News and announcements


Written for python-mode.el by Andreas Roehler on 2012-12-05

New in version 6.1.0

- py-up
  Go to beginning one level above of compound statement or definition at point.
- py-down
  Go to beginning one level below of compound statement or definition at point.

- Customizable output directory
  After checking for a remote shell, the following variables are consulted:

  py-use-current-dir-when-execute-p, default t
  When `t', current directory is used by Python-shell for output of `py-execute-buffer' and related commands

  py-fileless-buffer-use-default-directory-p, default t
  When `py-use-current-dir-when-execute-p' is non-nil and no buffer-file exists, value of `default-directory' sets current working directory of Python output shell"

  py-keep-shell-dir-when-execute-p, default nil
  Don't change Python shell's current working directory when sending code.

  `py-execute-directory', default nil

  If nothing was set so far, $VIRTUAL_ENV and $HOME are queried.

- Set of commands calling Python3.3

- fill docstrings according to style, commands

  Customizable variable `py-fill-docstring-style' provides default value
  used by `py-fill-string', `py-fill-paragraph'


      Process foo, return bar.

      Process foo, return bar.

      If processing fails throw ProcessingError.


      \"\"\"Process foo, return bar.\"\"\"

      Process foo, return bar.

      If processing fails throw ProcessingError.



      \"\"\"Process foo, return bar.\"\"\"

      \"\"\"Process foo, return bar.

      If processing fails throw ProcessingError.



      \"\"\"Process foo, return bar.\"\"\"

      \"\"\"Process foo, return bar.

      If processing fails throw ProcessingError.


      \"\"\"Process foo, return bar.\"\"\"

      Process foo, return bar.

      If processing fails throw ProcessingError.

  Built upon code seen at python.el, thanks Fabian

- `py-down-statement', `py-up-statement'

- toggle-py-split-windows-on-execute-p
- py-split-windows-on-execute-p-off
- py-split-windows-on-execute-p-on

- toggle-py-switch-buffers-on-execute-p
- py-switch-buffers-on-execute-p-on
- py-switch-buffers-on-execute-p-off

- `py-shell-switch-buffers-on-execute-p' renamed `py-switch-buffers-on-execute-p'


Written for python-mode.el by Andreas Roehler on 2012-09-28

New in version 6.0.12

- py-sexp-function.

 When set, it's value is called instead of `forward-sexp', `backward-sexp
  Choices are py-partial-expression, py-expression, default nil

- `py-partial-expression' reconsidered.
   Beside common moves like `defun', `statement' specific Python-mode edits are delivered:

  `py-expression' and `py-partial-expression'.

  Statement below is considered composed of two `py-expression'

  a = ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1234]
  |_| |_________________________|

  Assigment operator and all inside comments is ignored.

  `py-partial-expression' would match six sections

   a = ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1234]
  |_| |_____| |____| |__| |__|

  When traversing code, `py-partial-expression' climbs down and up
  all levels encountered, i.e. at opening `[' `py-expression' would return ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1234], while one char behind at `''
  it yields `'spam','

- `py-find-definition' also detects non-imported definition in current buffer

- Choice between `py-imenu-create-index-new' and series 5.
  py-imenu-create-index-function made easier.
  Customizable variable `py-imenu-create-index-function' provided, see also
  command in PyTools

- New commands addressing BOL as start/end:

- While commands "py-beginning..." resp. "py-end..." compute the context,
  selecting the corresponding beginning or end,
  new "py-up...", "py-down..." jump regexp-based to the
  next element in buffer.
  See also menu PyEdit

Updated .


Written for python-mode.el by Andreas Roehler on 2012-08-14

New in version 6.0.11

- improved Pymacs based code completion:
  - Completion of symbols from imported modules, functions, classes,
    module/class-level data members and instance variables in the current
    buffer. The information for this completion is updated whenever the file
    is saved.
  - Completion of local variables and function parameters.
  - Type deduction from constructor calls and literals.
  - Show help for modules, classes and functions.
  - Go to definition of modules, classes and functions.
  - Show signature of functions.
  - Support for auto-complete and company.

- remote shell support

- extended version of smart-operator added
  original smart-operator.el authored by
  William Xu <>

- py-electric-colon extended
  if `py-electric-colon-newline-and-indent-p' is non-nil,
  `py-electric-colon' calls `newline-and-indent'

- boolean `py-no-completion-calls-dabbrev-expand-p'
  If completion function should call dabbrev-expand
  when no completion found. Default is `t'

- boolean `py-shell-prompt-read-only', default t
  sets `comint-prompt-read-only', avoid unintentional edits

- customizable history variables/files
  py-python-history defaults to "~/.python_history"
  py-ipython-history defaults to "~/.ipython/history"

  If py-honor-PYTHONHISTORY-p is `t', $PYTHONHISTORY takes precedence, default is nil
  If py-honor-IPYTHONDIR-p is `t', $IPYTHONHISTORY precedes, default is nil

- customizable boolean `py-trailing-whitespace-smart-delete-p'
  Default is nil. Some commands may delete trailing
  whitespaces by the way. When editing other peoples
  code, this may produce a larger diff than expected


Written for python-mode.el by Andreas Roehler on 2012-06-28

adresses some bugs and speed issues


Written for python-mode.el by Andreas Roehler on 2012-06-20

New in version 6.0.9

- autopair-mode delivered
  Credits to Joao Tavora
  see for details

- Syntax highlighting in Python-shell buffers enabled
  boolean `py-fontify-shell-buffer-p', default is nil

- py-add-abbrev, new command
  Similar to `add-mode-abbrev', but uses
  `py-partial-expression' before point for expansion to
  store, not `word'. Also provides a proposal for new

  Proposal for an abbrev is composed from the downcased
  initials of expansion - provided they are of char-class

  For example code below would be recognised as a
  `py-expression' composed by three


  Putting the curser at the EOL, M-3 M-x py-add-abbrev

  would prompt "op" for an abbrev to store, as first
  `py-partial-expression' beginns with a "(", which is
  not taken as proposal.

- py-edit-abbrevs
  Jumps to `python-mode-abbrev-table'

- modeline enhanced
  when a path/to/my/favoured/Python is given with `py-shell-name'
  the Python-shell buffer before would display

  *ND path/to/my/favoured/Python*


  *ptmfP Python*

  boolean `py-modeline-display-full-path-p'
  boolean `py-modeline-acronym-display-home-p'
  If the modeline acronym should contain chars indicating the home-directory.

- mode-line indicates "Py" by default
  customize `python-mode-modeline-display'

- Pymacs intergration dropped from trunk
  conflicts with classic install being reported

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