
There are 46439 projects registered in Launchpad. 13542 have bugs reported, 2498 have translations, 25549 have Bazaar branches, 5675 have blueprints, and 4553 have questions & answers.

9 projects found matching “ggz”

The GGZ project focuses on free online gaming, developing games and infrastructure.

The GGZ Gaming Zone core client libraries provide the common procedures and utilities required to run the GGZ client and games. The routines are shared by other modules in order to ease coding and promote compatibility and stability.

Grubby is a modular chat bot for use with GGZ.

GTK frontend client for accessing GGZ games.

GTK games clients for use with GGZ.

KDE frontend client for accessing GGZ games.

KDE games clients for use with GGZ.

Contains Python support and games for GGZ.

Text mode client for connecting to GGZ.

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