GNU Mailman 3.0.0a8 "Where's My Thing?"

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GNU Mailman
Code name:
Where's My Thing?
Barry Warsaw
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23 Barry Warsaw
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1 Invalid, 24 Fix Released

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Release notes 

3.0 alpha 8 -- "Where's My Thing?"

 * Factor out bounce detection to `flufl.bounce`.
 * Unrecognized bounces can now also be forwarded to the site owner.
 * mailman.qrunner log is renamed to mailman.runner
 * master-qrunner.lck -> master.lck
 * ->
 * Four new events are created, and notifications are sent during mailing list
   lifecycle changes:
   - ListCreatingEvent - sent before the mailing list is created
   - ListCreatedEvent - sent after the mailing list is created
   - ListDeletingEvent - sent before the mailing list is deleted
   - ListDeletedEvent - sent after the mailing list is deleted
 * Four new events are created, and notifications are sent during domain
   lifecycle changes:
   - DomainCreatingEvent - sent before the domain is created
   - DomainCreatedEvent - sent after the domain is created
   - DomainDeletingEvent - sent before the domain is deleted
   - DomainDeletedEvent - sent after the domain is deleted
 * Using the above events, when a domain is deleted, associated mailing lists
   are deleted. (LP: #837526)
 * IDomain.email_host -> .mail_host (LP: #831660)
 * User and Member ids are now proper UUIDs.
 * Improved the way enums are stored in the database, so that they are more
   explicitly expressed in the code, and more database efficient.

 * Preferences for addresses, users, and members can be accessed, changed, and
   deleted through the REST interface. Hierarchical, combined preferences for
   members, and system preferences can be read through the REST interface.
   (LP: #821438)
 * The IMailingList attribute ``host_name`` has been renamed to ``mail_host``
   for consistency. This changes the REST API for mailing list
   resources. (LP: #787599)
 * New REST resource http://.../members/find can be POSTed to in order to find
   member records. Optional arguments are `subscriber` (email address to
   search for), `fqdn_listname`, and `role` (i.e. MemberRole). (LP: #799612)
 * You can now query or change a member's `delivery_mode` attribute through
   the REST API (LP: #833132). Given by Stephen A. Goss.
 * New REST resource http://.../<domain>/lists can be GETed in order to find
   all the mailing lists in a specific domain (LP: #829765). Given by
   Stephen A. Goss.
 * Fixed /lists/<fqdn_listname>/<role>/<email> (LP: #825570)
 * Remove role plurals from /lists/<fqdn_listname/rosters/<role>
 * Fixed incorrect error code for /members/<bogus> (LP: #821020). Given by
   Stephen A. Goss.
 * DELETE users via the REST API. (LP: #820660)
 * Moderators and owners can be added via REST (LP: #834130). Given by
   Stephen A. Goss.
 * Getting the roster or configuration of a nonexistent list did not give a
   404 error (LP: #837676). Given by Stephen A. Goss.
 * PATCHing an invalid attribute on a member did not give a 400 error
   (LP: #833376). Given by Stephen A. Goss.
 * Getting the memberships for a non-existent address did not give a 404 error
   (LP: #848103). Given by Stephen A. Goss.

 * bin/qrunner is renamed to bin/runner.
 * `bin/mailman aliases` gains -f and -s options.
 * `bin/mailman create` no longer allows a list to be created with bogus owner
   addresses. (LP: #778687)

 * Update the COPYING file to contain the GPLv3. (LP: #790994)
 * Major terminology change: ban the terms "queue runners" and "qrunners" since
   not all runners manage queue directories. Just call them "runners". Also,
   the master is now just called "the master runner".

 * New configuration variable in [devmode] section, called `wait` which sets
   the timeout value used in the test suite for starting up subprocesses.
 * Handle SIGTERM in the REST server so that the test suite always shuts down
   correctly. (LP: #770328)

Other bugs and changes
 * Moderating a message with Action.accept now sends the message. (LP: #827697)
 * Fix AttributeError triggered by i18n call in autorespond_to_sender()
   (LP: #827060)
 * Local timezone in X-Mailman-Approved-At caused test failure. (LP: #832404)
 * InvalidEmailAddressError no longer repr()'s its value.
 * Rewrote a test for compatibility between Python 2.6 and 2.7. (LP: #833208)


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 25 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
799689 #799689 Add API call >>>delete_domain("") 5 Low Barry Warsaw  3 Invalid
827697 #827697 Moderating a message with Action.accept does not cause held message to be sent or even removed from pending. 3 High Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
832404 #832404 Test failing: test_accepted_message_gets_posted 3 High Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
772135 #772135 The bounce qrunner needs to be enabled 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
787599 #787599 host_name ancient name for mail_host 4 Medium Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
799612 #799612 Expose REST API call to look up member/user id given an email address 4 Medium Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
802971 #802971 Mailman Client doesn't _DOMAIN doesn't offer a list of lists 4 Medium Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
821020 #821020 Attempting to GET a nonexistent members object results in a 500 instead of a 404. 4 Medium Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
821438 #821438 REST access to preferences 4 Medium Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
825570 #825570 Broken REST API to get member from list given email address (and role). 4 Medium Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
827036 #827036 Pending message requests survive list deletion. 4 Medium Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
827060 #827060 AttributeError triggered by calling os.path.join with Language object. 4 Medium Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
833376 #833376 Attempting to PATCH an invalid attribute on a member object in REST API results in 500, instead of 400. 4 Medium Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
834130 #834130 Unable to create list moderators or owners with REST API. 4 Medium Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
837526 #837526 Deleting a domain does not remove lists belonging to that domain. 4 Medium Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
837676 #837676 Getting the roster or configuration of a nonexistent list returns a 500 from REST API. 4 Medium Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
848103 #848103 The REST API returns a 500 when requesting subscriptions for a nonexistent address. 4 Medium Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
770328 #770328 REST qrunner sometimes does not exit after tests exception 5 Low   10 Fix Released
778687 #778687 Invalid roster upon initial list creation 5 Low Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
790994 #790994 GPL License 5 Low Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
831660 #831660 IDomain.email_host should be renamed to IDomain.mail_host 5 Low Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
833208 #833208 test_accepted_message_gets_posted failing on Centos 6 / Python 2.6 5 Low Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
820660 #820660 Attempting to DELETE a user through REST API returns '405 Method Not Allowed' 6 Wishlist Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
829765 #829765 Need REST endpoint to retrieve lists for a particular domain. 6 Wishlist Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
833132 #833132 Unable to query or change member delivery_mode through REST API. 6 Wishlist Barry Warsaw  10 Fix Released
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