neutron 2012.2 "folsom"

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Code name:
Thierry Carrez
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download icon quantum-2012.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) Quantum "Folsom" release 912
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Release notes 

This is Quantum 2012.2 release.


This release does not have a changelog.

41 blueprints and 265 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Nova-equivalent Quantum L3 Forwarding, NAT, and Floating-IP Extension Nova-equivalent Quantum L3 Forwarding, NAT, and Floating-IP Extension 5 Essential dan wendlandt  11 Implemented
Quantum v2 public networks Quantum v2 public networks 5 Essential Salvatore Orlando  11 Implemented
API v2: Combine Quantum and Melange and expose IPAM API v2: Combine Quantum and Melange and expose IPAM 5 Essential Jason Kölker  11 Implemented
New Quantum Client Lib & CLI New Quantum Client Lib & CLI 5 Essential yong sheng gong  11 Implemented
API to register existing "provider" networks with Quantum API to register existing "provider" networks with Quantum 5 Essential Robert Kukura  11 Implemented
Improve Nova Quantum Integration Improve Nova Quantum Integration 5 Essential yong sheng gong  11 Implemented
Quantum DHCP Quantum DHCP 5 Essential Mark McClain  11 Implemented
Agent for test Agent for test 4 High Nachi Ueno  11 Implemented
Quantum Client/CLI: L3 and floating IP Support Quantum Client/CLI: L3 and floating IP Support 4 High dan wendlandt  11 Implemented
v2 Quantum devstack excercise script(s) v2 Quantum devstack excercise script(s) 4 High Nachi Ueno  11 Implemented
Enable Authorization support in Quantum Enable Authorization support in Quantum 4 High Kevin L. Mitchell  11 Implemented
Remove API v1 related code Remove API v1 related code 4 High dan wendlandt  11 Implemented
Base Quantum Horizon Integration Base Quantum Horizon Integration 4 High Akihiro Motoki  11 Implemented
DHCP support for overlapping IPs DHCP support for overlapping IPs 4 High Mark McClain  11 Implemented
Improve scalability by eliminating agent DB polling Improve scalability by eliminating agent DB polling 4 High Gary Kotton  11 Implemented
Multi-node devstack support Multi-node devstack support 4 High dan wendlandt  11 Implemented
Non-polling DHCP implemtation Non-polling DHCP implemtation 4 High Mark McClain  11 Implemented
OVS plugin support for v2 Quantum API OVS plugin support for v2 Quantum API 4 High Aaron Rosen  11 Implemented
Quantum API Quotas Quantum API Quotas 4 High yong sheng gong  11 Implemented
Quantum Notifications Quantum Notifications 4 High yong sheng gong  11 Implemented
System / Functional tests for Quantum Service System / Functional tests for Quantum Service 4 High Debo~ Dutta  11 Implemented
Enhancements to Cisco v2 meta-plugin Enhancements to Cisco v2 meta-plugin 3 Medium Rohit Agarwalla  11 Implemented
Meta plugin Meta plugin 3 Medium Nachi Ueno  11 Implemented
NEC OpenFlow Plugin NEC OpenFlow Plugin 3 Medium Ryota Mibu  11 Implemented
Add v2 API support for the Cisco plugin Add v2 API support for the Cisco plugin 3 Medium Sumit Naiksatam  11 Implemented
Better agent logging Better agent logging 3 Medium Gary Kotton  11 Implemented
Cisco NXOS plugin should be able to configure more than just two ports Cisco NXOS plugin should be able to configure more than just two ports 3 Medium Edgar Magana  11 Implemented
F-3 CLI Usability Improvements F-3 CLI Usability Improvements 3 Medium yong sheng gong  11 Implemented
Quantum Agent Common Dir Quantum Agent Common Dir 3 Medium dan wendlandt  11 Implemented
Quantum Nicira NVP Plugin (v2) Quantum Nicira NVP Plugin (v2) 3 Medium Aaron Rosen  11 Implemented
Quantum server and agents should use openstack.common.cfg Quantum server and agents should use openstack.common.cfg 3 Medium Gary Kotton  11 Implemented
Robust agent DB access Robust agent DB access 3 Medium Gary Kotton  11 Implemented
Simplify OVS Plugin Tunnel Mgmt Simplify OVS Plugin Tunnel Mgmt 3 Medium dan wendlandt  11 Implemented
This module will provides a generic iptables abstraction This module will provides a generic iptables abstraction 3 Medium Juliano Martinez  11 Implemented
Update Ryu plugin for V2 api/Ryu Update Ryu plugin for V2 api/Ryu 3 Medium Yoshihiro Kaneko  11 Implemented
expose DHCP server IP expose DHCP server IP 3 Medium Nachi Ueno  11 Implemented
Common Database Interface Common Database Interface 2 Low Gary Kotton  11 Implemented
Man page support Man page support 2 Low Gary Kotton  11 Implemented
Per-Network DHCP enablement Per-Network DHCP enablement 2 Low Simon  11 Implemented
Quantum should use openstack.common.importutils Quantum should use openstack.common.importutils 2 Low Zhongyue Luo  11 Implemented
Quantum should use openstack.common.jsonutils Quantum should use openstack.common.jsonutils 2 Low Zhongyue Luo  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1000887 #1000887 Nova/Quantum Integration broken due to typo in serializer 2 Critical dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1008029 #1008029 implement mac & IP allocate in v2 db plugin base 2 Critical Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1022032 #1022032 v2 API policy checks fail with keystone 2 Critical dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1022806 #1022806 dhcp agent does not work with linux bridge 2 Critical Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1025526 #1025526 update from openstack-common to solve iniparse bug 2 Critical Yaguang Tang  10 Fix Released
1027194 #1027194 Vm can't talk with DHCP server with LinuxBridgeDriver plugin 2 Critical Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1028174 #1028174 Tenant cannot delete network when dhcp-agent is running 2 Critical Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1036425 #1036425 failed to list subnets with id only 2 Critical yong sheng gong  10 Fix Released
1037341 #1037341 provider networks networks, phase 2, OVS 2 Critical Robert Kukura  10 Fix Released
1037443 #1037443 wrong interface prefix ovs 2 Critical Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1039393 #1039393 DHCP agent will not work if the OVS or linux bridge agents are working with DB polling 2 Critical dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1039400 #1039400 nova security groups issues with quantum-v2-api integration 2 Critical dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1039419 #1039419 Cannot launch an instance when quantum public network is specified 2 Critical Akihiro Motoki  10 Fix Released
1042446 #1042446 Missing file/apt for quanutm in devstack 2 Critical dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1043583 #1043583 Must start quantum-dhcp-agent by hand first time after devstack install 2 Critical Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1044135 #1044135 ovs quantum agent appears to stop responding after some time 2 Critical Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1048906 #1048906 invalid ClassNotFound is used in 2 Critical yong sheng gong  10 Fix Released
1050045 #1050045 files missing from in RC1 2 Critical Jiajun Liu  10 Fix Released
1050504 #1050504 ovs-plugin-agent died when I delete vm 2 Critical dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1051525 #1051525 Layer 3 agent fails with rootwarp after reboot 2 Critical dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1052179 #1052179 eval used without validating input 2 Critical Maru Newby  10 Fix Released
1052281 #1052281 reclaim vlan crash the ovs plugin agent 2 Critical yong sheng gong  10 Fix Released
1052295 #1052295 DB error in Cisco plugin 2 Critical Sumit Naiksatam  10 Fix Released
1052522 #1052522 L3 plugin exists / dies when external bridge isn't up 2 Critical dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1053889 #1053889 no rootwrap filter for 'route', used by l3-agent 2 Critical dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1054387 #1054387 oom while executing unit tests 2 Critical Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1055822 #1055822 Ensure subnet do not overlap when IP overlapping is disabled 2 Critical Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
997763 #997763 floating ips are not disassociated from instances on deletion 3 High dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1000580 #1000580 Quantum Linux Bridge interface driver plug operation fails with RTNETLINK error 3 High Sumit Naiksatam  10 Fix Released
1002693 #1002693 Quantum Development Documentation 3 High Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1004584 #1004584 no attribute add_tun_br_flows_for_local_vlan 3 High Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1008180 #1008180 implement DB and allocation logic for dns + route info. 3 High Simon  10 Fix Released
1011467 #1011467 OVS plugin tunnel bridges never learn 3 High Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1012438 #1012438 Validation in V2 API 3 High dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1013967 #1013967 Quantum is breaking on tests with pep 1.3 3 High Juliano Martinez  10 Fix Released
1014989 #1014989 check foreign key ownership for port/subnet creation 3 High Juliano Martinez  10 Fix Released
1015410 #1015410 Some unit tests for Cisco plugin are failing 3 High Shweta P  10 Fix Released
1017760 #1017760 devstack support for v2 nova/quantum integration 3 High Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1019462 #1019462 devstack support for quantum DHCP 3 High Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1020563 #1020563 delete_subnet since ipallocationranges has a foreign key to the subnet 3 High Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1020639 #1020639 make batch API create/delete atomic 3 High Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1022737 #1022737 host route distribution by DHCP 3 High Nachi Ueno  10 Fix Released
1022804 #1022804 Address re-allocation before DHCP lease's expire 3 High Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1023111 #1023111 extension framework should support extended attributes on core resources 3 High Robert Kukura  10 Fix Released
1023167 #1023167 openvswitch plugin would fail with replicated quantum-server 3 High Robert Kukura  10 Fix Released
1025150 #1025150 Quantum crashes with field parameter on querystring and keystone enabled 3 High Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1030271 #1030271 faild to list network due to the provider:vlan_id 3 High Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1032506 #1032506 exception when deleting a port with gateway_ip 3 High dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1035953 #1035953 python-quantuclient needs pyparsing 3 High dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1037589 #1037589 ipaddr is not assigned when creating a port on shared network with different tenant_id 3 High Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1037815 #1037815 Fix Quantum Rootwrap 3 High john dunning  10 Fix Released
1038565 #1038565 Some unit tests for Cisco plugin are failing 3 High Sumit Naiksatam  10 Fix Released
1038962 #1038962 Exception while associating a floating ip 3 High dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1039387 #1039387 l3-agent router/namespace deletion 3 High dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1039591 #1039591 Allow regular user to list subnets on shared networks 3 High Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1039687 #1039687 Cisco Nexus plugin delete network removes additional vlans 3 High Rohit Agarwalla  10 Fix Released
1039947 #1039947 Unable to delete a router port 3 High dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1040277 #1040277 Run unit tests against all plugins 3 High Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1040447 #1040447 Linux bridge flat network looses connectivity if IP defined on interface 3 High Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1041669 #1041669 OVS + LB plugins clear device_id and device_owner if port is status down 3 High dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1042030 #1042030 add explicit check for 'external-network' in L3 3 High Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1042037 #1042037 verify router, subnet/port ownership for L3 router interface calls 3 High Nachi Ueno  10 Fix Released
1042109 #1042109 nec plugin support for L3 + floating Ips 3 High Akihiro Motoki  10 Fix Released
1043022 #1043022 dns is not distributed by dhcp-agent 3 High Nachi Ueno  10 Fix Released
1043147 #1043147 Cisco Nexus sub-plugin doesn't handle update of network admin status 3 High Rohit Agarwalla  10 Fix Released
1044083 #1044083 rootwrap filter for ip netns exec 3 High Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1044375 #1044375 expose openvswitch GRE tunnel_id via provider API 3 High Robert Kukura  10 Fix Released
1044403 #1044403 Linux bridge agent explodes at startup 3 High Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1044556 #1044556 openvswitch update_port uses segmentation_id instead of local vlan_id 3 High Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1045312 #1045312 When metadata is enabled, l3 agent db loop raises at each iteration 3 High Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1045828 #1045828 DHCP Agent not assigning IP if more than one subnet exists on network 3 High Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1046173 #1046173 Subnets can be specified in the body of the create network API call meaninglessly 3 High dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1046192 #1046192 If gateway allocated on subnet is not in cidr then allocation pools are invalid 3 High Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1046855 #1046855 router/floating commands do not support resource reference by name 3 High Akihiro Motoki  10 Fix Released
1047047 #1047047 Use webob 1.0.8 for compliance with other openstack projects 3 High Brian Waldon  10 Fix Released
1047605 #1047605 DHCP agent needs to force a re-sync when rpc calls fail 3 High Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1048088 #1048088 quantum floatingip-show <anything> show a result 3 High dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1048108 #1048108 Restarting l3 agents has an exception 3 High Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1048109 #1048109 server response to 500 error is unhelpful 3 High dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1048617 #1048617 external interface is not removed when router-gateway-clear 3 High Akihiro Motoki  10 Fix Released
1048968 #1048968 L3-agent does not work with linux bridge 3 High Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1050062 #1050062 fix filters_path 3 High Jiajun Liu  10 Fix Released
1050512 #1050512 qr port of br-int is not set vlan after I restart machine and then restart quantum components 3 High dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1050545 #1050545 Creating network is failing in virtual switch mode of the CIsco plugin 3 High Sumit Naiksatam  10 Fix Released
1050661 #1050661 Default for qpid_heartbeat should be increased 3 High Russell Bryant  10 Fix Released
1051842 #1051842 l3-agent should nat metadata requests even if no gateway exists 3 High dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1052202 #1052202 NVP plugin missing dhcp rpc callbacks 3 High Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1053154 #1053154 Error in flat and local network creation in Cisco plugin 3 High Sumit Naiksatam  10 Fix Released
1055384 #1055384 dnsmasq - Stderr: 'Option "-no-hosts" is unknown, try "ip -help".\n' 3 High Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
803086 #803086 plugins.ini should be collapsed into quantum.conf to prevent configuration"sprawl" 4 Medium Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
980033 #980033 quantum server shouldn't return tracebacks to clients 4 Medium Guilherme Salgado  10 Fix Released
1000809 #1000809 unneeded import of ovs_models in OVS agent break 2.4 compat 4 Medium dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1000837 #1000837 document that none of the "nova-manage network modify" commands should be used w/Quantum 4 Medium dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1001220 #1001220 [folsom-1] HACKING.rst missing from generated tarballs 4 Medium Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1002605 #1002605 update webob to be version 1.2 or above 4 Medium Juliano Martinez  10 Fix Released
1004290 #1004290 update api version controller 4 Medium yong sheng gong  10 Fix Released
1011841 #1011841 clean-up v2 plugin definition 4 Medium dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1012418 #1012418 quantum agent for OVS does not install properly on Xen XCP 4 Medium Juliano Martinez  10 Fix Released
1012502 #1012502 Cisco plugin cannot find argument action_prefix 4 Medium Harsh Prasad  10 Fix Released
1015148 #1015148 v2 validity checks 4 Medium Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1015953 #1015953 linuxbridge_quantum_agent device_exists() is buggy 4 Medium Juliano Martinez  10 Fix Released
1016308 #1016308 support v2 API "reserved ranges" in db_base_plugin 4 Medium Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1018833 #1018833 Missing misc files in generated tarballs 4 Medium Monty Taylor  10 Fix Released
1019491 #1019491 ovs-agent exception non-existent ports 4 Medium Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1023649 #1023649 policy.json is reloaded at each request 4 Medium Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1028075 #1028075 Enable Keystone authN for Quantum in devstack 4 Medium Akihiro Motoki  10 Fix Released
1028647 #1028647 make sure that if a subnet has no gateway the router option is not sent in the dhcp offer. 4 Medium Nachi Ueno  10 Fix Released
1029142 #1029142 Have tox execute OVS unit tests 4 Medium Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1032548 #1032548 update readme for v2 API and new email list 4 Medium Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1034212 #1034212 Quantum client should refresh keystone token 4 Medium Akihiro Motoki  10 Fix Released
1035366 #1035366 namespace clean-up utility 4 Medium Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1036051 #1036051 limit default set of fields shown in *-list cmds 4 Medium yong sheng gong  10 Fix Released
1036054 #1036054 inconsistent use of 'status' values 4 Medium Jiajun Liu  10 Fix Released
1037545 #1037545 Log exception due to missing parameters 4 Medium Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1037902 #1037902 openvswitch-agent down when ovs-vsctl list-port fails 4 Medium Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1039777 #1039777 update openstack-common for rc-1 4 Medium Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1040385 #1040385 allow nova delete to continue if quantum port delete fails 4 Medium dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1041316 #1041316 Execute plugin-specific unit tests in tox run 4 Medium Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1041917 #1041917 Run unit tests for Cisco plugin in the Quantum test suite 4 Medium Sumit Naiksatam  10 Fix Released
1042028 #1042028 make L3 agent handle multiple external networks 4 Medium dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1042042 #1042042 add attribute validation functions for L3 API 4 Medium Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1042104 #1042104 L3: make use of namespaces by agent configurable 4 Medium Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1043381 #1043381 Plugin test loads target plugin at each test setup but doesn't load according extensions 4 Medium MURAOKA Yusuke  10 Fix Released
1044218 #1044218 policy check always use rule admin_or_owner for update_port operation 4 Medium Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1044331 #1044331 prevent auto-deletion of ports when external net is deleted 4 Medium dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1044574 #1044574 network_delete RPC on openvswitch agent does nothing 4 Medium Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1045142 #1045142 revisit provider-net defaults for OVS (and LB?) 4 Medium Robert Kukura  10 Fix Released
1045275 #1045275 reverse boolean logic in ryu-plugin 4 Medium Yoshihiro Kaneko  10 Fix Released
1045536 #1045536 ovs_lib unable to parse return when port == -1 4 Medium Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1045610 #1045610 revisit openvswitch agent's handling of GRE tunnels when not supported by the kernel 4 Medium Robert Kukura  10 Fix Released
1045617 #1045617 --no-gateway results in dnsmasq using dhcpserver ip as default gw 4 Medium Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1045749 #1045749 Undefined variable 'network_type' in OVS agent 4 Medium Akihiro Motoki  10 Fix Released
1046061 #1046061 add_router_interface should check ip overwrapping 4 Medium Hisaharu Ishii  10 Fix Released
1046956 #1046956 Inconsistent HTTP error code for validation 4 Medium Nachi Ueno  10 Fix Released
1047230 #1047230 L3 support of Ryu plugin is broken 4 Medium Yoshihiro Kaneko  10 Fix Released
1048104 #1048104 exception when associating floating IP with mismatched tenants 4 Medium dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1048681 #1048681 quantum agent using a namespace does not work with nec plugin 4 Medium Akihiro Motoki  10 Fix Released
1049981 #1049981 Metaplugin blocks with Mysql 4 Medium Nachi Ueno  10 Fix Released
1050047 #1050047 bin/quantum-nec-agent is missing 4 Medium Akihiro Motoki  10 Fix Released
1050053 #1050053 python files in quantum/debug should not be executable 4 Medium Jiajun Liu  10 Fix Released
1052222 #1052222 main README points to wiki for v2 API 4 Medium dan wendlandt  10 Fix Released
1052289 #1052289 ovs plugin failed to remove old physical network vlan id allocaton entryies during sync 4 Medium Robert Kukura  10 Fix Released
921295 #921295 remove simplejson from requires + pip-requires 5 Low Maru Newby  10 Fix Released
993859 #993859 quamtum client --debug option needed 5 Low yong sheng gong  10 Fix Released
1006226 #1006226 unplug_interface of cisco plugin's references non-existing exception 5 Low Chinmay Kulkarni  10 Fix Released
1020024 #1020024 Plugin is initialized twice 5 Low Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1022966 #1022966 global name 'FLAGS' is not defined 5 Low Jiajun Liu  10 Fix Released
1032868 #1032868 quantum cli list produces error if -c is specified and no results exist 5 Low yong sheng gong  10 Fix Released
1036669 #1036669 Allow unit tests to load custom configuration files 5 Low Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1038256 #1038256 Incorrect error message when bulk create fails 5 Low Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1038778 #1038778 metaplugin support for L3 + floating Ips. 5 Low Nachi Ueno  10 Fix Released
1038783 #1038783 Linux bridge agent downs if vlan tag is already used 5 Low Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1040566 #1040566 TESTING is outdated 5 Low Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1043105 #1043105 subnet list does not print dns servers and hostnames properly 5 Low Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1045596 #1045596 add new test assertions from openvswitch to linuxbridge 5 Low Robert Kukura  10 Fix Released
1046952 #1046952 ipv6 cidr can be set even if ip_version=4 set 5 Low Akihiro Motoki  10 Fix Released
1047587 #1047587 L3 support of Metaplugin is broken 5 Low Nachi Ueno  10 Fix Released
1047751 #1047751 limit default set of fields shown in router and floating ip list commands 5 Low Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1048081 #1048081 floatingip-create: fixed_ip_address and port_id not sent to server 5 Low Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1048357 #1048357 DHCP agent port creation sets default name 5 Low Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1048962 #1048962 Exclude openstack/common from pep8 test 5 Low Zhongyue Luo  10 Fix Released
1051349 #1051349 Missing example / docs on external bridge 5 Low Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1052109 #1052109 README file changes for Cisco plugin 5 Low Sumit Naiksatam  10 Fix Released
1035492 #1035492 reduce duplicate code in ovs agent 6 Wishlist Robert Kukura  10 Fix Released
1048903 #1048903 Create .mailmap file 6 Wishlist Zhongyue Luo  10 Fix Released
921933 #921933 quantumclient lies about dependencies 1 Undecided Maru Newby  10 Fix Released
934115 #934115 Quantum API returns 200 status code when wrong error of the API is specified on URI 1 Undecided Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
942620 #942620 nova add-floating-ip not working 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
945259 #945259 404s 1 Undecided Monty Taylor  10 Fix Released
959794 #959794 delete_network kills dnsmasq on wrong machine 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
974835 #974835 quantum client --version option, unexpected behaviour 1 Undecided yong sheng gong  10 Fix Released
977685 #977685 Quantum is missing the ubiquitous HACKING.rst 1 Undecided Maru Newby  10 Fix Released
977711 #977711 Quantum should not be dependent on python-quantumclient 1 Undecided Maru Newby  10 Fix Released
981208 #981208 The codebase does not comply with HACKING.rst 1 Undecided Maru Newby  10 Fix Released
985470 #985470 Quantum agent (OVS) terminates when there is no connectivity to the quantum plugin 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
985646 #985646 OVS agent deletes tags when connection lost with DB 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
989868 #989868 openstack-linuxbridge-agent not working with older versions of iproute2 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
994652 #994652 nova-scheduler crashes with the cisco Quantum scheduler 1 Undecided Mathieu Rohon  10 Fix Released
994758 #994758 xen installer crashes on quantum agent installation 1 Undecided Piotr Siwczak  10 Fix Released
994957 #994957 handle all mailmap with name and email address 1 Undecided Bhuvan Arumugam  10 Fix Released
995283 #995283 Documentation build is broken 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
995438 #995438 Quantum Service Terminates if database service is not running 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
996163 #996163 remove unneeded imports in quantum/common/ 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1000251 #1000251 calling quantumclient CLI from cisco plugin CLI doesn't work 1 Undecided Mathieu Rohon  10 Fix Released
1000406 #1000406 Return value of shell commands is not checked by plugins 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1001053 #1001053 quantum client commands with filters don't work 1 Undecided yong sheng gong  10 Fix Released
1001941 #1001941 Linux bridge print error 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1004062 #1004062 load_paste_app Doesn't provide a traceback 1 Undecided Jason Kölker  10 Fix Released
1004966 #1004966 binaries should report versions 1 Undecided Harsh Prasad  10 Fix Released
1006221 #1006221 unplug_interface of references non-existing exception 1 Undecided yong sheng gong  10 Fix Released
1006281 #1006281 nexus-os snippet has an invalid parameter 1 Undecided Edgar Magana  10 Fix Released
1006684 #1006684 linux plugin agent's config file is not consistent with the common config module 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1007132 #1007132 Sphinx conf should detect quantum version 1 Undecided Jason Kölker  10 Fix Released
1007153 #1007153 XS should not have the centos repo enabled by quantum this can break the system 1 Undecided Juliano Martinez  10 Fix Released
1007557 #1007557 cleanup unused util functions 1 Undecided Yaguang Tang  10 Fix Released
1008346 #1008346 openvswitch agent is using OVSQuantumTunnelAgent whatever the enable_tunneling config item 1 Undecided yong sheng gong  10 Fix Released
1010276 #1010276 Remove unused imports 1 Undecided Zhongyue Luo  10 Fix Released
1011759 #1011759 Quantum CLI not consistent with other CLIs 1 Undecided yong sheng gong  10 Fix Released
1012234 #1012234 remove "runthis" and other unused fns from 1 Undecided Harsh Prasad  10 Fix Released
1012557 #1012557 Linuxbridge Plugin Does not work with V2 1 Undecided yong sheng gong  10 Fix Released
1013017 #1013017 Remove functions in openstack.common.utils 1 Undecided Zhongyue Luo  10 Fix Released
1013040 #1013040 Use openstack.common.exception 1 Undecided Zhongyue Luo  10 Fix Released
1014286 #1014286 Linuxbridge plugin crashes with common utils 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1014644 #1014644 pep8 issues on jenkins 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1014765 #1014765 Reorder imports by full module path 1 Undecided Zhongyue Luo  10 Fix Released
1015418 #1015418 devstack support for policy.json 1 Undecided Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1016232 #1016232 ovs_quantum_agent logging to a file 1 Undecided Armando Migliaccio  10 Fix Released
1017395 #1017395 V2 network deletion deletes ports and subnets 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1017805 #1017805 pep8 minor issues 1 Undecided Edgar Magana  10 Fix Released
1019230 #1019230 openstack-common update 1 Undecided Yaguang Tang  10 Fix Released
1019728 #1019728 Add reconnect timeout in event of database failre 1 Undecided Jiajun Liu  10 Fix Released
1019730 #1019730 Linux bridge agent terminates with existing bridge entry 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1019759 #1019759 User able to allocate a IP from subnet ID on different network 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1020468 #1020468 is not consistent with naming rule 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1020847 #1020847 cannot delete a port when it is allocated an IP 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1020879 #1020879 can't delete network by quantum api v2 (LB plugin) 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1021106 #1021106 API allows overlapping CIDRs on a network 1 Undecided Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1021546 #1021546 Remove quantum client codes for api 1.0 1 Undecided yong sheng gong  10 Fix Released
1022739 #1022739 MAC address range should be specified until 4th octet 1 Undecided Nachi Ueno  10 Fix Released
1022805 #1022805 DHCP server port does not reflect subnets created after process launched 1 Undecided Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1023066 #1023066 python-quantum fails to install due to python syntax errors 1 Undecided Adam Gandelman  10 Fix Released
1024844 #1024844 bulk creation does not work 1 Undecided Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1025127 #1025127 provide way to specify id in models_v2 1 Undecided Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1026598 #1026598 CLI admin_state_up fails 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1028646 #1028646 make sure that there's a way of creating a subnet without a gateway 1 Undecided Nachi Ueno  10 Fix Released
1029024 #1029024 Update openvswitch tunnel unittest 1 Undecided Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1029313 #1029313 pipeline config in api-paste should be more flexible 1 Undecided Akihiro Motoki  10 Fix Released
1029680 #1029680 NameError: global name 'conf' is not defined at OVS plugin 1 Undecided Nachi Ueno  10 Fix Released
1030830 #1030830 dhcp agent doesn't work with Ryu plugin 1 Undecided Isaku Yamahata  10 Fix Released
1030832 #1030832 610017c460b85e1b7d11327d050972bb03fcc0c3 break Ryu plugin/agent 1 Undecided Isaku Yamahata  10 Fix Released
1031716 #1031716 test_db_plugin does not test other plugins 1 Undecided Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1032502 #1032502 mac_ranges in network is invalid 1 Undecided Nachi Ueno  10 Fix Released
1033520 #1033520 MAC validation from configuration was problematic 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1035425 #1035425 ip_lib ensure_namespace has class name error 1 Undecided Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1035649 #1035649 wrong device is moved into netns with linuxbridge 1 Undecided Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1035669 #1035669 Linux bridge has an execption with get device 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1035769 #1035769 Make dhcp agent configurable for namespace 1 Undecided Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1035774 #1035774 have not converted query string into right type value 1 Undecided yong sheng gong  10 Fix Released
1036533 #1036533 pip requires missing common modules 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1036690 #1036690 device owner not reset when port is down 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1036996 #1036996 clear _ENGINE is needed in Metaplugin init 1 Undecided Nachi Ueno  10 Fix Released
1037082 #1037082 some unused global variable exists in OVS and linuxbridge agent 1 Undecided Akihiro Motoki  10 Fix Released
1037152 #1037152 Update metaplugin with new attribute extension spec 1 Undecided Nachi Ueno  10 Fix Released
1037239 #1037239 MetaInterfaceDriver didn't work with namespace support 1 Undecided Nachi Ueno  10 Fix Released
1037245 #1037245 linux bridge support for L3 + floating Ips. 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1037284 #1037284 Improve UnitTest for metaplugin 1 Undecided MURAOKA Yusuke  10 Fix Released
1037881 #1037881 Exception messages are not formatted 1 Undecided Akihiro Motoki  10 Fix Released
1038585 #1038585 Undefined variables in agent/linux/interface and some plugins 1 Undecided Akihiro Motoki  10 Fix Released
1038759 #1038759 ip_lib netns delete runs in the namespace assigned to wrapper 1 Undecided Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1038905 #1038905 Response of GET / contains v1.0/1.1 API versions 1 Undecided Akihiro Motoki  10 Fix Released
1040398 #1040398 lack of DHCP RPC API support of ryu plugin 1 Undecided Yoshihiro Kaneko  10 Fix Released
1040568 #1040568 Remove reference to verbose API fetch mechsnism 1 Undecided Salvatore Orlando  10 Fix Released
1043630 #1043630 some policy check code for ports should be purged 1 Undecided Jiajun Liu  10 Fix Released
1043746 #1043746 lack of L3 support of ryu plugin 1 Undecided Yoshihiro Kaneko  10 Fix Released
1044113 #1044113 mangle network namespace used for dhcp 1 Undecided Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1044542 #1044542 ip_lib netns commands should run in root ns 1 Undecided Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1044565 #1044565 openvswitch plugin does not remove inbound unicast flow in br-tun 1 Undecided Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1045592 #1045592 openvswitch agent logging verbosity issues 1 Undecided Robert Kukura  10 Fix Released
1045598 #1045598 openvswitch agent needs additional rootwrap filters 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1045601 #1045601 improve openvswitch error when flat network already exists 1 Undecided Robert Kukura  10 Fix Released
1046904 #1046904 Exception remote RPC Callback causes DHCP agent to terminate 1 Undecided Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1047273 #1047273 exception due to missing include when using configurtaion option log_config 1 Undecided Gary Kotton  10 Fix Released
1047569 #1047569 test_dhcp_agent uses non-existant assert_called 1 Undecided Mark McClain  10 Fix Released
1048622 #1048622 lack of DHCP RPC support in NEC plugin 1 Undecided Akihiro Motoki  10 Fix Released
1048891 #1048891 default value of extension:router:(add/remove)_router_interface should be admin_or_owner 1 Undecided Nachi Ueno  10 Fix Released
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