Registered by Ben Romer

Infinicolor is a coloring book program for Linux and Android, written with Qt 5.


This is a coloring application meant to enable use of CBZ-formatted coloring books on Android phones and Linux desktops. It has a page generator for creating adult coloring book style pages, with a variety of different kinds of procedurally-generated art.

The original intent was to integrate a download shop of some kind, so that artists could sell open-format coloring books and users could easily buy and download them from the internet.

Current features include
- flood fill coloring
- pen based coloring
 - variable size pens for coloring
- load and save work in progress
- open CBZ formatted book files
- generate abstract artwork by drawing random shapes
- generate spirograph-style artwork by drawing lines at fixed turns

Future features include
- internet/cloud save
- one/many shops for downloading CBZ from the internet
- post-process on CBZ images to color reduce and prep for coloring book use
  (for instance, coloring in a manga)
- anything else requested?

It has been tested and found to be generally functional on
- Ubuntu Linux
- Windows 10
- Android 4.0.3 and 5.1

Project information

Ben Romer
Ben Romer

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Infinicolor does not have any download files registered with Launchpad.