Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

175 of 6350 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
New Python Versions This PPA contains more recent Python versions packaged for Ubu... 9 397
Bio-Linux The packages provided by this PPA are a binary copy from https... 107 264
Django 1.7 & Celery 3 for Trusty Build sequence: billiard python-redis python-amqp python3-dja... 19 61
bzr-builddeps Common build-time dependencies for bzr ppas. debhelper: At le... 11 25
p4lang-3rd-party P4 third party software environment based on official grpc-v1.... 13 52
Test rebuilds for Python transitions This is an EXPERIMENTAL PPA. We recommend you do not use it f... 16 24
p4lang-3rd-party-focal P4 third party software environment based on official MASTER t... 5 27
Python Crypto 2.6 for Precise Currently python-crypto-2.6.1 seems to be missing python-epydo... 3 21
SSLGUI-SSHConnect SSLGUI-GUI for connecting to athena Only for Ubuntu 12.04 Meth... 1 1
Python - backports (Xenial & newer) Python packages backports (many restoring Python 2.7) for Xeni... 760 4831
Spice-Gtk-0.7 via Debian Unstable PLease be advised that direct port from Debian has following f... 2 11
Métamorphose2 - renamer (Xenial & newer) Métamorphose2 0.90~beta (fixing a few bugs) for Xenial, Bionic... 6 67
PPA for Blender 2.4 and 2.7 Provide Blender 2.4 and 2.7 packages which can be installed si... 13 184
python-requests Requests is an ISC Licensed HTTP library, written in Python, f... 3 33 PPA Contains the following packages: - OpenSesame, a graphical ex... 47 421
Expyriment Expyriment -- Python library for cognitive and neuroscientific... 1 5
Qt 4 & 5 - backports (Xenial only) Backports of Qt 4.8.7+dfsg-7ubuntu2 & Qt 5.9.5+dfsg-0ubuntu2.5... 91 720
python-tz World Timezone Definitions for Python. pytz brings the Olson ... 1 6
python-unittest2 unittest2 is an enhanced version of unittest including a stand... 1 1
pyv8 Python PyV8 PPA packages for Ubuntu Linux Currently supporte... 1 4
python-neo4jrestclient Object-oriented Python library to interact with Neo4j standalo... 1 5
python3-pyglm OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) library for Python GLSL + Optional f... 1 5
python-pil Python Imaging Library (Pillow fork) The Python Imaging Libra... 1 56
VTK 7 jumbo package Holds a single Ubuntu 16.04 package vtk7, containing VTK 7.0.0... 1 2
python-pynamodb A Pythonic interface for Amazon's DynamoDB that supports Pytho... 3 11
python-logutils The logutils package provides a set of handlers for the Python... 1 9
Encryption - various (Xenial & newer) Encryption PPA (gnutls28 3.7.3, ssl 1.1.1w, and more) for Xeni... 76 794
Expyriment Nightly Expyriment -- Python library for cognitive and neuroscientific... 1 4
PPA for Yannick LM First steps into packaging. Please do not expect too much ;) ... 3 4
python-gflags A Python implementation of the Google commandline flags module... 1 4
python-goless Provides a Go-like concurrent programming style in Python. Us... 1 2
release Speect release packages: libspct - Speect Engin... 1 49
CIS stable releases This PPA contains stable releases of CIS and its dependencies ... 16 60
APT - backports (Xenial only) Backports of APT packages (includes apt, python-apt) from Bion... 28 231
Python Packaging Authority (PyPA) The Python Packaging Authority (PyPA) is a working group that ... 3 3
TkinterEP PPA for the Tkinter Extension Project: An initiative to create... 2 19
mlpy mlpy is a Python module for Machine Learning built on top of N... 1 3
selinux python package in Ubuntu PPA Include all selinux python package from SELinux Project Issue... 2 4
vips8 Backports for Ubuntu LTS libvips-dev: image processing system good for very large image... 1 6
Python 3 Packaging things for Python 3. Note that, because of the way ... 10 35
flexget The most up to date flexget PPA for 14.04.x LTS. This reposito... 13 14
random This PPA provides packages for building the openage project in... 16 78
colcon-poetry-ros An extension for colcon-core that adds support for Python pack... 1 0
system-config-lvm Utility for graphically configuring Logical Volumes  System-c... 1 3
uwsgi uWSGI is a fast (pure C), self-healing, developer-friendly WSG... 2 339
python-numpy Numerical Python adds a fast array facility to the Python lang... 2 26
python-simplejson simplejson is a simple, fast, complete, correct and extensible... 1 35
Alt-OS Python Extensions This PPA is providing some python extensions such as pycparser... 2 6
OpenSlide OpenSlide is a C library that provides a simple interface to r... 3 40
Python fixes Cherrypicked fixes and updates to resolve problems discovered ... 2 7
python-google-api-python-client Google API Client Library for Python The Google API Client fo... 2 8
python-psycopg2 Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter. psycopg2 is a PostgreSQL ... 1 25
Frescobaldi Updated frescobaldi, python-ly and python-poppler-qt4 for xeni... 1 3
kst2 **************************************************************... 2 98
python-django-piston Piston is a relatively small Django application that lets you ... 2 8
python-elasticsearch Python client for Elasticsearch Official low-level client for... 2 15
python-pylibmc pylibmc is a client in Python for memcached. It is a wrapper a... 2 9
GnuCash GnuCash is a double entry accounting program, featuring Python... 1 8
Packages by avu The python package is the Ubuntu package plus the patch from h... 2 9
Spacewalk ## Background 4 5
Tools that Integrate with Ask Ubuntu The purpose of this PPA is to provide a single unified place w... 10 55
Yardbird Yardbird is a Python package that allows you to write IRC chat... 2 6
opencv-2.4.2 opencv backport - for lucid compatibility relaxed python-numpy... 1 39
python-config This module allows a hierarchical configuration scheme with su... 1 4
python-eventlet Eventlet is a concurrent networking library for Python that al... 1 4
python-lxc python-lxc for Trusty 14.04 LTS Usage: apt-add-repository -... 1 1
python-markdown2 markdown2: A fast and complete Python implementation of Markdo... 1 8
python-marshmallow A lightweight library for converting complex datatypes into na... 1 3
python-mock A Python Mocking and Patching Library for Testing mock is a l... 1 15
python-pika Pika Python AMQP Client Library Pika is a pure-Python impleme... 1 8
python-py2neo Py2neo is a simple and pragmatic Python library that provides ... 1 4
python-pyrise Python wrapper for 37Signals Highrise A work in progress, but... 1 4
python-thrift Python library for Thrift Thrift is a software framework for ... 1 3
python-urllib3 HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, a... 1 10
python-xml-elements Elements is a Python library that provides simple parsing from... 1 1
175 of 6350 results