Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

175 of 172 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
NodeJS Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for... 2 16
NodeJS 4.x.x LTS Backport Deps Zesty -> Trusty NodeJS build deps backports. 7 19
NodeJS LTS backport from Xenial Backport of LTS release of NodeJS LTS. RT#88026 7 12
Alt-OS NodeJS This PPA is providing updates for NodeJS, npm and libv8. 3 7
Jeff Waugh's PPA Some backports and updates of things sysadmins and web develop... 7 36
Node JS Backports Provides the latest 0.6.x nodejs for Ubuntu Precise. 1 3
nodejs nodejs package 2 4
nodejs 4.1.0 PPA node.js: JavaScript for the server. This is a PPA for node / ... 1 3
nodejs builds nodejs personal ppa repo 1 3
nodejs-backports nodejs-backports 1 3
LEMPV 0.1 NGINX, Mysql, PHP 5.6, HHVM, Redis, with NodeJS, and soon to b... 12 48
nodejs Nodejs staging 1 6
nodejs backport Backport of nodejs from Debian experimental 1 0
mathoid Mathoid uses nodejs and phantomjs to convert LaTeX (and in the... 1 2
Build support PPA for Mozilla packages (DO NOT USE) This PPA isn't for general use. It is only intended as support... 15 120
Backports of NodeJS LTS from Xenial 8 26
Juju GUI stable version of dependencies The packages in this PPA are those required for the Juju GUI c... 5 20
Passy PPA My personal playground 9 26
Philip's Tsuru PPA 17 98
SAO Backports Sometimes there is a need for backport of a newer version to g... 53 114
Trusty 25 79
Tsuru PPA Packages needed for EF CTX team to run Tsuru (both server & cl... 12 38
official packages Deb packages for Tsuru and its components. 12 44
snap-store-deps 2 5
snap-store-deps Custom-compiled dependencies for our projects. This is stuff ... 23 140
tsuru Mirror of so ... 11 14
1.x The 1.x series of Orchestra uses a Configuration Management ba... 7 56
3rd Party Testing 6 69
Archive Bootstrap Devirt ppa to be used exclusively for Ubuntu archive bootstrap... 8 385
Chromium from debian 11 89
CoffeeScript PPA CoffeeScript is a language that compiles into JavaScript Hom... 6 71
Default This is default repository 5 12
Greenbone Vulnerability Management Greenbone Vulnerability Management version 22.04 (GVM-22) is t... 23 75
Hosted TileMill 2 8
Ilkka's PPA This PPA contains software authored or packaged by myself. 6 22
Ilkka's snapshot PPA Snapshot builds of packages 6 8
Juju GUI development version of dependencies The packages in this PPA are those required for the Juju GUI c... 5 15
Locker Project 3 8
Lucid 18 32
MapBox 7 412
MapBox Dev 7 432
MapBox Hosting Dev 5 79
MapBox Streets 12 111
Mapbox Hosting Sandbox for Chris A ppa for sandboxing updating to node 0.8.24. Maybe will change. 5 73
Node.js - backports (Bionic only) Build of Node.js 8.17.0 and critical Node.js stack backports f... 12 26
NodeJS 0.10 1 2
OpenStreetMap Tile Server Components This PPA contains all the packages required to set up a OpenSt... 11 96
PPA for Bcfg2 - Dependency Backports These backports are necessary in order to get Bcfg2 to build o... 10 17
PPA for GVMachines Private PPA for GVMachines 6 51
PPA for Thomas Herve 37 84
PPA for Thorsten Glaser Random packages of more or less general interest. See also: h... 28 278
Raring 13 49
Saucy 12 28 4 11
legacy 1 3
node.js node.js v0.4.12 5 13
node.js copied node.js packages from 2 4
node.js backport (Don't Use it) 51 52
node.js-legacy Evented I/O for V8 javascript. Node's goal is to provide an ea... 2 30
nodejs 16 25
nodejs 2 8
nodejs-mozilla 2 8
npm 2 4
prod 12 31
sciyoshi 2 28
stable 8 102
test test 25 79
xtradeb build deps - do not use This is only meant to host build dependencies required by othe... 8 75
yamops Yammer Operations PPA 16 114
CI packages 1 2
Dev 1 2
Freeipmi backports 8 64
GOV.UK packages When updating please see: 44 149
GVM Attention: This is work in progress (WIP) Backport of Debian B... 10 16
Gerbera If you previously used the old PPA, you're going to want to re... 9 34
175 of 172 results