link
 * Fixed bug #783483 IE: background image disappears in fullscreen mode
 * Fixed bug #785792 When changing one field in a layer (e.g. observatory) attempt to preserve all other properties
 * Fixed bug #691081 Add a "Share on Youtube" button
 * Fixed bug #696346 Add metadata to generated movies
 * Fixed bug #624817 Media History clear button stops working
 * Fixed bug #666756 First getDataSources query after new data is added becomes very slow
 * Fixed bug #605020 Movies should not include redundant frames
 * Fixed bug #614001 Movie history does not disappear when creating movie
 * Fixed bug #712095 Helioviewer-specific header tags not displayed in information dialog for newer images
 * Fixed bug #725539 When building movies, ignore failures limited to a single frame
 * Fixed bug #387365 Slider bars do not work on Safari on iPod touch
 * Fixed bug #666809 Timestamp text overlaps icons on some Linux systems
 * Fixed bug #669895 For movie generation failures specify whether failure occured during image creation or movie encoding
 * Fixed bug #697191 High-quality video download button is cut-off on some browsers/display screens
 * Fixed bug #700024 Metalinks not easily readable on large screens
 * Fixed bug #704980 Suggestion for a better movie player dialog box title
 * Fixed bug #376995 Make JP2 creation information available via

Library updates:

 * jQuery (1.4.2 => 1.6)
 * jQuery imgAreaSelect (0.9.2 => 0.9.5)
 * jQuery jGrowl (1.2.4 => 1.2.5)
 * jQuery qTip (1.0 r54 => 2.0.0pre)
 * jQuery UI (1.8 => 1.8.12)

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) 2.2.0 release 132
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
Total downloads: 132

2.1.0 release from the 2.0 series released

Release information
Release notes: 2.1.0 is a major release which includes many new features and
a large number of bug fixes. Major features added include: full support for
AIA images, on the fly movie and screenshot creation and a custom resource
management and queuing system.


New features:

 * Overhauled error back-end error handling
 * Support for HEK FRM/Event querying
 * PHP IMagick used in place of convert when available for better performance
   See: for more information
 * Custom FFmpeg wrapper used in place of PHPVideoToolkit
 * FirePHP support
 * Documentation for each back-end module now handled at the module level rather
   than globally
 * IE8 local storage support
 * Conversion from tile coordinates to spatial coordinates now handled
   on front-end
 * Removed dependencies on image archive directory structure
 * Added a JHelioviewer JNLP generation method so that users can easily jump
   from to JHelioviewer
 * Color of image layer timestamps now ranges on a scale from green (near
   requested time) to red (far from requested time). Absolute difference
   is used so that it does not matter whether actual image is ahead or
   behind requested one

Bug fixes:

 * Fixed bug #544338 Edge effects for tiles viewed at higher magnification
 * Fixed bug #605412 Helioviewer-generated Flash movies degrade in quality
   as the movie progresses
 * Fixed bug #614558 Use of IMagick#extentImage results in images with
   incorrect dimensions
 * Fixed bug #619944 Movie history panel occasionally stays in viewport
 * Fixed bug #312205 Sandbox dimensions are too large for C2 and C3 Images
 * Fixed bug #383939 Disable tiling when layer is hidden
 * Fixed bug #508723 Check to see if data exists for each source, or provide
   option to disable a data source
 * Fixed bug #605398 Improve JPX request cadence optimization for non-evenly
   distributed data
 * Fixed bug #605411 Fullscreen, etc. button tooltips are hidden by
   movie/screenshot creation dialogs
 * Fixed bug #608265 Chrome appends .html on movies
 * Fixed bug #610456 FITS header dialog not updated when image is changed
 * Fixed bug #645836 shortcuts for time steps "<" or ">" not working
 * Fixed bug #535645 Add link to uncompressed JavaScript and CSS for better
   "view source" function
 * Fixed bug #544352 backfill JP2s from SOHO mission up to most recent
 * Fixed bug #322857 Sandbox dimensions do not update right away when
   layers are removed
 * Fixed bug #415455 helioviewer logo issues/request

Library updates:

 * jQuery imgAreaSelect (0.8 => 0.9.2)
 * jQuery jGrowl (1.2.0 => 1.2.4)
 * jQuery qTip (1.0 r34 => 1.0 r54)

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5, sig) Helioviewer 2.1.0 Release 92
last downloaded 24 hours ago
Total downloads: 92

2.0.2 release from the 2.0 series released

Release information
Release notes: 2.0.2 is an incremental release adds initial support for
processing and displaying SDO AIA images. Other changes include:

 * Fixed bug #541880: "ie8: Manually entering time or date triggers
 * Fixed bug #334085: "Pop-up sometimes not completely viewable"
 * Fixed bug #322857: "Sandbox dimensions do not update right away when
   layers are removed."
 * Fixed bug #532141: "Add option to get all frames instead of specifying a
 * Added scripts/ - A new tool for routine ingestion of new data.

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) 30
last downloaded 8 days ago
Total downloads: 30

2.0.1 release from the 2.0 series released

Release information
Release notes: 2.0.1 is an incremental release which in addition to adding
backwards support for SOHO v0.6 JPEG 2000 data also includes the following

 * Fixed bug #541883: Helper tooltips remain open even after clicking button
 * Fixed bug #357217: Image layers from previous sessions are sometimes loaded in wrong order
 * Fixed bug #391581: Number of layers allowed at any given time should be limited
 * Fixed bug #539848: IE8 Link button does not generate a valid link
 * Fixed an issue preventing Chrome Frame Installer from displaying in IE
 * Updated jQuery UI 1.7.1 => 1.8
 * Updated jQuery.json => 2.2 (Better native JSON support)
 * Improved support for running in distributed-mode.
 * Added support for outputting messages from PHP to Firebug via the FirePHP library
 * Remov...

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) 16
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
Total downloads: 16

2.0.0 release from the 2.0 series released

Release information
Release notes: 2.0.0
====================== 2.0.0 is a major rewrite of the original version of including a large number of changes to both the server-side and front-end componenets. The main difference between this version and earlier version of Helioviewer are the JPEG 2000 (JP2) tiling engine. While previous versions had very strict requirements regarding the properties of the images to be processed (which required many images to be rescaled and padded and also include additional derrived header information), this release is able to accept a much wider range of images for input.

In addition to the modifications to the tiling engine, other major changes include:

 * Modular server-side capable of running only the desired set of components.
 * Front...

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) 30
last downloaded 7 weeks ago
Total downloads: 30