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110 of 11 releases

2.1.1 release from the 2-series series released

Release information

2.1.0 - 2.1.1
1. fix a bug of missing en translation

File Description Downloads
download icon lrcShow-X_2_1_1.tar.bz2 (md5) 2.1.1 2,919
last downloaded 4 days ago
Total downloads: 2,919

2.0.0 release from the 2-series series released

Release information
Release notes:

the first release of 2 series


1. fix the bug of avoiding deleting the last selected engine by double click item in multisearch setting page
2. improve the logical of searching lrc file
3. window title change immediately after changing the title bar info setting
4. auto/manually launch supported media player when there is no player detected
5. auto update configuration file silently
6. add a simple setting wizard when first run
7. re-write strategy setting dialog
8. improve preference dialog
9. delete an unnecessary setting item in filter setting dialog
10. separate search local lrc code as a module
11. add clementine support
12. add tuneWiki as the 14th search engine
13. fix a bug that can't centered the current lyrics in fullscreen display mode when change font
14. window height could be changed by dragging the edge of window
15. fix a bug that multi-search mode cause segment fault
16. fix drag-drop function
17. fix a bug that the current lyrics line can't be centered when change the line margin
18. add deadbeef support (need add dbus patch)
19. fix an endless loop bug
. auto quit after the player quits

File Description Downloads
download icon auto_quit.patch (md5) patch for saving settings when auto quits 193
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon lrcShow-X_2_0_0.tar.bz2 (md5) lrcShow-X_2_0_0 815
last downloaded 3 days ago
Total downloads: 1,008

1.4.2 release from the 1-series series released

Release information

1. fix a encode bug in advanced search dialog (lp: bug# 587078)
2. adjust a parameter to reduce unnecessary sync, especially with mpd, qmmp
3. fix a error in documents

File Description Downloads
download icon lrcShow-X_1_4_2.tar.bz2 (md5) lrcShow-X-1_4_2 444
last downloaded 53 weeks ago
Total downloads: 444

1.4.1 release from the 1-series series released

Release information

1. fix a bug that failed in saving settings
2. the state of dock widgets in lrc editor could be saved
3. enable all scroll effects in 1 line mode
4. remove the border around the main window (thanks to mouli@kdecn and imlxq@ubuntu-cn)
5. fix a bug of fetching lrc from ttPlayer engine (thanks to Aaron Lewis)
6. fix a bug of showing wrong window contents when change display effect and there is no lrc
7. add Czech translation

File Description Downloads
download icon lrcShow-X_1_4_1.tar.bz2 (md5) lrcShow-X-1_4_1 191
last downloaded 53 weeks ago
Total downloads: 191

1.4.0 release from the 1-series series released

Release information
Release notes:

mpd and xmms2 support
new scroll effect


1. application would search all strategies in all conditions
2. add track file info in relation dialog
3. fix a bug that the "save" button in lrc editor is always enabled after sync
4. add "lyrics margin" setting
5. fix a bug of updating "lrcpath" setting item
6. add a function of detecting lrc file with recursion
7. add youdao as the 13th search engine
8. fix an encoding bug of opening the lrc which is from net in lrc editor
9. add mpd support (need mpDris installed)
10. add xmms2 support (need xmms2-mpris-bridge started)
11. fix a bug of getting media file's location
12. add "mpDris" and "xmms2-mpris-bridge" as addons
13. force showing the lyrics with horizontal mode when line=1
14. roll the lyrics smoothly under horizontal mode
15. fix a bug of handling the last line of lyrics
16. add "set display effect" menu item
17. fix a bug of locating lyrics error when change track
18. improve detectig the location of lyrics when change display mode or show-line
19. avoid more than one net searching thread at the same time
20. fix a bug that the spin box in tray icon setting page is enabled when the the system tray function is disabled
21. set timer for animation as linear
22. fix a bug that timer does not start from 0, it happens in pyqt4<4.7 (thanks to yingfei)
23. add pt_BR translation

File Description Downloads
download icon lrcShow-X-1_4_0.tar.bz2 (md5) lrcShow-X-1_4_0 111
last downloaded 29 weeks ago
Total downloads: 111

1.3.3 release from the 1-series series released

Release information

1. improve the method of detecting application instance
2. enable the function of choosing lrc file from local or internet in list dialog by double click
3. fix a translation bug of current strategy in strategy dialog
4. fix a bug of detecting media file's name when application works with quodlibet
5. app could search local lrc by track's name even without track's tag information and enable "Search lrc only when has full tag information"
6. app could search embed lrc by track's name even without track's tag information and enable "Search lrc only when has full tag information", but should enable "Prioritize the lrc in media file"
7. now lrc editor could process not only local lrc file, but also embed lrc and the lrc from internet
8. fix a bug that lrc editor could not get the player's status when status is changed from menu, fast setting bar or player
9. add "next track" and "prev track" function in lrc editor
10. realize a function of sync to current track data in lrc editor
11. add "Sync mode" switch in lrc editor
12. update the build-in documents
13. fix a bug of having a wrong normal window height when display mode is switched from fullscreen and font has been changed in fullscreen mode
14. add Danish translation
15. add Indonesian translation
16. adjust the the order of searching lrc

File Description Downloads
download icon lrcShow-X-1_3_3.tar.bz2 (md5) lrcShow-X-1.3.3 365
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
Total downloads: 365

1.3.2 release from the 1-series series released

Release information

1. start signal listening thread after constructing the window
2. lrc file would be matched when "title" and "artist" in lrc file's name, or the base names of lrc file and media file are the same
3. use media file's name instead of artist and title information in database as the identity of a track
4. realize lrc file drop in function, including web link and local lrc file
5. fix a bug of saving lrc failed when the tag information includ special character (thanks to nihui@magic linux)
6. now launching the application doesn't need under the src's path
7. application would search the "remember" strategy in database even no tag information and enable "Search lrc only when has full tag information"
8. adjust icons' size to fit for qt-4.6.0
9. fix "totalSeekTime" error
10. add "auto embed lrc into media file" function
11. fix a bug that advanced search dialog shut down when press "return" button

File Description Downloads
download icon lrcShow-X-1_3_2.tar.bz2 (md5) lrcShow-X-1.3.2 87
last downloaded 11 weeks ago
Total downloads: 87

1.3.1 release from the 1-series series released

Release information

1. get correct track information when download lyrics in lrceditor
2. improve the scroll effect
3. optimize the code of scroll section
4. disable the transparency display mode when qt version < 4.5.0

File Description Downloads
download icon lrcShow-X-1_3_1.tar.bz2 (md5) lrcShow-X-1.3.1 57
last downloaded 29 weeks ago
Total downloads: 57

1.3.0 release from the 1-series series released

Release information

1. disable downloading plain lyrics when lrceditor start-up
2. add download plain lyrics menu in lrceditor
3. add essential player control function in lrceditor
4. add multi-search mode
5. fix a bug in cdmi search engine
6. disable the "just this" menu item after downloading the lrc from advanced search dialog
7. add transparency background effect
8. add Spanish translation
9. update ailrc search engine (lp: bug #484074)
10. disable the download function in lrceditor when the media player is stopped
11. fix the default config file when the first run (lp: bug #484656)
12. update translations

File Description Downloads
download icon lrcShow-X.tar.bz2 (md5) lrcShow-X-1.3.0 53
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
Total downloads: 53

1.2.2 release from the 1-series series released

Release information

1. add "search internet" function after setting current search engine
2. add "CTRL+Q" shortcut as a method that quit the application (lp: bug #443430)
3. enable "CTRL+C" to quit the application in console (lp: bug #443428)
4. fix a bug that application crash with rhythmbox when a song is tagged with a wrong encoding (lp: bug #443414)
5. added ALSong search engine
6. improve the performance with rhythmbox player
7. add shortcuts of media player control: stop(Ctrl+S), pause/play(Space), next(Ctrl+N), prev(Ctrl+V)
8. fix a bug that config file dialog error
9. add Ukrainian, Traditional Chinese, Russian, Malay, Croatian translations

File Description Downloads
download icon lrcShow-X.tar.bz2 (md5) lrcShow-X-1.2.2 120
last downloaded 29 weeks ago
Total downloads: 120

110 of 11 releases