News and announcements

1.4.5 More flexibility configuring box plots

Written for SOFA Statistics by Grant Paton-Simpson on 2015-08-15

Box plots can be displayed with different outlier and whisker display options.
ODS importing can now cope with repeated column names.
Better error message when unable to get regression line details because of limited variability.

1.4.4 Mac users can export as PDF (& PNG depending on version of OS X)

Written for SOFA Statistics by Grant Paton-Simpson on 2015-05-11

Mac users can export output in PDF format (and PNG depending on version of OS X).
Added new monochrome theme.
Chi Square proportions output much easier to interpret successfully.
The name of the grouping variable is now displayed when running comparisons of groups e.g. Country if comparing Italy and Germany.
Exporting to spreadsheet detects if too many fields for xls output and informs user that only csv will be generated. Also truncates table name so worksheet name not too long.
Import dialog only displays file types suitable for importing.
Added message to let user know spreadsheet creation being skipped if no report tables to export.
More user help on need for raw data (not pre-summarised) and long-format vs wide-format data as appropriate.
Code reorganisation to make it possible for SOFA to be called in GUI form by external code GUI code.
Scripts are now easier to use for standalone purposes.
Added note about treatment of datetime data as categorical by SOFA for purposes of statistical tests.
When exporting to spreadsheet and csv changes reserved sofa_id field name to was_sofa_id so it is OK to reimport after changes.
More informative for larger range of potential problem e.g. database engine not functioning.

1.4.3 Can import tab-delimited data; new output styles

Written for SOFA Statistics by Grant Paton-Simpson on 2014-03-16

Can import tab-delimited data.
More options for attractive charts and reports. Three new themes available - sky, prestige (screen), and prestige (print).
Better support for automation (i.e. headless, running without GUI) esp in international context.
Exporting to spreadsheet now relies on more robust code library (xlwt)
Easy to select or deselect lots of row stats measures at once.
Faster opening in many cases.

1.4.2 No plug-ins needed to export results (high-res images, PDFs, or spreadsheets); backup data & settings; or export data

Written for SOFA Statistics by Grant Paton-Simpson on 2014-02-09

Can export results as high-resolution images (PNG), PDFs, and tabular output as spreadsheets without needing plug-in extension (doesn't work for Macs currently - very sorry :-( ).
Can export data tables to spreadsheet without needing plug-in extension.
Can backup SOFA data and settings without needing plug-in extension.
Variable details content (vdt files) is now sorted which makes it much easier to read and search for items when checking things.

1.4.1 Regression lines on scatterplots; export report tables to spreadheet option in plug-in

Written for SOFA Statistics by Grant Paton-Simpson on 2014-01-31

Scatterplots now have option of displaying regression line with slope and intercept details.
Export output plug-in (proprietary add-on) now gives option of exporting tabular data to spreadsheet.
Better positioning of legend in scatterplots made by matplotlib.
Tweaked algorithm for getting optimal min and max axis values so more sensible when no variation.

Updated .

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