Percona Server moved to 5.6.25-73.0

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Percona Server moved to
Hrvoje Matijakovic
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4 Alexey Kopytov, 12 Laurynas Biveinis, 6 Sergei Glushchenko, 6 Tomislav Plavcic
2 Implemented
33 Fix Released

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Percona Server has implemented Support for PROXY protocol. The implementation is based on a patch developed by Thierry Fournier.

Symlinks to libmysqlclient libraries were missing on CentOS 6. Bug fixed #1408500.

RHEL/CentOS 6.6 openssl package (1.0.1e-30.el6_6.9), containing a fix for CVE-2015-4000, changed the DH key sizes to a minimum of 768 bits. This caused an issue for MySQL as it uses 512 bit keys. Fixed by backporting an upstream 5.7 fix that increases the key size to 2048 bits. Bug fixed #1462856 (upstream #77275).

Some compressed InnoDB data pages could be mistakenly considered corrupted, crashing the server. Bug fixed #1467760 (upstream #73689) Justin Tolmer.

innochecksum would fail to check tablespaces in compressed format. The fix for this bug has been ported from Facebook MySQL 5.6 patch. Bug fixed #1100652 (upstream #66779).

Using concurrent REPLACE, LOAD DATA REPLACE or INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statements in the READ COMMITTED isolation level or with the innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog option enabled could lead to a unique-key constraint violation. Bug fixed #1308016 (upstream #76927).

Issuing SHOW BINLOG EVENTS with an invalid starting binlog position would cause a potentially misleading message in the server error log. Bug fixed #1409652 (upstream #75480).

While using max_slowlog_size, the slow query log was rotated every time slow_query_log was enabled, not really checking if the current slow log is indeed bigger than max_slowlog_size or not. Bug fixed #1416582.

Fixed possible server assertions when Backup Locks are used. Bug fixed #1432494.

If query_response_time_range_base was set as a command line option or in a configuration file, its value would not take effect until the first flush was made. Bug fixed #1453277 (Preston Bennes).

mysqld_safe script is now searching for library, needed by TokuDB, in the basedir directory as well. Bug fixed #1462338.

Prepared XA transactions could cause a debug assertion failure during the shutdown. Bug fixed #1468326.

Variable log_slow_sp_statements now supports skipping the logging of stored procedures into the slow log entirely with new OFF_NO_CALLS option. Bug fixed #1432846.

TokuDB HotBackup library is now automatically loaded with mysqld_safe script. Bug fixed #1467443.

Other bugs fixed: #1457113, #1380895, and #1413836.

2 blueprints and 33 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Merge MySQL 5.6.25 Merge MySQL 5.6.25 5 Essential Laurynas Biveinis  11 Implemented
Proxy protocol support Proxy protocol support 3 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1384590 #1384590 mysqld got signal 11 ; on SHOW GRANTS | handle_fatal_signal (sig=11) in show_routine_grants 3 High   10 Fix Released
1408500 #1408500 missing libmysqlclient libraries 3 High Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1408500 #1408500 missing libmysqlclient libraries 3 High Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1417382 #1417382 handle_fatal_signal (sig=11) in THD::cleanup | sql/ 3 High   10 Fix Released
1457113 #1457113 Invalid query result 3 High   10 Fix Released
1457113 #1457113 Invalid query result 3 High   10 Fix Released
1462856 #1462856 Newest RHEL/CentOS openssl update breaks mysql DHE 3 High Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1462856 #1462856 Newest RHEL/CentOS openssl update breaks mysql DHE 3 High Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1467760 #1467760 Assertion failure ut_a(page_zip_verify_checksum(frame, zip_size)) still happens when it should not 3 High Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1467760 #1467760 Assertion failure ut_a(page_zip_verify_checksum(frame, zip_size)) still happens when it should not 3 High Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1100652 #1100652 innochecksum always fail to check table files with KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=4 and ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED 4 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1100652 #1100652 innochecksum always fail to check table files with KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=4 and ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED 4 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1308016 #1308016 Duplicate UK values in READ-COMMITTED (again) 4 Medium Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1308016 #1308016 Duplicate UK values in READ-COMMITTED (again) 4 Medium Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1380895 #1380895 Query to INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS leads to huge memory usage 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1380895 #1380895 Query to INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS leads to huge memory usage 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1409652 #1409652 Selecting wrong pos with SHOW BINLOG EVENTS causes a potentially misleading message in the server error log 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1409652 #1409652 Selecting wrong pos with SHOW BINLOG EVENTS causes a potentially misleading message in the server error log 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1413836 #1413836 Semi-sync replication performance degrades with high number of threads 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1416582 #1416582 Slow query log is rotated before it should when using max_slowlog_size 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1416582 #1416582 Slow query log is rotated before it should when using max_slowlog_size 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1432494 #1432494 Assertion `duration != MDL_EXPLICIT || !thd->mdl_context.is_lock_owner(m_namespace, "", "", MDL_INTENTION_EXCLUSIVE)' failed in sql/ 4 Medium Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1432494 #1432494 Assertion `duration != MDL_EXPLICIT || !thd->mdl_context.is_lock_owner(m_namespace, "", "", MDL_INTENTION_EXCLUSIVE)' failed in sql/ 4 Medium Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1453277 #1453277 query_response_time_range_base is not read on startup 4 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1453277 #1453277 query_response_time_range_base is not read on startup 4 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1462338 #1462338 search for in $basedir/lib/mysql 5 Low Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1462338 #1462338 search for in $basedir/lib/mysql 5 Low Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1468326 #1468326 Debug assertion failure on shutdown if XA PREPAREd transactions exist 5 Low Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1468326 #1468326 Debug assertion failure on shutdown if XA PREPAREd transactions exist 5 Low Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1432846 #1432846 log_slow_sp_statements should have an option to disable any SP-related logging 6 Wishlist Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1432846 #1432846 log_slow_sp_statements should have an option to disable any SP-related logging 6 Wishlist Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1467443 #1467443 Add TokuDB HotBackup library to ld_preload in mysqld_safe 6 Wishlist Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1467443 #1467443 Add TokuDB HotBackup library to ld_preload in mysqld_safe 6 Wishlist Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
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