Stellarium 0.11.2

The third release in the 0.11 series. The main theme of this version seems to be localization + large bug fix release.

Milestone information

Alexander Wolf
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1 Adriano Steffler, 16 Alexander Wolf, 19 Bogdan Marinov, 1 David Baucum, 4 Matthew Gates, 3 treaves
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
46 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon Stellarium-0.11.2-PowerPC.dmg (md5) Stellarium 0.11.2 for Mac OS X (10.5; PowerPC) 510
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon stellarium-0.11.2-win32.exe (md5) Stellarium 0.11.2 for Windows (32-bit) 2,039
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon Stellarium-0.11.2-Intel.dmg (md5) Stellarium 0.11.2 for Mac OS X (10.5+; Intel) 3,019
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon Stellarium-0.11.2-Universal.dmg (md5) Stellarium 0.11.2 for Mac OS X (10.5+; Universal binary) 655
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon stellarium-0.11.2.tar.bz2 (md5) Stellarium 0.11.2 for Linux/*BSD/Solaris (source code) 2,280
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon stellarium-0.11.2.tar.gz (md5) Stellarium 0.11.2 for Linux/*BSD/Solaris (source code) 3,153
last downloaded 2 days ago
Total downloads: 11,656

Release notes 

The Stellarium team is very proud to announce the release of stable version 0.11.2. The main theme of this version seems to be localization - most of the text used by the default plug-ins is now translatable, landscape names are now translatable, country names are now translatable, scripts names and descriptions are now translatable. Also we fixed 47 different bugs. A huge thanks to all community bug reporters who helped us a lot finding bugs!


View the full changelog

The main theme of this version seems to be localization:
- most of the text used by the default plug-ins is now translatable
- landscape names are now translatable
- country names are now translatable
- scripts names and descriptions are now translatable

Oculars plug-in:
- added an optional control panel displayed in the upper-right corner of the screen as an alternative to the pop-up menu that was used to control it in the previous version;
- overhaul of the pop-up menu, the underlined letters in it can be used as keyboard shortcuts;
- added the ability to rearrange the items in the lists of oculars, telescopes and sensors;
- fixed the inappropriate flipping of the binoculars view;

Satellites plug-in:
- fixed title bar of the Satellites config window not being resized with the rest of the window (LP: #900575)
- catalog numbers are now used to identify satellites, preventing bugs with duplicate satellites and satellites renamed in the source lists
- catalog number and international designator are now displayed for each satellite
- a simple windows to add satellites has been added (LP: #898476)

- Ctrl+C binding to copy selected object info text to clipboard.
- to the Windows installer options to remove files left over from the previous installation.
- windows no longer can be dragged to unreachable positions.
- the "Save settings" button now saves the current main window position, too.
- the language list is now sorted by language name, not language code.
- the "Reload style" action has been removed, as the underlying feature no longer works. If you decide to design a new visual style for Stellarium, please contact us to give you a version where it works.
- distance in km (if the distance is below 0.1 AU) to the information displayed about Solar System objects. (LP: #894472)
- the StelGui::getSkyGui() method to allow plug-in developers to create their own toolbars and other GUI elements.
- an option to show the galactic coordinates grid and the galactic plane.
- several trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs): Sedna, Quaoar, Orcus, Haumea.
- the Quasars plug-in.
- the Pulsars plug-in.
- more detailed information is now added to the log file for Mac OS X.
- (experimental) modelling of atmospheric extinction for point objects.
- changed the position of the text in the Text User Interface plug-in. (LP: #911594)
- a checkbox allowing the SIMBAD on-line search to be enabled/disabled.

- startup script crash (LP: #689657)
- plugin names localization in the Configuration window (LP: #807402)
- resizing of the tabs in Configuration and View windows on language change (LP: #821386)
- sky lines' labels not translated on language change (LP: #811659)
- "Get catalog" button not translated on language change (LP: #890608)
- last star catalog not being offered for download (LP: #538291, LP: #890789)
- proxy configuration without username/password
- Telescope Control plug-in: mishandling of IP connections in the telescope configuration window (LP: #843837)
- Pluto's moon Hydra preventing the constellation from being selected in Search and scripts (LP: #894780)
- scripting code still being included despite ENABLE_SCRIPTING set to 0 (LP: #811505)
- constellations lines and names not displayed (LP: #945146)
- newly created location cannot be set as default (LP: #889931)

0 blueprints and 46 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
689657 #689657 Crash when calling core.wait(...) from startup.ssc 3 High Matthew Gates  10 Fix Released
694489 #694489 --startup-script option doesn't work 3 High Alexander Wolf  10 Fix Released
843837 #843837 Remote telescope connections cannot be re-configured 3 High Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
890789 #890789 The last catalog is skipped if Stellarium is restarted after stars7 3 High Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
894780 #894780 Hydra constellation not selectable by script 3 High Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
725870 #725870 Wrong URL in online search to import minor planets in Solar System plugin 4 Medium Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
811505 #811505 QtScript required even if ENABLE_SCRIPTING=0 4 Medium Alexander Wolf  10 Fix Released
856770 #856770 Upper bar of configuration window becomes inaccessible when some languages are selected 4 Medium Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
914445 #914445 "SIMBAD" checkbox breaks Tab selection of search results 4 Medium Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
930393 #930393 Convert GridLinesMgr to use Qt properties 4 Medium treaves  10 Fix Released
945146 #945146 Constellations lines and names not displayed 4 Medium Matthew Gates  10 Fix Released
544759 #544759 Date Entry on Config Screen Won't Go < 1752 5 Low treaves  10 Fix Released
615893 #615893 Impossible to find M40 and M45 with F3 5 Low Alexander Wolf  10 Fix Released
790197 #790197 Angle spin box jumps to the last group on reaching 10 5 Low Alexander Wolf  10 Fix Released
807402 #807402 Plugin names are not translated when language is changed 5 Low Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
811659 #811659 Celestial sphere lines string names are not translated when language is switched 5 Low Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
821386 #821386 Tabs are incorrectly placed and resized on language change 5 Low Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
884843 #884843 Typing problem in Find Object and Position 5 Low Alexander Wolf  10 Fix Released
889560 #889560 Typo in the stellarium.pot file 5 Low Alexander Wolf  10 Fix Released
889668 #889668 Another typo in stellarium.pot 5 Low Alexander Wolf  10 Fix Released
889931 #889931 Newly created location cannot be set as default 5 Low Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
890608 #890608 "Get star catalogue" button not translated on language change 5 Low Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
892510 #892510 TUI alt+M not in help window 5 Low Alexander Wolf  10 Fix Released
892512 #892512 Debug ctrl+R "Reload style" in help window not translated 5 Low Alexander Wolf  10 Fix Released
892925 #892925 Localization for landscape names 5 Low Alexander Wolf  10 Fix Released
893518 #893518 Update Developer List in the help window 5 Low Alexander Wolf  10 Fix Released
900125 #900125 Translation string missing from bzr5059 5 Low Alexander Wolf  10 Fix Released
900575 #900575 Upper bar of satellites configuration window don't resizes correctly 5 Low Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
902250 #902250 SPEKTR-R does not update 5 Low Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
905096 #905096 Duplicate names of stars in Arabic and Western sky cultures 5 Low Alexander Wolf  10 Fix Released
906676 #906676 Issue with variable lenght strings in oculars window 5 Low Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
910246 #910246 German translation of Chinese constellation maybe wrong 5 Low Adriano Steffler  10 Fix Released
911594 #911594 Text user interface strings partially hidden 5 Low Alexander Wolf  10 Fix Released
925249 #925249 Untranslated string at More Satellites window 5 Low Alexander Wolf  10 Fix Released
925901 #925901 Scripts name and description are not translatable 5 Low Alexander Wolf  10 Fix Released
930780 #930780 [Qt 4.8] Images in sky culture descriptions are not displayed 5 Low Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
863226 #863226 Add localization to plugins 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
889661 #889661 Saving Window Position 6 Wishlist Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
894472 #894472 displaying distances in km 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
898476 #898476 GUI for adding satellites 6 Wishlist Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
914353 #914353 Make SIMBAD optional for searches 6 Wishlist treaves  10 Fix Released
916391 #916391 I cannot copy the selected star data from the screen 6 Wishlist Matthew Gates  10 Fix Released
845304 #845304 Telrad Circles Not Working 1 Undecided Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
894752 #894752 Satellite SL-16 R/B causes problems 1 Undecided Matthew Gates  10 Fix Released
917769 #917769 Horizontal/Vertical flip do not reset when selecting binocular in Ocular plugin 1 Undecided Bogdan Marinov  10 Fix Released
942370 #942370 Add Unity Launcher Quicklist 1 Undecided David Baucum  10 Fix Released
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