widelands build17-rc1

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Assigned to you:
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3 Angelo Locritani, 2 Borim, 11 Chuck Wilder, 4 Gabriel Margiani, 5 Hans Joachim Desserud, 1 Jens Beyer, 5 Joachim Breitner, 24 Nasenbaer, 1 Nicolai Hähnle, 11 Shevonar, 2 SirVer, 1 Timowi, 5 Tino, 1 Victor Pelt, 1 Widelands Developers, 1 Widelands Help Developers, 3 Widelands Media Developers
5 Implemented
188 Fix Released

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download icon widelands-build17-rc1-mac.dmg (md5, sig) Mac OS X binary 270
last downloaded 11 weeks ago
download icon widelands-build17-rc1-win32.exe (md5, sig) Windows 32 Installer 1,355
last downloaded 7 weeks ago
download icon widelands-build17-rc1-src.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) Source package 173
last downloaded 7 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,798

Release notes 

The Widelands Development Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of build 17-rc1 of Widelands. Widelands is a free, cross-platform strategy game in which players control the fate of a small tribe that can grow into a big empire, in a style of play that is unique in the open source world. Please visit our homepage http://www.widelands.org/ to learn more.

Some of the highlights of this build are:
   * Basic sea-faring functionality.
   * Improvements to the Editor.
   * Multiplayer scenarios (Fun maps).
   * Support for dismantling buildings.
   * Support to adjust the number of wares in a building.
   * a new in-game help for many buildings. Work is ongoing.
   * Improved in-game statistics.
   * Improved rendering engine.
   * new maps, sounds, music, graphics & animations.

As usual, there have been many more improvements to the usability and performance, as well as numerous game-play improvements and bug-fixes.

Widelands is currently translated to 100% into the following languages: German, Italian. It is > 80% translated into the following languages: Polish, French, Slovak, Czech, Spanish, Dutch, Brazilian, Swedish, Russian, Portuguese. You can help out translating directly in your web browser: http://translations.launchpad.net/widelands .

Widelands uses SDL as graphics and input library and is currently available for Windows (32-bit) and Mac OS X (Intel) and in source code. We no longer ship binary Linux packages because of the poor compatibility between Linux distributions. Instead, we try to make compiling for Linux users as easy as possible. Also, most distributions will pick up build 17 into their repositories very quickly. Both binary and source packages are available from http://launchpad.net/widelands/build17/build17-rc1

Simply download the binary package for your operating system and run the widelands executable! If your operating system is not supported, download a source package and try to compile it for yourself. See the homepage for the libraries you need to have installed.

If you like what you see, please visit our homepage, http://www.widelands.org/ . You may also want to check the forums and our IRC channel, #widelands on Freenode, to arrange multiplayer games with other players.

We especially welcome every helping hand, even if you just want to contribute by helping us find bugs. Also translators for all languages are always needed. If you want to get even more involved in the further development of Widelands, you can subscribe to widelands-public@lists.sf.net on http://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/widelands-public to keep up with development on a daily basis or meet us in the forum.


View the full changelog

### Build 17
- Diversified heal rate for military buildings - the bigger, the quicker.
- Improved and remodelled a lot of the buildings' animations.
- Improved and remodelled a lot of the bobs' animations.
- Improved and remodelled a lot of terrain graphics.
- Improved dedicated server functionality:
    * now runable as daemon and thus via init.d script on servers
    * added possibility to write server statistics to html files
    * added functionality to save the game on the server via chat command.
    * added functionality to set up a password for the server.
    * added functionality to set a custom message of the day (motd).
    * improved client side handling / setting up of dedicated servers.
- Improved a lot of icons and button appearence.
- Improved statistics window.
- Improved the Widelands code to use less resources.
- Improved OpenGL rendering which is now active by default.
- Improved (slightly) the computer player through use of the new
  dismantle feature.
- Replaced the old libggz based metaserver support with our own ggz
  independed solution, which brings some new features as well:
    * The metaserver is now checking whether a game is connectable
      if it is not, it sends an error message to the client to
      inform it.
    * System messages on the metaserver like global announcements
      motd changes or Error-Messages are now imported to running
      games and shown there as well.
    * The metaserver does now check whether a client is still online
      regulary and disconnects it, if it isn't.
    * If the client gets disconnected from the metaserver during a
      running game, the client is able to reconnect silently.
    * Games can now have more than 7 connected clients
    * The Version of Widelands used in a game is now shown as hover text
      in the game list. If a game is connectable, but uses a different
      version, a "?" icon is shown to visualise that difference.
- Added a new piece of music to Widelands
- Added new states and animations for unoccupied buildings and empty mines,
  to better indicate the current state of a building.
- Made road textures world dependend and improved the style of the roads
  for each world.
- Added basic seafaring functionality:
    * Ports, ships and shipyards are already working as they should.
    * Loading of settlers 2 seafaring maps is supported
    * (Scouting and colonization *NOT* yet implemented)
  yet implemented.
- Added port buildspace tool to the editor.
- Added a new feature to list maps in the map selection menu in categories
- Added a new feature "dismantle building" allowing to recycle some of
  the resource used to build the building.
- Added a new win condition "endless game (no fog)" with completely
  visible map from the beginning on.
- Added two multiplayer scenarios.
- Added a big seafaring map, playable as scenario.
- Added feature to play as a random tribe or against a random tribe or
  random AI.
- Added click animation for the mouse pointer
- Added automatic release of second carrier (oxen, donkey, horse), if
  the road traffic is not that strong anymore, that a second carrier
  would be needed.
- Added a new undo/redo feature to the Editor.

- Fixed a bug that disallowed to connect to different servers (via
  metaserver) without prior restart of Widelands.
- (Re)Fixed bug #536149: miner/master miner mixed up after enhancing
  to deep mine.
- Fixed bug #565406: focus for save window
- Fixed bug #570055: Open house window on doubleclick even when minimized
- Fixed bug #590528: add more details to a replay
- Fixed bug #590631: All workers die, when warehouse/hq is destroyed
- Fixed bug #594686: Roads not rendered correctly in opengl mode on
                     some systems
- Fixed bug #601400: Request::get_base_required_time:WARNING nr = 1 but
                     count is 1, which is not allowed according to the
                     comment for this function
- Fixed bug #649037: Many menus are not repainted in OpenGL mode
- Fixed bug #657266: Unoccupied helmsmithy animation contains a person
- Fixed bug #671485: Aged barbarian ware icons
- Fixed bug #672085: New stock menu layout too high for small resolutions
- Fixed bug #672098: The priority buttons can be deactivated
- Fixed bug #674848: The fight against red player in barbarian tutorial 3
                     can be won in just one fight
- Fixed bug #683716: Better handling of "no ressources"
- Fixed bug #691928: Message icon is not updated in some cases when
                     receiving focus
- Fixed bug #695035: Adjusted hotspots of buildings to fit into their space
- Fixed bug #702011: Messages in multiplayer are translated by host
                     before they are sent to client
- Fixed bug #722196: OpenGL terrain renderer does not dither between
                     adjacent fields
- Fixed bug #722793: Ducks on land on Three Warriors
- Fixed bug #722796: Minimap not shaded by terrain height in OpenGL
- Fixed bug #723112: The name is not shown for resource coal in the
                     resource dialog in the editor
- Fixed bug #726699: Make the wares priority buttons in production sites
                     more intuitive
- Fixed bug #734409: campaign texts about enhancing metalworks
- Fixed bug #731474: Barbarian buildings looking strange when covered
                     by fog of war
- Fixed bug #738888: Two sentences in game tips are only partly translatable
- Fixed bug #741142: Empire Tut 2 - missing event when barbarians
                     are detected
- Fixed bug #768828: Fixed the random height tool window in the editor
- Fixed bug #768854: Messages for win condition "Territorial Lord" is not
                     translated, even though translations exist
- Fixed bug #771962: Alphabetically sorted ware help in translations
- Fixed bug #772003: Bakingtray use the peel icon
- Fixed bug #775132: build-16 Failed to initialize SDL, no valid video driver
- Fixed bug #779967: Text alignment on "Host a new game"
- Fixed bug #786243: Add extra column to stock windows, if size would be to
                     big for the current screen resolution
- Fixed bug #787365: Constr.Site & Prod.Site: Dim House Picture In
                     The Background
- Fixed bug #787508: Remove use of barbarian stronghold
- Fixed bug #791421: Editor: Map Options Editbox Keyboard Input
- Fixed bug #795457: focus in chat window
- Fixed bug #799201: New tab icon for workers list
- Fixed bug #805089: Check client in chat commands, when first mentioned.
- Fixed bug #808008: Delete outdated data when updating Widelands on Windows
- Fixed bug #817078: "Watch window" should centre more suitably
- Fixed bug #818784: display player names in status messages when playing
- Fixed bug #842960: Original building site graphic is visible during
                     construction sequence
- Fixed bug #852434: no game tips on loading screen as host
- Fixed bug #853217: start multiplayer game with all slots closed
- Fixed bug #855975: Atlantean bakery jumping up, when start working
- Fixed bug #859079: Warning about files (pngs) not found when
                     starting a new game
- Fixed bug #859081: Dialog briefly shown when clicking in the fog of war
- Fixed bug #865995: Allied soldiers fight when they meet on the battlefield
- Fixed bug #870129: highlighted message can not be marked
- Fixed bug #871401: WaresQueue stock level configuration is ignored
                     when work fails in Productionsites
- Fixed bug #877710: [windows] window title shows "not responding"
                     when loading a map
- Fixed bug #884966: Not able to prioritize top row (pita bread) in
                     battle arena
- Fixed bug #886493: Default AI is set to none
- Fixed bug #886572: After a while, increasing game speed makes the game
                     lag even at lower speeds
- Fixed bug #887093: Make OpenGL the standard renderer
- Fixed bug #902765: Show buttons in the bottom toolbar in the same
                     order, also for spectators
- Fixed bug #902823: Show "increase/decrease capacity" buttons only
                     in "soldiers" tab
- Fixed bug #912486: Maximum FPS button overlaps language list in options
                     on higher resolutions
- Fixed bug #914462: possible bug in void BulldozeConfirm::think()
- Fixed bug #924140: assertion failed if you press "up/down" button in
                     an empty message window
- Fixed bug #924768: Rework barbarian barrier's statistics
- Fixed bug #927110: font color not adapted to map color

5 blueprints and 188 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Enabling and boosting the features of our CMake build Enabling and boosting the features of our CMake build 3 Medium Jens Beyer  11 Implemented
Seafaring Seafaring 3 Medium   11 Implemented
Allow dismantling of buildings Allow dismantling of buildings 1 Undefined SirVer  11 Implemented
Economy health chart Economy health chart 1 Undefined Borim  11 Implemented
Implement nicer basic terrain rendering for opengl Implement nicer basic terrain rendering for opengl 1 Undefined   11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
536367 #536367 Wares are not delivered to construction or production sites 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
905835 #905835 network games completely broken due to desyncs 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
905930 #905930 crash when taking a screenshot with libpng 1.5.6 and later 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
916545 #916545 Replace ggz implementation with own InternetGaming function + metaserver 2 Critical Widelands Developers  10 Fix Released
922464 #922464 Missing slider on attack window 2 Critical Joachim Breitner  10 Fix Released
931141 #931141 Crash when starting a campaign map with recent libpng (1.5.8) 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
932552 #932552 [WIN] Early mouseclick quits widelands 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
939934 #939934 game crashes when moving general statistics window to bottom of screen 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
535971 #535971 Unlimited window size triggers asserts 3 High   10 Fix Released
590631 #590631 All workers die, when warehouse/hq is destroyed 3 High Borim  10 Fix Released
670959 #670959 Removal of barbarian ware flax breaks saved games with barbarians 3 High Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
672085 #672085 New stock menu layout too high for small resolutions 3 High   10 Fix Released
786243 #786243 economy conf window for empire & atlantis not fit in 640x480 graphic mode 3 High Victor Pelt  10 Fix Released
842960 #842960 Original Building Site Graphic Is Visible During Construction Sequence 3 High   10 Fix Released
884299 #884299 -O3 optimization fails gcc 4.5 3 High Tino  10 Fix Released
886493 #886493 Default AI is set to none 3 High   10 Fix Released
886572 #886572 After a while, increasing game speed makes the game lag even at lower speeds 3 High   10 Fix Released
891253 #891253 [OSX] bug in sdl will crash widelands under Mac OS X Lion 10.7 3 High   10 Fix Released
892773 #892773 attack window blocks game 3 High Gabriel Margiani  10 Fix Released
898335 #898335 r6136 fails to build on Ubuntu 64-bit: no matching function for call to 'min(uint, long unsigned int)' 3 High   10 Fix Released
905036 #905036 seafaring mapobjects (barbarians, empire) need graphics 3 High Chuck Wilder  10 Fix Released
917250 #917250 [WIN] wideland dev builds crash during starting under WinXP 3 High Tino  10 Fix Released
923140 #923140 Translateable String in win conditions break savegame logic 3 High Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
932863 #932863 Google Chrome rates Widelands installer as malicious 3 High Tino  10 Fix Released
936100 #936100 strange segfault with flag owner 3 High   10 Fix Released
936269 #936269 Problems with the metaserver (Packet too short) 3 High   10 Fix Released
939609 #939609 Mousegrap Assertion 3 High   10 Fix Released
939835 #939835 Unable to compile bzr r6253: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘track_sel’ 3 High   10 Fix Released
940608 #940608 Lua error when an AI wiped out another AI in endless game (nog fog of war) :27: attempt to concatenate local 'name' (a nil value) 3 High Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
940920 #940920 Broken pipe in multiplayer game 3 High Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
953279 #953279 Atlantean port has wrong buildcost (after r6310) 3 High Chuck Wilder  10 Fix Released
536107 #536107 building-statistics: UP/DOWN/= - constant switching 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
536149 #536149 miner/master miner mixed up after enhancing to deep Mine 4 Medium Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
536220 #536220 Metaserver should check connectability 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
544036 #544036 Enable testing via CMake, probably using CTest 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
673734 #673734 Add two multiplayer scenarios 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
691914 #691914 Codecheck is not run on Arch Linux 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
702011 #702011 Messages in multiplayer are translated by host before they are sent to client 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
722405 #722405 src/graphic/SDL_mng.cc:279: warning: 'jmpbuf' is deprecated (declared at png.h:1104) 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
722796 #722796 Minimap not shaded by terrain height in OpenGL 4 Medium Shevonar  10 Fix Released
731474 #731474 Barbarian buildings looking strange when covered by fog of war 4 Medium Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
738888 #738888 Two sentences in game tips are only partly translatable 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
741142 #741142 Empire Tut 2 - missing event when barbarians are detected 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
746626 #746626 Possible to see when the animation of ships (sails) loop 4 Medium Chuck Wilder  10 Fix Released
746645 #746645 Replace the icons for statistics and census 4 Medium Widelands Media Developers  10 Fix Released
768854 #768854 Messages for win condition "Territorial Lord" is not translated, even though translations exist 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
775132 #775132 build-16 Failed to initialize SDL, no valid video driver 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
780409 #780409 Scenario does not continue in empire 2 campaign 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
796269 #796269 WL unable to reload a huge saved game it wrote 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
808008 #808008 Second barbarian map (A place to call home) doesn't work when upgrading to build16 on Windows (reinstall works) 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
830412 #830412 Give non-debug users a view-all option 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
846993 #846993 Catalog file missing in translation branch 4 Medium SirVer  10 Fix Released
853217 #853217 start multiplayer game with all slots closed 4 Medium Shevonar  10 Fix Released
865995 #865995 Allied soldiers fight when they meet on the battle field 4 Medium Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
873168 #873168 bzr6025: Empire trainingscamp window does not fit on the screen 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
877710 #877710 [windows] window title shows "not responding" when loading a map 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
885839 #885839 Changing ware priority or number of slots in replay crash the game 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
886789 #886789 Buildings taken over by enemies no longer show flags with player color 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
886808 #886808 bzr6078: Game crashes when you try to dismantle conquered military buildings of alien tribes. 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
886860 #886860 bzr6081: All tribes' small production sites windows use full horizontal extent of screen 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
887259 #887259 The game crash if you attempt to quit the current game while the general statistics window is open 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
887728 #887728 The new statistics slider does not update if the window is left open 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
887730 #887730 Statistics slider show only one option labelled "game" when the game has just been started 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
892826 #892826 Need new icon for port buildings buildhelp (awaiting Chuck's decision) 4 Medium Widelands Media Developers  10 Fix Released
902546 #902546 AI built several ships and did not have enough cloth to finish other buildings 4 Medium Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
914462 #914462 possible bug in void BulldozeConfirm::think() 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
916814 #916814 Zooming the minimap on "Dry Riverbed" will crash the game on lower resolutions (800x600) 4 Medium Gabriel Margiani  10 Fix Released
924140 #924140 assertion failed if you press "up/down" button in an empty message window 4 Medium Tino  10 Fix Released
937777 #937777 win/lose messages not translated 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
939574 #939574 Watch window not rendered correctly when dragged out of screen 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
942270 #942270 Frontiers should not move in fogged area 4 Medium Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
946258 #946258 Graphical glitch on upgrading to barbarians deeper mine (duplicate deep mine briefly shown) 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
946678 #946678 Savegames have translated campaign map names 4 Medium Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
952810 #952810 Editor crashes when trying drag and drop of tool 4 Medium Gabriel Margiani  10 Fix Released
536190 #536190 watchwindow allows following bobs that are not seen 5 Low   10 Fix Released
536515 #536515 More visible graphics construction site 5 Low   10 Fix Released
536589 #536589 Better visibility for statistics readout 5 Low   10 Fix Released
543442 #543442 Replace InnoSetup script with CPack functionality 5 Low Shevonar  10 Fix Released
594686 #594686 Roads not rendered correctly in opengl mode on some systems 5 Low Shevonar  10 Fix Released
601400 #601400 Request::get_base_required_time: WARNING nr = 1 but count is 1, which is not allowed according to the comment for this function 5 Low   10 Fix Released
649037 #649037 Many menus are not repainted in OpenGL mode 5 Low Timowi  10 Fix Released
657404 #657404 When loading a savegame, the original map name is shown instead of the translated one 5 Low   10 Fix Released
662105 #662105 Maps in savegames do not contain the pictures 5 Low   10 Fix Released
671485 #671485 Aged barbarian ware icons 5 Low Chuck Wilder  10 Fix Released
672098 #672098 The priority buttons can be deactivated 5 Low Shevonar  10 Fix Released
674909 #674909 In the general statistics menu the time buttons should also be toggable 5 Low Joachim Breitner  10 Fix Released
691928 #691928 Message icon is not updated in some cases when receiving focus 5 Low   10 Fix Released
695035 #695035 graphic of immovables are too big 5 Low Chuck Wilder  10 Fix Released
695036 #695036 road ends before immovable's graphic 5 Low Chuck Wilder  10 Fix Released
722196 #722196 OpenGL terrain renderer does not dither between adjacent fields 5 Low Shevonar  10 Fix Released
722793 #722793 Ducks on land on Three Warriors 5 Low   10 Fix Released
723112 #723112 The name is not shown for resource coal in the resource dialog in the editor 5 Low   10 Fix Released
726699 #726699 Make the wares priority buttons in production sites more intuitive 5 Low Shevonar  10 Fix Released
732806 #732806 Barbarian tut 3, 2. event (build Donjon) 5 Low Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
734409 #734409 Metalworks enhancements i Barbarian tutorial 3 should be rephrased 5 Low Hans Joachim Desserud  10 Fix Released
768828 #768828 Fix the random height tool window in the Editor 5 Low Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
771962 #771962 Alphabetically sorted ware help in translations 5 Low   10 Fix Released
772003 #772003 Bakingtray use the peel icon 5 Low   10 Fix Released
779967 #779967 Text alignment on "Host a new game" 5 Low Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
783176 #783176 German translation: "Widlhüterhütte" should be "Wildhüterhütte" 5 Low   10 Fix Released
783178 #783178 Arena construction site: Gold icon vs. Iron icon 5 Low   10 Fix Released
787365 #787365 Constr.Site & Prod.Site: Dim House Picture In The Background 5 Low Shevonar  10 Fix Released
787508 #787508 Remove use of barbarian stronghold 5 Low   10 Fix Released
790809 #790809 Graphical bug in Empire weaponsmithy 5 Low   10 Fix Released
791421 #791421 Editor: Map Options Editbox Keyboard Input 5 Low   10 Fix Released
795457 #795457 The chat window should receive focus automatically 5 Low Hans Joachim Desserud  10 Fix Released
799201 #799201 Change the worker-tab in windows to not contain text 5 Low Chuck Wilder  10 Fix Released
811667 #811667 CMake warning: CMAKE_EXE_CXX_FLAGS not used when compiling 5 Low   10 Fix Released
837239 #837239 Impossible to find suitable wares position for carriers and beast of burdon alike. 5 Low   10 Fix Released
841230 #841230 Tavern and Stonemason of Empire seem to be too wide 5 Low Chuck Wilder  10 Fix Released
841549 #841549 Change the healing rate units for a finer adjustment 5 Low   10 Fix Released
852434 #852434 no game tips on loading screen as host 5 Low Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
855975 #855975 Atlantean bakeries are "jumping" when producing 5 Low Chuck Wilder  10 Fix Released
857798 #857798 Island hopping description 5 Low   10 Fix Released
859079 #859079 Warning about files (pngs) not found when starting a new game 5 Low Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
859081 #859081 Dialog briefly shown when clicking in the fog of war 5 Low   10 Fix Released
865262 #865262 Smugglers scenario has a placeholder graphic 5 Low   10 Fix Released
865478 #865478 graphic error when enhancing a building 5 Low   10 Fix Released
870129 #870129 highlighted message can not be marked 5 Low   10 Fix Released
871401 #871401 WaresQueue stock level configuration is ignored when work fails in Productionsites 5 Low   10 Fix Released
884966 #884966 Not able to prioritize top row (pita bread) in battle arena 5 Low   10 Fix Released
887093 #887093 Make OpenGL the standard renderer 5 Low Shevonar  10 Fix Released
887737 #887737 Player and category buttons in the general statistics window 5 Low   10 Fix Released
892749 #892749 Atlantean charcoal burner "hopping" 5 Low Widelands Media Developers  10 Fix Released
899161 #899161 missing whitespace require translating the almost same map description multiple times 5 Low Hans Joachim Desserud  10 Fix Released
902765 #902765 Show buttons in the bottom toolbar in the same order, also for spectators 5 Low Hans Joachim Desserud  10 Fix Released
902823 #902823 Show "increase/decrease capacity" buttons only in "soldiers" tab 5 Low   10 Fix Released
910613 #910613 String in multiplayer map Island hopping should be gender-neutral 5 Low   10 Fix Released
912486 #912486 Maximum FPS button overlaps language list in options on higher resolutions 5 Low   10 Fix Released
936104 #936104 The tab in construction sites and dismantling sites does not have a tooltip 5 Low Angelo Locritani  10 Fix Released
939474 #939474 It's possible to build road/flags in an unseen (but owned) area 5 Low   10 Fix Released
939579 #939579 Center view on building doesn't consider terrain height 5 Low   10 Fix Released
942175 #942175 Strange CodeCheck errors 5 Low   10 Fix Released
946588 #946588 Possible to override predefined tribe selection in multiplayer scenario if an AI player is included 5 Low Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
947942 #947942 translatable strings in html help 5 Low Angelo Locritani  10 Fix Released
952404 #952404 Window background moving when dragging windows out of the screen 5 Low Gabriel Margiani  10 Fix Released
536501 #536501 Look of streets should be loaded with world 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
536543 #536543 Add "whole game" to the time axis in statistics 6 Wishlist Joachim Breitner  10 Fix Released
536570 #536570 It should be possible to stop delivery of wares and to drop wares in production sites 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
536575 #536575 Ship / Sea Mechanics 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
559854 #559854 Enhancing a building wastes its wares 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
565406 #565406 place cursor inside filename field after CTRL+S 6 Wishlist Hans Joachim Desserud  10 Fix Released
570055 #570055 Open house window on doubleclick even when minimized 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
585987 #585987 Heal soldiers in warehouses and training sites 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
587251 #587251 Suggestion: dismantle buildings 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
590528 #590528 add more details to a replay 6 Wishlist Nicolai Hähnle  10 Fix Released
657266 #657266 Unoccupied helmsmithy animation contains a person 6 Wishlist Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
675312 #675312 ressources message should be sent at the end of the research 6 Wishlist Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
676953 #676953 Revise the map pool 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
676955 #676955 Cheap in-game Help 6 Wishlist Widelands Help Developers  10 Fix Released
683716 #683716 Better handling of "no ressources" 6 Wishlist Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
696251 #696251 not possible to add a help for buildings in the conf files 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
722757 #722757 Play as a random tribe 6 Wishlist Shevonar  10 Fix Released
771379 #771379 Play against a random AI strength (defensive, aggressive, normal) 6 Wishlist Shevonar  10 Fix Released
796830 #796830 Move or remove that single pixel which appears when tabs are shown 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
805089 #805089 Check usernames earlier when issuing commands in chat 6 Wishlist Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
813062 #813062 new user interface (perhaps pop up) for dedicated server 6 Wishlist Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
813063 #813063 password / administration feature for dedicated server 6 Wishlist Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
817078 #817078 "Watch window" should centre more suitably 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
818784 #818784 display player names in status messages when playing collectors 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
840377 #840377 WL should remember which section in general statistic the user had opened last 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
854536 #854536 Stop construction of buildings 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
865458 #865458 different graphics of buildings when working or resting 6 Wishlist Chuck Wilder  10 Fix Released
886387 #886387 Make hand-cursor visually react on mouse presses 6 Wishlist Joachim Breitner  10 Fix Released
886849 #886849 Suggestion: PNGs to use for "Dismantle" and Burn "down" (needs approvement) 6 Wishlist Chuck Wilder  10 Fix Released
890739 #890739 "Mine empty" message is a lie. Should be "Main vein exhausted" 6 Wishlist Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
902463 #902463 adding new source files leads to mysterious linking errors 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
920316 #920316 [wish] removing 2nd carrier when road is not busy 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
924768 #924768 Rework barbarian barrier's statistics 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
647522 #647522 Replays of tutorial or campaign maps will crash the game 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
674848 #674848 The fight against red player in barbarian tutorial 3 can be won in just one fight 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
769582 #769582 bzr5904: Bug in Barbarian Deep Goldmine 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
864184 #864184 insert key delete message 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
872777 #872777 No localizations on ubuntu 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
886709 #886709 new slider statistics menu opens in wrong position or so 1 Undecided Joachim Breitner  10 Fix Released
894614 #894614 Way too easy to run out of resources 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
894826 #894826 Compiling fails with gettext-0.18 1 Undecided Tino  10 Fix Released
896879 #896879 Patch - Changes to spinboxes' behaviour 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
899930 #899930 Translation overflow in "Start game" window 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
900018 #900018 Font options in formatting.lua not set correctly 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
900260 #900260 Small improvemens to replay spinbutton 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
902079 #902079 write_HTML failed because it tried to write in the wrong directory 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
905974 #905974 island hoping, transfer to 3. island leaves soldiers and military items on 2. island 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
927110 #927110 font color not adapted to map color 1 Undecided Angelo Locritani  10 Fix Released
931902 #931902 Maps descriptions not translated even if translations exist 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
938142 #938142 Map Lake of Tranquility broken 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
939476 #939476 3rd Barbarian campaign: centering a dark area 1 Undecided Nasenbaer  10 Fix Released
950975 #950975 [Win] Some of the soundeffects are not played anymore 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
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