Ported Features
Fixed Size for the Read Ahead Area has been ported from Percona Server 5.5
Bug Fixes
If binary log was enabled, Fake Changes transactions were binlogged. This could lead to data corruption issues with deeper replication topologies. Bug fixed #1190580.
Querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS could cause key distribution statistics for partitioned tables to be reset to those corresponding to the last partition. Fixed the upstream bug #69179. Bug fixed #1192354.
Changes made to the RPM scripts for previous Percona Server version caused installer to fail if there were different datadir options in multiple configuration files. Bug fixed #1201036.
Fixed the upstream bug #42415 that would cause UPDATE/DELETE statements with the LIMIT clause to be unsafe for Statement Based Replication even when ORDER BY primary key was present. Fixed by implementing an algorithm to do more elaborate analysis on the nature of the query to determine whether the query will cause uncertainty for replication or not. Bug fixed #1132194.
When an upgrade was performed between major versions (e.g. by uninstalling a 5.1 RPM and then installing a 5.5 one), mysql_install_db was still called on the existing data directory which lead to re-creation of the test database. Bug fixed #1169522.
Fixed the upstream bug #69639 which caused compile errors for Percona Server with DTrace version Sun D 1.11 provided by recent SmartOS versions. Bug fixed #1196460.
Fixed a regression introduced in Percona Server 5.6.12-60.4, where server wouldn’t be able to start if Atomic write support for Fusion-io devices was enabled. Bug fixed #1214735.
Other bugs fixed: bug fixed #1188162, bug fixed #1203308 and bug fixed #1189743.