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1120 of 21 releases

1.0.1 (ServiceUpdate 1.0.1) release from the obsolete series released

Release information
Release notes:

On Windows10 and OSX 10.10 use version 1.1.0 (

Latest Build: November 12th
see the ChangeLog for the latest hot fixes

The stuff downloaded during setup is no longer on Dropbox, but now on launchpad in a different account.

See Faq 2363 when having problems with the setup's internal downloads.

one setup for all systems and Sikuli variants
--- carefully read here the release notes before starting
--- download, run it and read carefully before clicking any options

Read for IDE:
Read for Script:

The ...


History of hot bug fixes in version 1.0.1
after release of original 1.0.1, newest first:

----------------------------------------------------- (September 12 at 5 pm gmt+1)
bug 1224481 ScriptJython: exitcode not returned using exit(n)
bug 1223741 IDE: Windows: imported images missing at 2nd run
bug 1222722 IDE: save after load image
bug 1221658 image filename starting with b
bug 1218164 WHEEL_DOWN is back
bug 1216334: (IDE) usage of absolute filenames (September 2 at 9 pm gmt+1)
bug 1216338: name WHEEL_DOWN unknown in script (September 2 at 9 pm gmt+1)
bug 1216338: name FindFailed unknown in script (August 25 at 9 pm gmt+1)
bug 1214789: name Button unknown in script (August 25 at 9 pm gmt+1)
bug 1212706: (all): observe onChange / run in background (August 20 at 2 pm gmt+1)
bug 1213439: (IDE): preview problems on multi-screen (August 20 at 2 pm gmt+1)
new version of sikuli-setup.jar (offline setup, upgrade) (August 16 at 9 pm gmt +1)
bug 1212763 (IDE, Script): Windows: paths corrupted (August 16 at 4 pm gmt +1)
bug 1211878 (IDE, Script): option -h exception (August 14 at 10 am gmt +1)
bug 1211527 (IDE): Windows: Problem with Preview dialog (August 13 at 1 pm gmt +1)

(IDE, Script, Java) denote the affected packages (setup options 1 ... 4, packs 1 .. 3)
to get the fixed version of your packages, run setup again, if your last setup run
was before the mentioned fix date and you need the fix.

All bug fixes after release of 1.0.0 and future fixes have milestone 1.1.0 in the bug list.
They are tagged as CRITICAL and FIX COMMITTED if the fix is already available with 1.0.x
... and contain [1.0.x ok] at the beginning of the bug title

--- we now have a setup ...
... you start with one setup.jar for all systems
... select your options
... run the setup
... and get your packages downloaded automatically as only one jar
... that contains everything needed
... and does at runtime, what is needed to have the native stuff available
... and a basic function test is done at the end of the setup
every time, you run the setup again, you will get the latest version of the respective packages.

--- Windows: the Windows key now works finally ;-)
- type(Key.WIN) will open the start menu
- type("r", Key.WIN) will open the run dialog box
... and the other possible combinations

--- observe is reworked and options are added
--- it is more verbose with higher debug levels
--- it still stops observing after the first match (even in background with FOREVER)
--- if you want to run it continually, use
which will continue the observe after having waited the given seconds (e.g. to give time to the GUI for changes)
--- it is internally counted, how often the handler was visited, so it is now possible to decide in the handler wether to stop the observe after some time using e.g.
if event.getCount() > 10: event.stopObserver()
So there is no longer the need to stop the observation in the main script after some time.
... and yes: event.stopObserver() is now sufficient (instead of event.region.stopObserver() )
--- running background observers are now stopped automatically at script end

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) New per 2014 Feb 20th: Having problems with bundled Try to build it using this package. NEW VERSION: More Automatics! Should do the job on more Linux systems (for version 1.0.1 ONLY !!!) download - unzip - LOOK into README.txt !!! 15,822
last downloaded 11 days ago
download icon sikuli-setup.jar (md5) One setup for all systems (15300) - download in an empty folder and double-click - read carefully before clicking any option 280,031
last downloaded today
Total downloads: 295,853

1.0.0 (Finally;-)) release from the obsolete series released

Release information
Release notes:

Bugs with Status FIX_COMMITTED and CRITICAL are fixed in the current version 1.0.0

For more information on the new version start here:


Changes/Fixes in current IDE

-- better support to avoid start-up problems

-- revised the main window
 - as option: no command bar, vertically split (left code, right messages)
 - eliminated menus/features: export, extensions (might come back later), unit test

-- revised the Preview window (only one at a time, apply button added to do more than one change, ...)
 - added additional window for more options temporarilly (prefs have to be revised generally)
 - new options: no HTML creation, do not delete unused images, image path for IDE to store images
 - added: warning to restart IDE after having changed prefs

-- revised the dirty-handling (script is edited with changes):
 - aware of changes in Preview
 - scripts with changes are marked in its tab: *myScript
 - new option: autosave before run
 - warning at run (with no autosave) and quit, if unsaved scripts

-- better display of errors in message area

-- is available on Jython level (see below)

-- revised AutoUpdate feature and Help->CheckNewVersion (added feature: aware of Beta versions)

-- Sikuli script filename issues (e.g. utf-8) are fixed (image file names still need to be ASCII)

Changes/Fixes to the Scripting API

- constantly adding javadocs to all public (and important protected) methods

- totally revised the ImagePath feature and the usage of ImageLocator (including the usage with Jython import)

- revised the command line usage to allow running Sikuli scripts
- sys.argv is now populated correctly in all cases (IDE, commandline scriptrun + interactive)

- each physical monitor has only one Screen object, only one Robot for all and better support for multi monitor
- feature to show and reset monitor configuration

- Region: added methods to make it functionally compatible with AWT Rectangle and added more methods to create new Regions easily based on existing Regions and Locations
- click() and similar, click the lastMatch()
- convenience version of highlight() using last match
- a new option, to always highlight() a match

- totally revised the interface:
 - added user logs with optional timestamp,
 - logging to file seperate for Sikuli and user possible
 - optional timestamp for Sikuli's standard messages

The fix-committed bugs below will be set to fix-released when starting the development of the new version 1.1 mid June 2013.

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) If you encounter any problems with the bundled, then you might try to build it on your Linux/Unix system using this package. (for version 1.0.0 ONLY !!!) 2,108
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
Total downloads: 2,108

x1.0-rc3 (Maltipoo) release from the obsolete series released

Release information
Release notes:


Sikuli IDE
- Auto indentation
- New settings in preferences: expand tab, tab width, font style, font size
- The locale of the IDE can be changed
- ESC cancels screen capture mode
- Sikuli code (including images) can be copied across tabs
- Sikuli code can be copied as plain text to other programs/text editors
- Window size and opened files are remembered and restored automatically

Sikuli Script
- App class supports Linux now (wmctrl and xdotool required.)
- Java APIs are more consistent with Jython's
- New hotkey API allows the user to register hotkeys that trigger a Sikuli function
- A parameter of Sikuli's vision engine MinTargetSize can be changed to adjust the robustness/speed of the engine
- Pure color templates can be matched now
- popup() ac...

File Description Downloads
download icon Sikuli-X-1.0rc3 (r905)-win32.exe (md5, sig) Sikuli X (Windows installer) 279,106
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon Sikuli-X-1.0rc3 (r905) (md5, sig) Sikuli X (Windows portable zip) 36,758
last downloaded 5 days ago
download icon Sikuli-X-1.0rc3 (r905)-osx-10.6.dmg (md5, sig) Sikuli X (Mac OS X 10.6/10.7) 21,094
last downloaded 5 days ago
download icon Sikuli-X-1.0rc3 (r905) (md5, sig) Sikuli X (Linux 32bit) 7,862
last downloaded 5 days ago
download icon Sikuli-X-1.0rc3 (r905) (md5, sig) Sikuli X (Linux 64bit) 12,721
last downloaded 12 days ago
Total downloads: 357,541

x1.0-rc2 (Maltese) release from the obsolete series released

Release information
Release notes:

Sikuli X 1.0-rc2 comes with a completely new user interface of Sikuli IDE and the ability to extend Sikuli Script with extensions. Sikuli Guide, an extension for creating interactive tutorials on actual interfaces, is also released with RC2.


- The UI of Sikuli IDE has been redesigned and polished. Find, undo, and redo are supported. Console messages are colored.
- Extensions for Sikuli Script. With extensions, adding new features to Sikuli would be much easier. Developers are welcome to create and distribute their own Sikuli extensions.
- Sikuli Guide: a Sikuli extension that provides a revolutionary way to create guided tours or interactive tutorials for GUI applications on the actual interfaces, rather than in a video or a series of screenshots o...


Please refer to the commit logs from revision 410 to revision 616.

File Description Downloads
download icon Sikuli-X-1.0rc2-win32.exe (md5, sig) Sikuli X (Windows installer) 58,889
last downloaded 5 days ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli X (Windows portable zip) 8,540
last downloaded 19 weeks ago
download icon Sikuli-X-1.0rc2-osx-10.6.dmg (md5, sig) Sikuli X (Mac OS X 10.6) 6,065
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli X (Linux 32bit) 2,563
last downloaded 14 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli X (Linux 64bit) 3,327
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
Total downloads: 79,384

x1.0-rc1 release from the obsolete series released

Release information
Release notes:

Sikuli X is a new experimental branch of Sikuli. (X stands for eXperimental.)
Many new features and bug fixes are included in this release. All old users of Sikuli 0.9 or 0.10 are recommended to upgrade to X. However, please keep in mind some features are still in experimental, e.g. text recognition and the new API to get the bound of any windows, which means they may not work well or not support all platforms yet.


 - New computer vision engine - faster and more reliable.
 - Text recognition and matching (EXPERIMENTAL)
      - find("OK") returns all regions with a "OK" label.
      - region.text() returns the text in the region.
 - Screenshot naming - screenshots can be automatically named with timestamps, the text in them, or manually input.
 - Supports remote...

File Description Downloads
download icon Sikuli-X-1.0rc1-win32.exe (md5) Sikuli X (Windows installer) 12,080
last downloaded 10 weeks ago
download icon (md5) Sikuli X (Linux 64bit) 964
last downloaded 9 days ago
download icon (md5) Sikuli X (Linux 32bit) 687
last downloaded 21 weeks ago
download icon (md5) Sikuli X (Windows portable zip) 6,928
last downloaded 10 days ago
download icon Sikuli-X-1.0rc1-osx-10.6.dmg (md5) Sikuli X (Mac OS X 10.6) 1,837
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
Total downloads: 22,496

0.10.2 release from the obsolete series released

Release information
Release notes:

Release notes for Sikuli 0.10.2

This release introduces two new command line options --test to run Sikuli's unit test cases and --stderr to print runtime errors to STDERR instead of popping up a message box. And of course several bugs and memory leaks are also fixed.

Thank all bug reporter and Brian Creation, niknah, and Timothy Fridey to submit patches.

= General Notes =

 * add an option "-test xxx.sikuli" to run a .sikuli as a test case.
 * add an option "-s" to output runtime errors to stderr instead of popping up a message box.
 * Sikuli-IDE.bat uses 32bit JRE automatically on Windows x64 (Thanks Brian Creation's patch)
 * fixed inline images overlapping on code
 * fixed unsatisfied linking error (Sikuli-IDE.exe) on Windows x64
 * the path to Sikuli scripts can have ...

File Description Downloads
download icon Sikuli-IDE.bat (md5) updated Sikuli-IDE.bat for Windows to run Sikuli under command line 1,441
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Mac OS X 10.6 2,982
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Mac OS X 10.5 3,094
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Linux (64bit) 1,307
last downloaded 28 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Linux (32bit) 2,343
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Windows (portable) 4,342
last downloaded 11 weeks ago
download icon Sikuli-IDE-win32-0.10.2.exe (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Windows (installer) 33,241
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
Total downloads: 48,750

0.10.1 release from the obsolete series released

Release information
Release notes:

Release notes for Sikuli 0.10.1 2010/05/23

This release fixes several critical bugs and memory leaks introduced in Sikuli 0.10. We recommend all users to upgrade to this version.

= General Notes =
 * Support more languages: Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Ukrainian.
 * Auto-update checking can be disabled in the Preferences window.
 * Add an Edit menu, including Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All, Indent, Un-Indent.
 * Fixed several critical memory leaks that cause crashes on Windows.
 * Reduce default memory consumption.
 * Default hot-keys are changed on Windows.
   * Switching tabs: CTRL-TAB, CTRL-SHIFT-TAB
   * Screen capturing: CTRL-SHIFT-2
 * Add command line options to Sikuli IDE.

usage: Sikuli-IDE [--args <arguments>] [-h] [-r <sikuli-file>...

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5, sig) A 0.10.1 fix for Korean systems. (For ALL platforms. See README for details.) 268
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Mac OS X 10.6 1,745
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Mac OS X 10.5 495
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
download icon Sikuli-IDE-win32-0.10.1.exe (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Windows (installer) 12,917
last downloaded 5 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Windows (portable) 1,786
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Linux (64bit) 615
last downloaded 14 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Linux (32bit) 1,013
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
Total downloads: 18,839

0.10.0 release from the obsolete series released

Release information
Release notes:

We have heard lots of suggestions and feature requests from you guys. Sikuli 0.10 have many new features and improvements (and also bug fixes). Here are some items you may be interested to know.

 * MUCH FASTER - The matching algorithm is improved. Screen shots are directly processed in memory, so no more temporary files.
 * The whole architecture of Sikuli Script has been redesigned and rewritten. New APIs are clearer, more consistent, and more flexible.
 * Visual event driven programming - actions can be executed when something appears, disappears, or changes.
 * Search and actions can be easily restricted within a region or a screen.
 * Internationalized user interfaces of Sikuli IDE: Traditional Chinese and German interfaces are shipped with 0.10. More languages are being translated...

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) Sikuli-IDE for 32bit Windows (Portable) 1,098
last downloaded 9 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Linux (64bit) 476
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Linux (32bit) 1,691
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
download icon Sikuli-IDE-win32-0.10.exe (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Windows 4,558
last downloaded 9 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Mac OS X 10.5 400
last downloaded 23 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Sikuli-IDE for Mac OS X 10.6 750
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
Total downloads: 8,973

0.9.9 release from the obsolete series released

Release information
Release notes:

Release notes for Sikuli-20100223 (0.9.9)

= General Notes =
 * Sikuli IDE saves all scripts in UTF-8 since this version. In addtion, paste() also supports unicode strings now, so international characters should be able to "paste" into any applications.
 * If a image pattern can not be found, find() and all actions that implicitly use find() throw a FindFailed exception by default. This exception can be handled by the try-except statement of Python if needed.
 * New API: run(command) - runs a string command and returns its output. This would be useful for running command line programs.
 * The vision engine is recompiled with a optimization flag (O2), so it will be faster a little bit.
 * The key modifier for click is fixed. Now you can do Ctrl+Alt+Shift+click.

= Platform Specific Fixes...

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) Sikuli-IDE for Mac OS X 10.5 1,078
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
download icon (md5) Sikuli-IDE for Windows (portable) 4,285
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
download icon Sikuli-IDE-win-20100223.exe (md5) Sikuli-IDE for Windows (installer) 13,417
last downloaded 36 weeks ago
download icon (md5) Sikuli IDE for Linux (i386) 1,297
last downloaded 11 weeks ago
download icon (md5) Sikuli-IDE for Mac OS X 10.6 1,888
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
Total downloads: 21,965

0.9.8 release from the obsolete series released

Release information
Release notes:

Release notes for Sikuli-20100201 (0.9.8)

= General Notes =

Sikuli 0.9.8 release added the missing feature, global shortcuts, to the Linux version and also fixed a serious bug that causes memory leak on all platforms. Anti-aliasing for text is enabled for Windows and Linux.

= Platform Specific Fixes =

  [NEW] Global shortcuts for taking screenshots and breaking scripts worked!!
  Enabled anti-alias for text rendering

  Enabled anti-alias for text rendering

= Bug Fixes =
515592 Feature Request: Turn on font aliasing in Windows version
515406 double "\" generated into Sikuli-IDE.bat on Windows 2000
511770 running out of memory soon
Fixed "Unsatisfied link error" on Linux

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) Sikuli-IDE for Mac OS X 10.5 1,290
last downloaded 11 weeks ago
download icon (md5) Sikuli-IDE-osx-10.6 3,083
last downloaded 19 weeks ago
download icon (md5) Sikuli IDE for Linux 1,209
last downloaded 25 weeks ago
download icon (md5) Sikuli-IDE for Windows (portable) 2,914
last downloaded 21 weeks ago
download icon Sikuli-IDE-win-20100201.exe (md5) Sikuli-IDE for Windows (installer) 9,531
last downloaded 9 weeks ago
Total downloads: 18,027

1120 of 21 releases