PPA packages

76150 of 245 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
roundcube non-cloud: roundcube - Ubuntu Trusty 1.1.1+dfsg.1-2+syseleven2 None
lsb virtualization - Ubuntu Trusty 4.1+Debian11ubuntu8+syseleven1 None
spice virtualization - Ubuntu Trusty 0.12.5-1+syseleven1 None
gnutls28 virtualization - Ubuntu Trusty 3.2.16-1ubuntu2.2+syseleven1 None
gmp virtualization - Ubuntu Trusty 2:6.0.0+dfsg-4build1+syseleven1 None
php-memcache non-cloud: php54 - Ubuntu Trusty 3.0.8-5build1+syseleven2 None
dh-php5 non-cloud: php54 - Ubuntu Trusty 0.2+syseleven2 None
stacktach-quince stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 0.3+git+4b2cd52264-1+syseleven2 None
python-hacking stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 0.10.2-2+syseleven1 None
python-falcon stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty None
python-flake8 stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 2.2.2-1+syseleven1 None
pep8 stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 1.5.7-2+syseleven1 None
python-ddt stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 1.0.0-1+syseleven1 None
sphinxcontrib-programoutput stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 0.8-4+syseleven1 None
gunicorn stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 19.0-2+syseleven1 None
requests stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 2.7.0-3+syseleven1 None
python-urllib3 stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 1.10.4-1+syseleven1 None
nose stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 1.3.6-1+syseleven1 None
sqlalchemy stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 1.0.5+ds1-1+syseleven1 None
zzzeeksphinx stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 1.0.17-1+syseleven1 None
stacktach-notigen stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 0.3+git+ebfaf8e965-1+syseleven3 None
python-carrot stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 0.10.7-1ubuntu1+syseleven2 None
kup Kup for Ubuntu 15.04 - Ubuntu Vivid 0.6.0-2 None
qemu virtualization - Ubuntu Trusty 1:2.2.1+dfsg-0+syseleven4 None
libseccomp virtualization - Ubuntu Trusty 2.1.1-1+syseleven1 None
python-kafka Contrail 2.20 - Ubuntu Trusty 0.9.3-2+syseleven1 None
libvirt-python virtualization - Ubuntu Trusty 1.2.13-0+syseleven1 None
libvirt virtualization - Ubuntu Trusty 1.2.13-0+syseleven1 None
php53 non-cloud: php53 - Ubuntu Trusty 5.3.28-1sergey7~trusty1+syseleven2 None
stacktach-shoebox stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 0.7+git+542545468b-1+syseleven1 None
stacktach-notification-utils stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 0.3+git+c5b313c297-1+syseleven1 None
stacktach-notabene stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 0.2+git+87982578e8-1+syseleven3 None
stacktach-klugman stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 0.5+git+d64a16bf2f-1+syseleven1 None
pubsubhubbub-publisher stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 1.0-1+syseleven1 None
stacktach-timex stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 0.21+git+fb16776f9d-1+syseleven4 None
stacktach-stackdistiller stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 0.12+git+b13bcb7513-1+syseleven4 None
notabene stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 0.2+git+87982578e8-1+syseleven2 None
stacktach-simport stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 0.2+git+8ff276f548-1+syseleven3 None
python-timex stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 0.21+git+fb16776f9d-1+syseleven1 None
python-stackdistiller stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 0.12+git+b13bcb7513-1+syseleven2 None
python-simport stacktach - Ubuntu Trusty 0.2+git+8ff276f548-1+syseleven2 None
76150 of 245 results