SikuliX 1.1.1 "BugFix release - max. Java 8 (NOT 9)"

fixes for bugs after release of version 1.1.0
NEW 2018-01-09: Now pulls Jython 2.7.1 (has security fixes).

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BugFix release - max. Java 8 (NOT 9)
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56 RaiMan
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3 Opinion, 1 Confirmed, 17 In Progress, 34 Fix Committed, 2 Fix Released

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Release notes 

see the bugs below tagged FixCommitted/Critical


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see the bugs below tagged FixCommitted/Critical

0 blueprints and 57 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1532134 #1532134 [1.1.0] Multiple ImagePaths for Jar not working 3 High RaiMan  2 Opinion
1534424 #1534424 IDE Deleting Used Pattern Image Files 1 Undecided RaiMan  2 Opinion
1558322 #1558322 Scala/SBT project: com.sikulix::sikulixapi::1.1.x pom not working 1 Undecided RaiMan  2 Opinion
1664969 #1664969 [1.1.1] macOS 10.12.3: dragDrop not working --- seems to be a Java related problem 1 Undecided RaiMan  6 Confirmed
966708 #966708 [1.0.1] KeyModifier.WIN uses alt in linux 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1306395 #1306395 Mac: SikuliX should support screens having a Retina display 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1460616 #1460616 [1.1.0] Error saving file in IDE in special situation (copy&paste code snippet) 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1532730 #1532730 [1.1.0] IDE: image files are deleted when saving script with existing same name (using Save As) 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1556024 #1556024 [request] Text search: should not report file not found error --- workaround 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1556195 #1556195 [1.1.0] Can't open app directly from IDE on OS X 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1567782 #1567782 [1.1.0] Linux: App.isRunning not yet implemented 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1569721 #1569721 [1.1.0] Mouse.move(x, y): seems to block subsequent usage of 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1579812 #1579812 [1.1.0] IDE: problems with scripts having an image file with size 0 byte (however this happened ;-) 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1582782 #1582782 [1.1.0] Windows: getImagePath not useable with os.path.join 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1518445 #1518445 [1.1.0] IDE: reload() stopped working 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1532617 #1532617 [request] IDE: font sizes of menus, commands and messages should be changeable too (4K screens) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1532709 #1532709 [1.1.0] Java: NPE, when running jar on other system having sikulixapi.jar packed with the jar 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1547398 #1547398 [1.1.0] input() with "hidden=True": focus is on OK button - should be on text field 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1647143 #1647143 [1.1.0] Image recognition doesn't work with Google Chrome 55 on Debian Jessie --- caused by problems with java.awt.Robot 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1657355 #1657355 [1.1.1] Jython: special situations - need to be documented or fixed if possible 5 Low RaiMan  8 In Progress
1504627 #1504627 [request] A workaround for highlighting not working on linux 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
1096528 #1096528 highlight doesn't work in linux --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-03-21+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1189442 #1189442 [request] Pattern instance from image within a jar or buffered image 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1193009 #1193009 [1.1.1] Interactive capture: displayed text may overlap the image - at least inconvenient 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1473920 #1473920 [IDE] IDE: on save with indent errors: A non-IOException-problem when trying to save null Error: null --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-05-01+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1518948 #1518948 [1.1.0] creating .skl: additional .py file created --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-05-01+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1524509 #1524509 [1.1.0] OSX El Capitan: multimonitor: Take Screensshot shows grey screen --- fixed 1.1.1 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1545428 #1545428 [1.1.0] isLockOn does not change until typing from the keyboard --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-10-31 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1553702 #1553702 [1.1.0] find(wrong-parameter) should signal an exception and not stop the IDE --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-05-01+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1556246 #1556246 [1.1.0] getImageFilename not available with getMatches (along with other attributes) --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-03-26+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1560444 #1560444 [1.1.0] setFindFailedResponse(PROMPT) with exists(): abort should abort script (as with find) --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-03-25+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1572181 #1572181 use static "Screen" instead of one given by location --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-04-27+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1573519 #1573519 [1.1.0] run(): missing part of command line output --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-04-24+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1573564 #1573564 [1.1.0] Location.getRobotForPoint don't return good robot --- fixed in 1.1.1 2016-04-27+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1583293 #1583293 [1.1.0] input hidden: should return null when cancelled 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1584532 #1584532 [1.1.1(Build:2016-05-20)]input dialog(with hidden) returns incorrect text --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-05-24+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1584566 #1584566 [1.1.1(Build:2016-05-20)]click cancel on popFile dialog, exception occurs. --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-05-24+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1591132 #1591132 [1.1.0] with Region not working properly --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-06-18+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1592274 #1592274 [1.1.1] IDE: Can't add image from file using button --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-06-18+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1593040 #1593040 [1.1.1]prepareRobot append the same entry to sys.path again - fixed 1.1.1 2016-06-17+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1595315 #1595315 [1.1.1] Region.observe(10) throws error in --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-06-25+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1597639 #1597639 [request] inputText() should have more options --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-07-04 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1607861 #1607861 [1.1.1] osx 10.11.6 sikulix 1.1.0 save error (incomplete string problem) --- when comment contains ' --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-08-01 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1609749 #1609749 [1.1.1] Python scripting: input() does not work anymore (since mid July) --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-08-04 2 Critical   9 Fix Committed
1619083 #1619083 [1.1.1] Setup cannot download tesseract file --- fixed 2016-09-10 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1631720 #1631720 [1.1.1] macOS Sierra 10.12: type() gets very slow after about 40 sec runtime - fixed 2016-10-10 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1634703 #1634703 [1.1.1] OCR text search not working - looks for image file --- fixed 2016-10-19 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1636754 #1636754 [1.1.1] Capture prompt overlay: does not display message (capture(), selectRegion(), IDE Buttons) --- fixed 1.1.1 2016-11-04 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1646399 #1646399 [1.1.1] select() can't set default=0; can't set default=<unicode string> --- fixed nightly 1.1.1 2016-12-02 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1646470 #1646470 [1.1.1] Maven: TextRecognizer not working: tessdata stuff not available --- fixed nightly 1.1.1 2016-12-01 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1647621 #1647621 [1.1.1] images not found in runnable jar at root level --- fixed 1.1.1 nightly 2016-12-10 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1648336 #1648336 [1.1.1] Windows: Hotkey modifiers don't work correctly & F12 hotkey problem - fixed 1.1.1 nightly 2016-12-09 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1673013 #1673013 [1.1.1] IDE: recapture image with same imagename is not reflected (image cache not updated) --- fixed: 2017-03-16 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1673654 #1673654 [1.1.1] VNC: Special keys (Key.WIN) dont work --- fixed 2017-03-17 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1677134 #1677134 [1.1.1] findAll() should throw FindFailed --- fixed: 2017-03-29 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1506359 #1506359 [1.1.0] Linux: not working wmctrl should not terminate SikuliX, but only block App class usage --- fixed 1.1.1-2015-10-17 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1506840 #1506840 [1.1.0] Maven projects: download jxgrabkey from non-MavenCentral repo might be blocked --- fixed 1.1.1-2015-10-17 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
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