Here you can see the people who have earned the most Launchpad karma while working on lp-archive. (What is karma?)


Person Project Karma Total Karma
Ines Almeida 1423 790298
Guruprasad 528 1646191
Jürgen Gmach 343 17047
Otto Co-Pilot 237 104757
Simone Pelosi 211 33480
Clinton Fung 171 990263
Quentin Debhi 66 422
Colin Watson 26 34388
Jehudi 4 4

By category

Person Bug Management Karma Total Karma
Ines Almeida 10 790298
Jehudi 4 4
Colin Watson 0 34388
Dimitri John Ledkov 0 32827
Person Code Karma Total Karma
Ines Almeida 1413 790298
Guruprasad 529 1646191
Jürgen Gmach 343 17047
Otto Co-Pilot 237 104757
Simone Pelosi 211 33480
Clinton Fung 171 990263
Quentin Debhi 66 422
Colin Watson 26 34388
Andrey Fedoseev 0 0