Percona Server moved to 5.7.12-5

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Percona Server moved to
Hrvoje Matijakovic
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1 EvgeniyPatlan, 3 George Ormond Lorch III, 14 Laurynas Biveinis, 1 Nickolay Ihalainen, 3 Tomislav Plavcic, 1 Vlad Lesin, 1 Yura Sorokin
1 Implemented
27 Fix Released

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Bugs Fixed
MEMORY storage engine did not support JSON columns. Bug fixed #1536469.

When Read Free Replication was enabled for TokuDB and there was no explicit primary key for the replicated TokuDB table there could be duplicated records in the table on update operation. The fix disables Read Free Replication for tables without explicit primary key and does rows lookup for UPDATE and DELETE binary log events and issues warning. Bug fixed #1536663 (#950).

Attempting to execute a non-existing prepared statement with Response Time Distribution plugin enabled could lead to a server crash. Bug fixed #1538019.

TokuDB was using using different memory allocators, this was causing safemalloc warnings in debug builds and crashes because memory accounting didn’t add up. Bug fixed #1546538 (#962).

Adding an index to an InnoDB temporary table while expand_fast_index_creation was enabled could lead to server assertion. Bug fixed #1554622.

Percona Server was missing the innodb_numa_interleave server variable. Bug fixed #1561091 (upstream #80288).

Running SHOW STATUS in parallel to online buffer pool resizing could lead to server crash. Bug fixed #1577282.

InnoDB crash recovery might fail if innodb_flush_method was set to ALL_O_DIRECT. Bug fixed #1529885.

Fixed heap allocator/deallocator mismatch in Metrics for scalability measurement. Bug fixed #1581051.

Percona Server is now built with system zlib library instead of the older bundled one. Bug fixed #1108016.

CMake would fail if TokuDB tests passed. Bug fixed #1521566.

Reduced the memory overhead per page in the InnoDB buffer pool. The fix was based on Facebook patch #91e979e. Bug fixed #1536693 (upstream #72466).

CREATE TABLE ... LIKE ... could create a system table with an unsupported enforced engine. Bug fixed #1540338.

Change buffer merge could throttle to 5% of I/O capacity on an idle server. Bug fixed #1547525.

Parallel doublewrite memory was not freed with innodb_fast_shutdown was set to 2. Bug fixed #1578139.

Server will now show more descriptive error message when Percona Server fails with errno == 22 "Invalid argument", if innodb_flush_method was set to ALL_O_DIRECT. Bug fixed #1578604.

The error log warning Too many connections was only printed for connection attempts when max_connections + one SUPER have connected. If the extra SUPER is not connected, the warning was not printed for a non-SUPER connection attempt. Bug fixed #1583553.

apt-cache show command for percona-server-client was showing innotop included as part of the package. Bug fixed #1201074.

A replication slave would fail to connect to a master running 5.5. Bug fixed #1566642 (upstream #80962).

Upgrade logic for figuring if TokuDB upgrade can be performed from the version on disk to the current version was broken due to regression introduced when fixing #684 in Percona Server 5.7.11-4. Bug fixed #717.

Fixed jemalloc version parsing error. Bug fixed #528.

If ALTER TABLE was run while tokudb_auto_analyze variable was enabled it would trigger auto-analysis, which could lead to a server crash if ALTER TABLE DROP KEY was used because it would be operating on the old table/key meta-data. Bug fixed #945.

The tokudb_pk_insert_mode session variable has been deprecated and the behavior will be that of the former tokudb_pk_insert_mode set to 1. The optimization will be used where safe and not used where not safe. Bug fixed #952.

Bug in TokuDB Index Condition Pushdown was causing ORDER BY DESC to reverse the scan outside of the WHERE bounds. This would cause query to hang in a sending data state for several minutes in some environments with large amounts of data (3 billion records) if the ORDER BY DESC statement was used. Bugs fixed #988, #233, and #534.

1 blueprint and 27 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Merge MySQL 5.7.12 Merge MySQL 5.7.12 5 Essential Yura Sorokin  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1510564 #1510564 It's possible to have innodb_open_files>open_files_limit and it can crash Percona Server 3 High   10 Fix Released
1536469 #1536469 Assertion `length == 0 || json_binary::parse_binary(ptr, length).is_valid()' failed in sql/ type_conversion_status Field_json::store_binary(const char*, size_t) 3 High Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1536663 #1536663 TokuDB Read Free Replication will not propagate reliably if table PK is missing 3 High Vlad Lesin  10 Fix Released
1538019 #1538019 Crash on attempting to execute non-existing prepared statement with QRT enabled | handle_fatal_signal (sig=11) in query_response_time_audit_notify 3 High Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1546538 #1546538 broken memory management in TokuDB 5.6.28-76.1 3 High George Ormond Lorch III  10 Fix Released
1554622 #1554622 InnoDB: Failing assertion: fil_space_get_type(id) == FIL_TYPE_TABLESPACE in file line 778 3 High Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1561091 #1561091 Percona Server 5.7.11-4 misses the innodb_numa_interleave server variable 3 High Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1577282 #1577282 SHOW STATUS in parallel to online buffer pool resizing may crash 3 High Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1578516 #1578516 Innodb crash recovery with ALL_O_DIRECT in 5.7 errno != EINVAL 3 High Nickolay Ihalainen  10 Fix Released
1581051 #1581051 Heap allocator/deallocator mismatch in scalability metrics plugin 3 High Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1108016 #1108016 System libraries should be preferred to bundled ones 4 Medium Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1521566 #1521566 CMake fails if TokuDB tests pass 4 Medium Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1529407 #1529407 Error 1064 on SELECT from VIEW containing TIMESTAMPDIFF(MICROSECOND, ...) 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1533482 #1533482 ALTER USER IDENTIFIED WITH ‘auth_pam’ disables user account 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1536693 #1536693 More memory overhead per page in the InnoDB buffer pool 4 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1540338 #1540338 CREATE TABLE ... LIKE ... may create a system table with an unsupported enforced engine | Assertion `!"Transactional table"' failed in sql/ 4 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1547525 #1547525 Change buffer merge throttled to 5% of I/O capacity on an idle server 4 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1553166 #1553166 InnoDB: Failing assertion: block->n_pointers == 0 in line 2259 4 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1578139 #1578139 Parallel doublewrite memory not freed with innodb_fast_shutdown=2 4 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1578604 #1578604 Please check if ALL_O_DIRECT is ON if InnoDB log I/O fails with errno == 22 "Invalid argument" 4 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1583553 #1583553 Error log "Too many connections" warning is not printed for the first after the limit non-SUPER login attempt 4 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1201074 #1201074 "apt-cache show" for percona-server-client claims innotop is included 5 Low EvgeniyPatlan  10 Fix Released
1496282 #1496282 tokudb.i_s_tokudb_lock_waits_released testcase is unstable 5 Low George Ormond Lorch III  10 Fix Released
1496786 #1496786 tokudb.i_s_tokudb_locks_released testcase is unstable 5 Low George Ormond Lorch III  10 Fix Released
1566642 #1566642 Replication does not work when @@GLOBAL.SERVER_UUID is missing on the master 5 Low Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1567869 #1567869 Miscellaneous code review changes from 5.7 work 5 Low Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1586122 #1586122 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE causes foreign key errors to be reported as duplicate entry error 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
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