Registered by Chris Johnston

The Virtual Ubuntu Developer Summit, August 2013 View the Meeting Home Page

14:00 UTC on Tuesday, 2013-08-27
20:00 UTC on Thursday, 2013-08-29

Meeting drivers

Each meeting has a person, or team, responsible for deciding which items are accepted for the agenda. This team is called the "meeting driver" and for UDS August 2013 they are:

You should contact the meeting driver if you have any additional questions about the structure or agenda of the meeting.


Latest 5 additions to the meeting agenda

--------------------------------------------English Description--------------------------------------------------- We want to provide an simple but complete and powerful GUI tool, named Youker Assistant, for users to use and manage their systems, which should be welcome by most common or nonprofessional Linux users...
--------------------------------------------English Description--------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------中文介绍----------------------------------------------------------------------         当前UK下的中文输入法在用户体验上已经有了比较明显的改进,但与Windows系统下的输入法体验还是存在差异,特别是对于普通用户来说方便快捷的个性化定...
------------------------------------------------------English Description--------------------------------------------------- After the release of UbuntuKylin 13.04, we had got feedback from users that there are too many "Ubuntu", not "UbuntuKylin" in our system. It shows that we customized our system for Chinese use...
[GOAL] Have a repository where all reviewed charm's interfaces are documented [RATIONALE] There is need to accurately document a given charms interface so other charm authors wanting to relate to a given service and do so without a lot of hassle.
Plan and roadmap the rest of the developer offering for HTML5 apps

There are a total of 111 specifications on the meeting agenda. There are 2 specifications proposed which the organisers will review. You can view the full current agenda here.
