* API for undirected / directed Graph, Data
* import/export in gexf v1.0 et v1.1draft
* data type checking
* RelaxNG and XSD validator
* Perl5, PHP5, Python 2.5 and Java 1.6 binding (see sources)
Tested config:
* GNU-Linux-x32 Ubuntu 8.10 ; Python 2.5 ; PHP 5.2.6 ; Java
Usage (c++):
* add -I/usr/include/libgexf -I/usr/include/libxml2 to the g++ compiler options
* add -lgexf -lxml2 to the g++ linker options
* insert #include <libgexf/libgexf.h> in your C++ program. Namespace: libgexf
Usage (python, java, perl, php):
* see related readmes
* libxml2
* libc6
Known Issues:
No one...for the moment :)
API documentation:
* http://gexf.net/lib/api/ (up-to date)
* https://launchpad.net/libgexf (bug tracking, blueprint su...