Registered by Jorge Castro

The Ubuntu Developer Summit View the Meeting Home Page

14:00 UTC on Tuesday, 2013-03-05
20:00 UTC on Wednesday, 2013-03-06

Meeting drivers

Each meeting has a person, or team, responsible for deciding which items are accepted for the agenda. This team is called the "meeting driver" and for UDS March 2013 they are:

You should contact the meeting driver if you have any additional questions about the structure or agenda of the meeting.


Latest 5 additions to the meeting agenda

Support for device rotation in Ubuntu Touch
[GOAL] Update to have dynamic (HTML5) content directly mapping to Juju user journeys. [RATIONALE] A core essential piece of growing the Juju community is having engaging docs that allow different types of users to easily find the documentation they need. Furthermore, using the docs s...
For discussion of Ubuntu's GSoC involvement
As a new flavor of Ubuntu family, UbuntuKylin is commencing with 13.04. This blueprint is to discuss how could we 1) ensure its quality, 2) build its community, 3) and design its future plan.
Currently the Ubuntu Touch based image delivers full hardware accelerated video decode and rendering support by reusing the Android Media Player via libhybris. While this solution works, it creates issues when moving forward with Desktop convergence, as generally Gstreamer is supported instead. Another goal we nee...

There are a total of 78 specifications on the meeting agenda. There are 9 specifications proposed which the organisers will review. You can view the full current agenda here.
