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110 of 16 releases

mgui-1.0.22-alpha release from the mgui-core series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is the 22nd alpha release of ModelGUI. It adds functionality including improved GIFTI support, new and improved video tasks, 3D printing output, a 2D polyline ruler tool, and numerous other improvements and bug fixes.


AttributeVideoTask now allows incremental changes over time
ChangeSectionVideoTask add - allows sections to be iterated over time
DataSource import allows multiple header lines
Graph3DInt shapes now update colour and vertices without regenerating
Video output images can now be scaled to specify x,y size
STL file writer implemented, for 3D printing of Mesh3D objects
Ruler 2D Tool

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) Executables, dependencies, resources, readme file, and javadoc [updated lib folder] 7,497
last downloaded 14 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Executables, dependencies, resources, readme file, javadoc, and source files 207
last downloaded 17 weeks ago
Total downloads: 7,704

mgui-1.0.21-alpha release from the mgui-core series released

Release information
Release notes:

21st alpha release adds MINC reading functionality for Windows systems (in addition to Linux) - HDF5 drivers for Mac still need to be added. Freesurfer surface data reading capability (annotation files) has also been added.



Win32/64 HDF5 drivers for MINC reading
Reading of Freesurfer annotation files
Ruler 2D tool - allows polyline distance computations on 2D windows


Name changing for vertex data columns - shapes are now properly updated

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5, sig) Executables, dependencies, resources, readme file, source files 51
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Executables, dependencies, resources, readme file 54
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
Total downloads: 105

mgui-1.0.20-alpha release from the mgui-core series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is the 20th alpha release of ModelGUI. Significant steps have been made towards pipeline and project functionality, and improved volume3D I/O, rendering, and functionality.

A reader for MINC format files has been added. This is currently only functional for Linux systems, as it depends on the native HDF5 library (with Java bindings). This will soon be extended to support Windows and Mac OS's. Also, a MINC writer will be implemented in the near future.


Added MINC reader, supported by the HDF5 Java library (mgui-minc).
Added volumetric interpolation methods for volume-to-volume data transfer.
Added volumetric normalization, by a constant or via a mask.
Improved volume rendering (positioning bugs, etc.).
Improved pipeline execution; allows stalled pipelines to be reset. Some issues remain (e.g., failure to catch some exceptions on the pipeline thread).
Refactored pipelines such that process libraries, rather than individual native processes, can specify their environment variables.
Added minc-tools pipeline process library; this currently only includes a handful of processes and will be extended.

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5, sig) Executables, dependencies, resources, readme file, source files 91
last downloaded 10 days ago
download icon (md5, sig) Executables, dependencies, resources, readme file 108
last downloaded 11 days ago
Total downloads: 199

mgui-1.0.18-alpha release from the mgui-core series released

Release information
Release notes:

Major bug fixes
-Volume 3D colour mapping
-Shape2D rendering, inherited attributes

-Histogram colour map editing
-2D/3D mouse controls


Added ColourMin and ColourMax to VertexDataColumn, to differentiate them from DataMax, DataMin.
Improvements to the cortical thickness panel.
Fixes to Shape2D rendering procedure, particularly for inherited attributes.

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5, sig) Executables, dependencies, resources, readme file, source files 46
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) Executables, dependencies, resources, readme file 55
last downloaded 14 weeks ago
Total downloads: 101

mgui-1.0.17-alpha release from the mgui-core series released

Release information
Release notes:

The almost-beta release...

Fixed some 3D issues, Nifti volume I/O, Cortical thickness panel, Shapes panel bugs, etc.

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) Executables, dependencies, colour maps 84
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
Total downloads: 84

mgui-1.0.16-alpha release from the mgui-core series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is the 16th alpha release of ModelGUI. It provides a number of improvements including revised Volume3D functionality; volumes are now treated like every other shape, with "data columns" instead of channels. Composite images can now be specified, showing multiple images with a specific order and transparency. A variety of other improvements and bug fixes are also available.


Improved Volume3D functionality
Composite volume rendering (2D and 3D)
Move sections to selected 3D point
Sections render in 2D (i.e., on other sections)
Numerous bug fixes

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) Executables, dependencies, init files, source files (NB: small change to dependencies on 05/11/12) 111
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
download icon (md5) Executables, dependencies, init files (NB: small change to dependencies on 05/11/12) 117
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
Total downloads: 228

mgui-1.0.15-alpha release from the mgui-core series released

Release information
Release notes:


Improved Graph3D and Graph2D rendering
Datasource functionality
Context menu options

Random bug fixes

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) Executables, dependencies, init files, source files 55
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
download icon (md5) Executables, dependencies, init files 91
last downloaded 12 days ago
Total downloads: 146

mgui-1.0.11-alpha (11th alpha release) release from the mgui-core series released

Release information
Release notes:

Interim release.


Improvements on:

XML output

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) Jar files, init files, dependencies, and source files (for developers) 55
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
download icon (md5) Jar files, init files & dependencies 273
last downloaded 10 weeks ago
Total downloads: 328

mgui-1.0.10-alpha (10th alpha release) release from the mgui-core series released

Release information
Release notes:

This release contains mostly improvements made to data source functionality; particular that of PostgreSQL connectivity. A variety of additional fixes to volumes, graphs, shape queries, and so on, are also included. The logging system is updated, and the overall tidiness of the installation is much enhanced. Java3D is now included among the dependencies, removing a major headache in the installation process.


Graph display
Console window
Several bug fixes

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) Jar files, init files, dependencies, and source files (for developers) 30
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
download icon (md5) Jar files, init files & dependencies 33
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
Total downloads: 63

mgui-1.0.9-alpha release from the mgui-core series released

Release information
Release notes:

The 9th alpha release adds a number of improvements, mainly for database functionality. A number of bugs have been fixed, and the interface has been improved.

NOTE: A new zip file has been uploaded to include a GUI for database driver definitions. This has not been made into a new release but takes the place of the original 1.0.9-alpha release. This was done on 18/10/11.


Improved database creation
Fixed bugs related to drivers and database connectivity
GUI for updating JDBC drivers with the correct login + password +URL (should allow remote connections now)
Logging to a log directory, rather than main
Incorporated Java3D jars and native files into the download to avoid an extra step and source of frustration; executables included for system-specific instances

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) Jar files, init files & dependencies 39
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
Total downloads: 39

110 of 16 releases