Juniper Openstack r4.1.1.0

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Juniper Openstack
Jeba Paulaiyan
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2 Abhay Joshi, 1 Akhil, 7 Ananth Suryanarayana, 3 Andrei Bunghez, 4 Andrey Pavlov, 1 Aniket Gawade, 5 Ankit Jain, 1 Antoine Eiche, 2 Arvind, 2 Ashok Singh, 2 Biswajit Mandal, 1 Bruno Fernando, 1 Chenna Basava B, 1 Deepak Jeyaraman, 1 Divakar Dharanalakota, 2 Frik Botha, 1 Ganesha HV, 3 Hari Prasad Killi, 1 Hariharan Suryakumar, 3 Ignatious Johnson Christopher, 2 Jack Jonnalagadda, 3 Jan Gutter, 2 Jeya ganesh babu J, 5 Kumar Harsh, 5 Madhusudan Bhat, 1 Michal Skalski, 1 Michel Nederlof, 1 Mihai-Costin Broc, 2 Naga Kiran, 2 Nagendra Prasath, 3 Naveen N, 3 Nischal Sheth, 2 Nitish Krishna Kaveri, 6 Parth Sarupria, 1 Pavana, 2 Petr Jediný, 2 Pieter Malan, 2 Prasanna Mucharikar, 2 Prashanth Nageshappa, 6 Pulkit Tandon, 2 Rajiv Sah, 3 Ramprakash R, 1 Ritam Gangopadhyay, 4 Sachchidanand Vaidya, 4 Sachin Bansal, 3 Sahil Sabharwal, 1 Sandeep Sridhar, 5 Sarath, 4 Senthilnathan Murugappan, 1 Shivayogi Ugaji, 2 Siva Bavanasi, 1 Siva Gurumurthy, 6 Sundaresan Rajangam, 3 Suresh Akula, 2 Suresh Balineni, 2 Suresh Vinapamula, 2 Venkatesh Velpula, 1 Wojciech Urbański, 5 Yuvaraja Mariappan, 4 Zhiqiang Cui, 3 alexey-mr, 5 alok kumar, 4 amudhar, 4 aswani kumar, 1 kamlesh parmar, 1 kashif nawaz, 2 manishkn, 2 mkheni, 1 musharani, 1 sangarshan p, 10 shajuvk, 1 tikitavi, 3 wenqing liang, 2 Édouard Thuleau
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
21 Invalid, 15 Won't Fix, 141 Fix Committed, 20 Fix Released

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Build 12 is the GA build

0 blueprints and 197 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1728278 #1728278 Contrail 3.2.5: control-api and other openstack services down in one contro node 2 Critical Deepak Jeyaraman  3 Invalid
1735534 #1735534 rhosp: glance image add failed in sanity. the default stores is set to swift instead of file in glance-api 2 Critical shajuvk  3 Invalid
1763515 #1763515 [RH-Tracking]: OSP10-DCI- undercloud installation failed due to RH dependency 2 Critical shajuvk  3 Invalid
1712389 #1712389 [R4.0 mitaka]contrail-query-engine core seen during sanity 3 High aswani kumar  3 Invalid
1712705 #1712705 R4.0-contrailctl sync failed while doing cassandra user creating again 3 High shajuvk  3 Invalid
1715563 #1715563 contrail-control, contrail-collector and contrail-dns core with backtrace complaining of missing file sigandset.c 3 High wenqing liang  3 Invalid
1729348 #1729348 Config backup not restored post upgrade to 3 High Sachin Bansal  3 Invalid
1729920 #1729920 Only one of the three cirros-webserver-vms respond to curl request causing script failure 3 High wenqing liang  3 Invalid
1734181 #1734181 [EVPN VXLAN] : QFX10K : Gateway Redundancy : ~85sec traffic loss when one of the Spine goes down 3 High manishkn  3 Invalid
1734617 #1734617 [ubuntu-14.04~mitaka-R4.1~5] vcenter-only provisioning: zookeeper is not running 3 High Pavana  3 Invalid
1742283 #1742283 Automation: script issue with test_aap_with_fip/test_bgpaas_basic 3 High wenqing liang  3 Invalid
1742875 #1742875 [R4.1-84]-SLO: Issues in security logging for inter and intra node traffic 3 High Madhusudan Bhat  3 Invalid
1748047 #1748047 Redhat sanity -R4.1.1- contrail-Schema error 3 High shajuvk  3 Invalid
1754860 #1754860 Log query in Web UI shows no results 3 High Biswajit Mandal  3 Invalid
1769323 #1769323 Contrail-Analytics and Contrail-Analytics-DB VM deployment failing 3 High kashif nawaz  3 Invalid
1721897 #1721897 OSP11-4-0-2-RH-DPDK-vdns not working 4 Medium tikitavi  3 Invalid
1730288 #1730288 Provide the description option for Application Policy Set from WebUI 4 Medium Suresh Akula  3 Invalid
1732654 #1732654 Contrail :: R4.1 14.04 46 mitaka :: nova conf file missing database and api_database sections. 4 Medium Nitish Krishna Kaveri  3 Invalid
1735641 #1735641 deletion of the Service instance doesn't error out when it is already associated with a network policy 4 Medium Naga Kiran  3 Invalid
1734860 #1734860 [ubuntu-16.04~ocata-R4.1~5] : contrail-collector cored at sigandset with SIGABRT 5 Low Ananth Suryanarayana  3 Invalid
1751323 #1751323 Contrail provisioning via Server Manager fails because of new GCC version on Ubuntu 14.04 1 Undecided Siva Gurumurthy  3 Invalid
1735029 #1735029 [Openshift Enterprise] : [4.1 Build 5] Pod launching failing as loopback binary missing 2 Critical Sachchidanand Vaidya  4 Won't Fix
1648728 #1648728 Vcenter-only: When Fresh install with kernel 4.4.0-34, compute VM/vrouter down 3 High Sarath  4 Won't Fix
1720448 #1720448 Contrail 3.2.5: Keystone Mitaka: Disabling a project taking a long time (>45 sec) if admin user is associated with the project 3 High Ignatious Johnson Christopher  4 Won't Fix
1727574 #1727574 Failure to launch pods due to missing CNI binaries 3 High Sachchidanand Vaidya  4 Won't Fix
1732288 #1732288 ContrailSecurity: UI need to provide an option to specify protocol and ports as part of Firewall Rule specifications 3 High Suresh Akula  4 Won't Fix
1733850 #1733850 [] node-status alarm not getting generated when supervisor-vrouter is inactive 3 High Ankit Jain  4 Won't Fix
1735057 #1735057 [Openshift Enterprise] : Package docker-py need to be installed manually on target node 3 High Sachchidanand Vaidya  4 Won't Fix
1746494 #1746494 [R5.1 k8s]: In multi controller cluster, Kube manager restart takes 2 minutes to elect the active kube manager. 3 High Prasanna Mucharikar  4 Won't Fix
1654177 #1654177 Tempest Rhel7: slaac subnet cant be deleted with attached port 4 Medium Shivayogi Ugaji  4 Won't Fix
1720434 #1720434 SM provisioning task openstack_destroy to change state only for Openstack nodes 4 Medium Abhay Joshi  4 Won't Fix
1729511 #1729511 tempest test test_create_list_show_update_delete_tags fails 4 Medium Sachin Bansal  4 Won't Fix
1763298 #1763298 [R5.0-6]- UNKNOWN value from response for analytics query can be removed 4 Medium mkheni  4 Won't Fix
1717745 #1717745 Delete oper on k8s/openshift all-in-one YAML file doesn't delete the mount paths, vHost interfaces 5 Low Prasanna Mucharikar  4 Won't Fix
1731131 #1731131 [R4.1-41-newton]: UI- No option to add firewall rule in SLO 5 Low Suresh Akula  4 Won't Fix
1732979 #1732979 contrail-ansible-internal should have a configuration to run ansible in different verbose levels 5 Low Ramprakash R  4 Won't Fix
1572397 #1572397 kernel crash at lh_free in a small scale setup 2 Critical Divakar Dharanalakota  9 Fix Committed
1722773 #1722773 containers: ansible-internal does not set domain name 2 Critical Ignatious Johnson Christopher  9 Fix Committed
1734110 #1734110 Contrail :: 16.04 build 4 Ocata :: metadata ssl fails. 2 Critical Ramprakash R  9 Fix Committed
1735022 #1735022 Analytics RBAC: Need to raise 403 rather than 401 if user doesnt have valid perms 2 Critical Jack Jonnalagadda  9 Fix Committed
1735054 #1735054 RBAC for analytics alarms doesnt work 2 Critical Sundaresan Rajangam  9 Fix Committed
1735081 #1735081 Contrail Networking :: R4.1 14.04 6 mitaka :: haproxy dependency - liblua5.3-0 is missing. 2 Critical amudhar  9 Fix Committed
1736250 #1736250 Need to handle delay between vm launch and lb traffic check 2 Critical Senthilnathan Murugappan  9 Fix Committed
1737308 #1737308 Vcenter-as-compute: contrail-vrouter-nodemgr stay "initializing" with collector-down 2 Critical kamlesh parmar  9 Fix Committed
1737857 #1737857 R4.0-137 SM provision stuck with dependency failures 2 Critical amudhar  9 Fix Committed
1737861 #1737861 Vcenter-as-compute: contrail-collector core seen #54 build 2 Critical mkheni  9 Fix Committed
1743900 #1743900 RHOSP provision failed. Config database failed to come up 2 Critical alexey-mr  9 Fix Committed
1746719 #1746719 containers: R4.X ConfigDB page doesn't work 2 Critical Naga Kiran  9 Fix Committed
1747971 #1747971 R4.X containers: missing cassandra's auth info in nodemgr 2 Critical Michal Skalski  9 Fix Committed
1750699 #1750699 R4.1-redhat deployment failed. Error:-resource validation failed 2 Critical alexey-mr  9 Fix Committed
1751124 #1751124 DPDK Compute cannot communicate to the gateway in datapath- cannot ping the gateway 2 Critical Naveen N  9 Fix Committed
1752270 #1752270 vcenter only:xmpp_auth not enabled in the agent 2 Critical Kumar Harsh  9 Fix Committed
1764537 #1764537 RHOSP:7.5 contrail vrouter ko module insertion failed after redhat 7.5 (new release) kernel version change 2 Critical Kumar Harsh  9 Fix Committed
1770734 #1770734 RHOSP: OSp10-RHEL-7-5: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel 2 Critical Kumar Harsh  9 Fix Committed
1772156 #1772156 ip_count_list increments even if port creation is not successfull 2 Critical Suresh Vinapamula  9 Fix Committed
1772160 #1772160 DM restart changes irb IP address and old IP is no longer usable 2 Critical Suresh Balineni  9 Fix Committed
1701426 #1701426 Incorrect response from analytics api server when queried for number of VMIs greater than 48K 3 High Sundaresan Rajangam  9 Fix Committed
1714004 #1714004 DM: Config removed after I extend VN and try to ping to lo0 address from VM 3 High Suresh Balineni  9 Fix Committed
1719430 #1719430 Openshift : [Build] contrail-kube-manager failed to come up due to log permission issue 3 High Aniket Gawade  9 Fix Committed
1721705 #1721705 [] BGP session doesn't come up between BGPaaS-client and ctrl node after the BGPaaS Service port range is modified 3 High sangarshan p  9 Fix Committed
1722706 #1722706 Gateway_less_Fwd: vrouter agent crash observed @boost::asio::ip::address::operator=, PktFlowInfo::OverlayForwarding, PktFlowInfo::VrfTranslate 3 High Naveen N  9 Fix Committed
1725461 #1725461 Contrail 3.1 : Need to upgrade the keepalived package to 1.2.20 or beyond 3 High amudhar  9 Fix Committed
1729765 #1729765 Enable test_03_redis_uve_restart 3 High Sundaresan Rajangam  9 Fix Committed
1732287 #1732287 ContrailSecurity: UI needs to allow adding labels to address-group object 3 High Akhil  9 Fix Committed
1733020 #1733020 Lbaas Healthmonitor not working 3 High Yuvaraja Mariappan  9 Fix Committed
1733107 #1733107 LBaaSv2 API output incomplete for listener and loadbalancer objects 3 High Michel Nederlof  9 Fix Committed
1734790 #1734790 RBAC: sm-lite doesnt enable rbac in api-paste.ini for neutron 3 High Abhay Joshi  9 Fix Committed
1734809 #1734809 SM provision of r4.1-5 ocata cluster failed in for all non-openstack nodes 3 High Sachin Bansal  9 Fix Committed
1735351 #1735351 [R4.1-5]: Total forward pkt count in session logs are wrong sometime for UDP sessions when tcp and udp both traffic is running together 3 High Madhusudan Bhat  9 Fix Committed
1735558 #1735558 Potential freed memory access during evpn segment deletion 3 High Ananth Suryanarayana  9 Fix Committed
1735563 #1735563 Sanity: script test_underlay_broadcast_traffic_handling fails Vcenter scenario 3 High Sarath  9 Fix Committed
1735582 #1735582 same job runs and reports different number of tests 3 High Senthilnathan Murugappan  9 Fix Committed
1735590 #1735590 [Openshift/K8S] : When configuring SNAT router host losing connectivity 3 High Yuvaraja Mariappan  9 Fix Committed
1735874 #1735874 K8S: Analytics services fail when 3 node HA setup is brought up using single yaml 3 High Sundaresan Rajangam  9 Fix Committed
1735880 #1735880 contrail status/alarm checks need to be wrapped around retry and time limit avoid timing error 3 High Senthilnathan Murugappan  9 Fix Committed
1736108 #1736108 vrouter kernel module does not compile on CentOS 7 3 High Wojciech Urbański  9 Fix Committed
1736279 #1736279 RHOSP:Alarm-gen provisioning is not configured for all alarms 3 High alexey-mr  9 Fix Committed
1736365 #1736365 Sub tabs are not getting displayed in UI in test environment 3 High Hariharan Suryakumar  9 Fix Committed
1737018 #1737018 automation: aap testcase fails while verifying vrrp action 3 High Ganesha HV  9 Fix Committed
1737261 #1737261 Sanity: test_verify_generator_collector_connections fails due to gw parameter on 3 High Sarath  9 Fix Committed
1737262 #1737262 Sanity: VM create tests fails due to timeout when Vcenter due to copying vcenter-datastore 3 High Sarath  9 Fix Committed
1737265 #1737265 Sanity: .tearDownClass (serial_scripts.md5.test_md5.TestMd5testsOnControl) 3 High Sarath  9 Fix Committed
1738255 #1738255 4.1 vCenter: perms2 property is passed without ‘owner’ in PUT request . Api-server should reject this. 3 High Siva Bavanasi  9 Fix Committed
1738935 #1738935 [R4.1]encp and intf mirroring testcases are failing due to tcpdump timinig issue 3 High aswani kumar  9 Fix Committed
1739010 #1739010 Bad comparison reported by Coverity in vr_nexthop.c 3 High Andrei Bunghez  9 Fix Committed
1739844 #1739844 Storage: Storage osd stats are not pushed to analytics 3 High Jeya ganesh babu J  9 Fix Committed
1740996 #1740996 native provider can not be configured from neutron lbaas v2 3 High Yuvaraja Mariappan  9 Fix Committed
1741142 #1741142 Optimize /analytics/uves/<table>/* request queries 3 High Sundaresan Rajangam  9 Fix Committed
1741311 #1741311 Gateway_less_Fwd: ACL should have rule to deny traffic to ip-fabric even if there's no network policy 3 High Nagendra Prasath  9 Fix Committed
1741836 #1741836 Automation- Flow export is changed to session export now, need to fix flow export test cases 3 High alok kumar  9 Fix Committed
1742012 #1742012 RHOSP-Qos test case failed due to SFTPError: Garbage packet received 3 High shajuvk  9 Fix Committed
1742831 #1742831 RHOSP:SVC test case (bridge image) are failed. ping to metadata was skipped 3 High shajuvk  9 Fix Committed
1743355 #1743355 SI lbaas resource leak on deletion 3 High Yuvaraja Mariappan  9 Fix Committed
1743508 #1743508 [R4.1-84]-SLO: adding tag in SLO does not add associated firewall rules to SLO 3 High Ashok Singh  9 Fix Committed
1743590 #1743590 Duplicated instance-ip backrefs in DB 3 High Édouard Thuleau  9 Fix Committed
1743669 #1743669 RHOSP: test_mac_learning_subIntf_single_isid failed due to fqname match failure 3 High shajuvk  9 Fix Committed
1744663 #1744663 [R4.1-84]- UI- Bad reference Error while adding policy/sg to SLO from config editor 3 High Rajiv Sah  9 Fix Committed
1744690 #1744690 [R4.1-84]- SLO: Teardown sessions not getting logged 3 High Madhusudan Bhat  9 Fix Committed
1744717 #1744717 [R5.0-93-ocata]- Agent core seen in sanity, at PktFlowInfo::EgressProcess(PktInfo const*, PktControlInfo*, PktControlInfo*) () 3 High Hari Prasad Killi  9 Fix Committed
1744914 #1744914 [R4.1-84]- SLO: unnecessary sessions getting logged without logged bytes/pkts for all the sessions which are not logged because of SLO rate 3 High Madhusudan Bhat  9 Fix Committed
1746578 #1746578 [DPDK]MetaSwitch Perimeta VOIP VNF fails in with mergeable buffer enabled 3 High Jeya ganesh babu J  9 Fix Committed
1747915 #1747915 contrail-database-nodemgr systemd unit needs to allow access to /var/log/cassandra 3 High Sundaresan Rajangam  9 Fix Committed
1748058 #1748058 rhosp-service monitor error while running heat test cases 3 High Yuvaraja Mariappan  9 Fix Committed
1748233 #1748233 Policy scripts failing due to ping_to_vn return value change. 3 High Ritam Gangopadhyay  9 Fix Committed
1748445 #1748445 Systemd support for contrail-api workers is missing 3 High Petr Jediný  9 Fix Committed
1749610 #1749610 R4.1-96-vnc -api project update failed 3 High Ignatious Johnson Christopher  9 Fix Committed
1749905 #1749905 [R3.2 vcenter_only]Ports getting deleted on restart of vcenter_plugin 3 High amudhar  9 Fix Committed
1750326 #1750326 [R4.1.1.0-97]- contrail-status throws "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'svc_workers' referenced before assignment" 3 High Zhiqiang Cui  9 Fix Committed
1752407 #1752407 Able to create a virtual network when Quota limit is already reached. 3 High Sahil Sabharwal  9 Fix Committed
1753397 #1753397 Attach OriginVN extended community for IP Fabric routes duplicated from VPN table 3 High Ananth Suryanarayana  9 Fix Committed
1753456 #1753456 Contrail GUI cannot be accessed (connection refused) 3 High Mihai-Costin Broc  9 Fix Committed
1753922 #1753922 [R4.1-97]- agent crash at boost::intrusive::list_node_traits<void*>::get_next 3 High Ashok Singh  9 Fix Committed
1754765 #1754765 RHOSP10: R3.2.9: openstack-analytics installation failed due to dependency python-net-snmp 3 High Arvind  9 Fix Committed
1755151 #1755151 Initialize XmppServer::dscp_value_ 3 High Ananth Suryanarayana  9 Fix Committed
1755382 #1755382 [ Build : ][contrail-snmp-collector]: Exception NotFoundException connecting to Config DB 3 High Zhiqiang Cui  9 Fix Committed
1756791 #1756791 During contrail-control shutdown, disable uve timer before its deletion 3 High Ananth Suryanarayana  9 Fix Committed
1756841 #1756841 device sending rtt and jitter in us 3 High Parth Sarupria  9 Fix Committed
1757364 #1757364 [R4.1-106]-Automation- AttributeError in VM fixture while VM cleanup 3 High alok kumar  9 Fix Committed
1758304 #1758304 [R4.1-106]- Automation: fix scp test cases, copy ssh-keys to VM 3 High alok kumar  9 Fix Committed
1758835 #1758835 [R4.1-105]- Use control data ip of vrouter for queries from analytics 3 High alok kumar  9 Fix Committed
1758847 #1758847 API traceback when tag deleted 3 High Édouard Thuleau  9 Fix Committed
1758862 #1758862 Need to modify the script to create floating ip as per new UI changes 3 High musharani  9 Fix Committed
1761139 #1761139 [R5.0-50]- NoIdError: Unknown id Error while reading the project with fqname 3 High Suresh Vinapamula  9 Fix Committed
1763656 #1763656 Fix vrouter and dpdk modules building on RHEL 7.5 3 High Kumar Harsh  9 Fix Committed
1766654 #1766654 contrail-charms: add option to disable external content 3 High Andrey Pavlov  9 Fix Committed
1766925 #1766925 Cleanup 'direct' VNIC semantics, preparing for offloads 3 High Jan Gutter  9 Fix Committed
1767107 #1767107 vRouter kernel datapath hardware offload hooks not available 3 High Frik Botha  9 Fix Committed
1767111 #1767111 The deployment tooling for agilio-vrouter is missing from Server-Manager in R4.1 3 High Pieter Malan  9 Fix Committed
1769894 #1769894 Add OPCO support for tenant metrics UVE keys 3 High Parth Sarupria  9 Fix Committed
1770556 #1770556 reconnecting kafka from structured_syslog_kakfa_forwarder after kakfa restart 3 High Parth Sarupria  9 Fix Committed
1772402 #1772402 Pass vhostuser mode and path to Nova 3 High Jan Gutter  9 Fix Committed
1772612 #1772612 Enable Agilio vRouter offloads in Nova 3 High Jan Gutter  9 Fix Committed
1772989 #1772989 RHOSP net-snmp package dependcy needs to remove for redhat integration 3 High Jack Jonnalagadda  9 Fix Committed
1774414 #1774414 vRouter DPDK not working with Netronome NICs 3 High Frik Botha  9 Fix Committed
38694 #38694 No XChat in Dapper 4 Medium   9 Fix Committed
1704746 #1704746 custom SSL certificate for Contrail WebUI 4 Medium Biswajit Mandal  9 Fix Committed
1717137 #1717137 Vcenter-as-compute: SM provisioning rabbitmq-server shown inactive on contrail-status and stay across reboots 4 Medium Nagendra Prasath  9 Fix Committed
1721406 #1721406 puppet-agent error when Heat Encryption key has all numbers 4 Medium Nitish Krishna Kaveri  9 Fix Committed
1721900 #1721900 RH-dpdk-ecmp and svc mirror test case failed due to tcp dump check in test case 4 Medium Ankit Jain  9 Fix Committed
1722398 #1722398 BGPaaS: allow port-start and port-end in bgpaas-parameters to be modified 4 Medium Sahil Sabharwal  9 Fix Committed
1729679 #1729679 Add ContrailConfig UVE for tags, projects, firewall-policys and firewall-rules 4 Medium Zhiqiang Cui  9 Fix Committed
1733670 #1733670 [R4.1 mainline]Automation for session flow collection in analytics feature 4 Medium aswani kumar  9 Fix Committed
1733684 #1733684 ContrailSecurity: Addressgroup match should do OR of both subnet and label rather than AND 4 Medium Naveen N  9 Fix Committed
1734730 #1734730 Make bgp unit tests more robust 4 Medium Nischal Sheth  9 Fix Committed
1734731 #1734731 Reject bgpaas sessions from iBGP peers 4 Medium Nischal Sheth  9 Fix Committed
1735397 #1735397 [R4.1-5]: kernel flow page in introspect does not show next page flows 4 Medium Hari Prasad Killi  9 Fix Committed
1735416 #1735416 [R4.1-5]: local_ip/service port field name in session logs in syslog is not appropriate 4 Medium Arvind  9 Fix Committed
1735560 #1735560 Initialize label correctly in RibOut constructor 4 Medium Ananth Suryanarayana  9 Fix Committed
1736160 #1736160 Coverity issues in vrouter utilities 4 Medium Andrei Bunghez  9 Fix Committed
1736580 #1736580 RHOSP:VDNS test failed: service verification in test code expecting the service in control_data network 4 Medium Senthilnathan Murugappan  9 Fix Committed
1741182 #1741182 Default GR Parameters in UI and provision file should match with schema 4 Medium Ananth Suryanarayana  9 Fix Committed
1742882 #1742882 [R4.1-84]-UI- SLO creation without rule uuid does not add all the rules of SG/policy 4 Medium Rajiv Sah  9 Fix Committed
1743737 #1743737 [R4.1-84]- SLO: matching sessions are getting logged 2 times of the expected rate 4 Medium Madhusudan Bhat  9 Fix Committed
1749718 #1749718 Hardcoded file paths in contrail-web-core 4 Medium Petr Jediný  9 Fix Committed
1753373 #1753373 last message in tcp buffer is not processed 4 Medium Prashanth Nageshappa  9 Fix Committed
1765523 #1765523 allow colon ':' in the key of KeyValuePair 4 Medium Sachin Bansal  9 Fix Committed
1766281 #1766281 contrail-charms: add option to chose if public or internal Openstack endpoints are configured 4 Medium Andrey Pavlov  9 Fix Committed
1766508 #1766508 tempest security group test fails due to null security group description 4 Medium Bruno Fernando  9 Fix Committed
1770123 #1770123 Memory leak in contrail-collector after kafka restart 4 Medium Zhiqiang Cui  9 Fix Committed
1708082 #1708082 Add UTs for routing policy protocol and prefix match 6 Wishlist Nischal Sheth  9 Fix Committed
1650316 #1650316 Add monitor option to rt tool (such as ip mon route) 1 Undecided Antoine Eiche  9 Fix Committed
1702414 #1702414 Contrail-UI : User Defined Dashboard (UDD) feature should be enabled by default 1 Undecided Chenna Basava B  9 Fix Committed
1724132 #1724132 Active contrail-device-manager started flipping between initializing and active for a span of time. 1 Undecided Sandeep Sridhar  9 Fix Committed
1727500 #1727500 Enable TLS encryption between API server and Cassandra 1 Undecided Sahil Sabharwal  9 Fix Committed
1731876 #1731876 Automation : Add a test case to check openstack status 1 Undecided Ankit Jain  9 Fix Committed
1736065 #1736065 kube-manager doesn't start because of missing supervisor config files 1 Undecided Sachchidanand Vaidya  9 Fix Committed
1736066 #1736066 ignore uplink-* when uplink-incoming-interface-name is N/A 1 Undecided Prashanth Nageshappa  9 Fix Committed
1736653 #1736653 [UI] Service Instances page throws an error in case of vcenter mode 1 Undecided Siva Bavanasi  9 Fix Committed
1737141 #1737141 Coverity issues in vrouter dp-core 1 Undecided Andrei Bunghez  9 Fix Committed
1737443 #1737443 Tests failing with "ImportError: cannot import name _auth" 1 Undecided   9 Fix Committed
1744306 #1744306 [vcenter_only]Adding few testcases for vcenter only sanity 1 Undecided aswani kumar  9 Fix Committed
1761075 #1761075 Calculation of link-score on the basis of sla-profile 1 Undecided Parth Sarupria  9 Fix Committed
1761675 #1761675 Change condition for updating session_switch_count 1 Undecided Parth Sarupria  9 Fix Committed
1767110 #1767110 The deployment tooling for agilio-vrouter is missing from R4.1 1 Undecided Pieter Malan  9 Fix Committed
1771644 #1771644 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Timeout' 1 Undecided   9 Fix Committed
1771807 #1771807 Sample counts getting updated for other elements in struct when calculating derived stats. 1 Undecided   9 Fix Committed
1772605 #1772605 check and update the violation count for all SLAs in SLA_METRIC_VIOLATION_SYSLOG 1 Undecided Parth Sarupria  9 Fix Committed
1716297 #1716297 Provisioning fails for open stack HA with SMLite on Ocata 2 Critical Ramprakash R  10 Fix Released
1738727 #1738727 [k8s] Need to comment SNAT test case in K8s Sanity because of associated bug 2 Critical Pulkit Tandon  10 Fix Released
1744878 #1744878 [R4.1-89]- keepalived version mismatch, required version 1.2.13-0~276~ubuntu14.04.1 not found 2 Critical alok kumar  10 Fix Released
1730279 #1730279 osapi_compute_workers need to be controlled either by the number of cpus on the node or provide an option in provisioing 3 High Kumar Harsh  10 Fix Released
1735570 #1735570 Sanity: scripts test_network_route_table & test_sec_group_basic fails Vcenter scenario 3 High manishkn  10 Fix Released
1735652 #1735652 [R4.1 Build 7]: VM object deletion takes 3 minutes after k8s POD deletion 3 High Hari Prasad Killi  10 Fix Released
1740445 #1740445 RHOSP:Ansible not installing NTP service in undercloud, Sanity test cases are failed due to time mismatch 3 High shajuvk  10 Fix Released
1743635 #1743635 RHOSP:Int mirror test case failed due to pcap file check 3 High Ankit Jain  10 Fix Released
1744281 #1744281 [Automation]: Adding a sleep in the script to avoid failure of creation of deployment 3 High Pulkit Tandon  10 Fix Released
1744826 #1744826 RHOSP: dpdk and tsn configuration support needed through contrail-ooo-deployer 3 High shajuvk  10 Fix Released
1745411 #1745411 [K8s_Automation]: Enhancing the automation suite with few more tests 3 High Pulkit Tandon  10 Fix Released
1745415 #1745415 [K8s_Automation]: Enhancing the automation infra to accommodate new test cases 3 High Pulkit Tandon  10 Fix Released
1746094 #1746094 Juju charms: make charms version independent 3 High Andrey Pavlov  10 Fix Released
1749676 #1749676 [K8s-Automation]: Sanity test cases failure due to cleanup timing issue 3 High Pulkit Tandon  10 Fix Released
1750484 #1750484 k8s_automation :adding few cases for existing k8s scripts list 3 High Venkatesh Velpula  10 Fix Released
1750571 #1750571 k8s_automation :adding few cases for existing k8s scripts list 3 High Venkatesh Velpula  10 Fix Released
1754863 #1754863 Flow Series in Web UI shows no results 3 High Andrey Pavlov  10 Fix Released
1744277 #1744277 [Automation]: Upgrade the Python kubernetes version 4 Medium Pulkit Tandon  10 Fix Released
1736577 #1736577 R4.1-RHOSP-test_verify_object_logs test case failed. Wrong url verification 5 Low shajuvk  10 Fix Released
1730366 #1730366 test_contrail_status test case output needs to show detailed information 1 Undecided Ankit Jain  10 Fix Released
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