Registered by Jon Hill

A set of integrated tools to process tree data ready for supertree construction.

The STK is a handy box of tools to aid processing of data ready for analysis in programs like PAUP and TNT. It implements the supertree processing protocol proposed by Davis and Hill, 2008 (

The software was described in this paper in Biodiversity Data Journal:

The aim is to produce a GUI, web-based and command line interface for curating, processing and storing data ready for supertree analysis, all with common functionality. Our data format is a XML file that contains the trees and associated metadata for each tree.

To Install:

You need to add the Supertree Toolkit PPA ( to your system, along with an additional one which contains some dependencies. You can then install the package. Run the commands below to do all this.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:fluidity-core/ppa
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:stk-developers/release
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install supertree-toolkit

Download the setup.exe (right) and install as normal

MacOS X:
Download the STK.dmg (right) and install as normal

To contribute:
Please contact the development team for advice first, before undertaking a substantial amount of work. All new developments must be done on a branch. Once ready, a merge can be requested and a code review from a member of the team will grant or refuse the request (with comments and advice). Once granted, a merge to the trunk can be performed.

Project information

STK Developers
STK Developers

RDF metadata

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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