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110 of 18 releases

1.0 release from the 1.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

The Widelands Development Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the stable release Widelands 1.0, the first-ever stable release after the end of the beta Builds series.

Since the release of Build 21, we implemented several hundreds of new features and bugfixes; for example, to name just a few of the highlights:

- A new tribe: the Amazons
- An add-on system
- A third frisians scenario
- Dynamic tribe loading to speed up game loading
- Targeting individual map objects for removal
- Mute/unmute messages by buildings
- Fully redesigned main menu
- Configurable keyboard shortcuts
- Enhanced keyboard and mousewheel support in the UI
- Long-term stable Lua API for game content designers

Widelands 1.0 is translated completely into German, ...

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5, sig) Source code (.zip) 1,241
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-1.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source code (.tar.gz) 4,162
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon Widelands-x86-1.0.exe (md5, sig) Windows 32-bit installer 5,898
last downloaded today
download icon Widelands-x64-1.0.exe (md5, sig) Windows 64-bit installer 33,701
last downloaded today
download icon widelands_10.7_1.0.dmg (md5, sig) Mac OS X 10.7 and newer Binary (64 bit) (prefer other binary if you have Mac OS >= 10.9) 1,871
last downloaded today
download icon widelands_10.9_1.0.dmg (md5, sig) Mac OS X 10.9 and newer Binary (64 bit) 4,413
last downloaded 2 days ago
Total downloads: 51,286

1.0-rc1 release from the 1.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

The release candidate for Widelands 1.0.

The source code as a zip or tarball can be downloaded from

File Description Downloads
download icon Widelands-x86-1.0-rc1.exe (md5) Windows 32-bit installer 49
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon Widelands-x64-1.0-rc1.exe (md5, sig) Windows 64-bit installer 2,586
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands_10.9_1.0-rc1.dmg (md5, sig) Mac OS X 10.9 and newer Binary (64 bit) 168
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands_10.7_1.0-rc1.dmg (md5, sig) Mac OS X 10.7 and newer Binary (64 bit) (prefer other binary if you have Mac OS >= 10.9) 93
last downloaded 2 days ago
Total downloads: 2,896

build21 release from the build21 series released

Release information
Release notes:

The Widelands Development Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of Widelands Build 21. Widelands is a free, cross-platform economy strategy game in which players control the fate of a small tribe that can grow into a big empire, in a style of play that is unique in the open source world. Please visit our homepage at to learn more.

Since the release of Build 20, we implemented several hundreds of new features and bugfixes, for example:
- A much stronger AI
- New “Peaceful Mode” and several new starting conditions
- More detailed user controls for game speed, map scrolling, and many properties of building windows; new hotkeys; re-added quick navigation with ‘,’ and ‘.’; partly redesigned and modernized user interface
- Allow the player to choose t...

File Description Downloads
download icon widelands-21+20200718.x86_64.flatpak (md5, sig) Flatpak standalone package 1,483
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands_10.7_build-21.dmg (md5, sig) Mac OS X 10.7 and newer Binary (64 bit) (prefer other binary if you have Mac OS >= 10.9) 1,202
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands_10.9_build-21.dmg (md5, sig) Mac OS X 10.9 and newer Binary (64 bit) 3,043
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build21-win32.exe (md5, sig) Windows 32-bit installer 2,967
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build21-win64.exe (md5, sig) Windows 64-bit installer 18,707
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon (md5, sig) Source code (.zip) 3,332
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build21-source.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source code (.tar.gz) 4,265
last downloaded 2 days ago
Total downloads: 34,999

build21-rc1 release from the build21 series released

Release information
Release notes:

The release candidate for Widelands Build 21.

File Description Downloads
download icon widelands-21-rc1+20200713.x86_64.flatpak (md5, sig) Flatpak package 205
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon Widelands-Build21-RC1-x86-static.exe (md5) Windows 32bit static build installer 383
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon Widelands-Build21-RC1-x64-static.exe (md5) Windows 64bit static build installer 534
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands_10.9_build-21-rc1.dmg (md5, sig) Mac OS X 10.9 and newer Binary (64 bit) 151
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands_10.7_build-21-rc1.dmg (md5, sig) Mac OS X 10.7 and newer Binary (64 bit) (prefer other binary if you have Mac OS >= 10.9) 98
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon Widelands-Build21-RC1-x86.exe (md5, sig) Windows 32-bit installer 421
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon Widelands-Build21-RC1-x64.exe (md5, sig) Windows 64-bit installer 573
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon (md5, sig) Source code (.zip) 701
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build21-rc1.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source code (.tar.gz) 397
last downloaded 2 days ago
Total downloads: 3,463

build20 release from the build20 series released

Release information
Release notes:

The Widelands Development Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of Widelands Build 20. Widelands is a free, cross-platform economy strategy game in which players control the fate of a small tribe that can grow into a big empire, in a style of play that is unique in the open source world. Please visit our homepage at to learn more.

* PeerTube Trailer:
* YouTube Trailer:

Since the previous release, we have implemented over 400 features, code cleanups and bug fixes. Build 20 features a new tribe – the Frisians – as well as four new campaign scenarios and a new “Barracks” building for recruiting soldiers. Also, the AI has been rewritten to use a gene...


Animations, Icons and Overlays

  - New wheatfield graphics by fraang
  - Shorten a soldier's last evade_failure animation if the soldier is about to
    die to prevent overlooping.
  - The health bar of a soldier now falls gradually during an attack instead of
  - New graphics for field selectors and field action tabs
  - Special field selector for road building mode
  - Added missing call to get_rand_anim when a soldier is dying
  - Added missing working animations for barbarians big inn and wood hardener
  - Each tribe now has individual resource indicator graphics
  - Added util to rename animation files in bulk.
  - Fixed bug #1639253: Add missing walkload animation to Atlantean smoker

Sounds and Music

  - New music tracks "Scotty the Scout", "Hypathia's Theme", "We Work in the
    Vineyards" and "Running out of Coal" by Stuart Marshall
  - New music tracks "Silkweaver's Song" and "The beauty of the flatlands" by
    Klaus Halfmann
  - Added new sound files for Barbarians Inn + Big-Inn, Empire Inn,
    Atlantean Mill, Toolsmith, Smelting-Works, all Weaving Mills, Atlantean
    Woodcutter, Sawmill, Stonecutter, Goldspinner.
  - Modified smithies sounds to dimmer versions; added tree-falling sounds,
    substituted Timber shouting with tree-falling.
  - Allocate 32 mixing channels instead of the default 8.
  - Never play the same song twice in a row
  - Improvements to sounds and the sound mix

Tutorials and Campaigns

  - 2 new missions for the Empire campaign
  - 2 new missions for the new Frisians tribe
  - Tweaked timings in tutorials and scenarios
  - Updated the Economy tutorial to match the new, enhanced encyclopedia
  - Add roads to p2 in warfare tutorial because the AI is empty
  - Fixed reveal_campaign in bar_01
  - Fixed bug #1639514: Barbarian campaign, scenario 2: yellow brother bails out
  - Fixed bug #1656192: Economy tutorial assumes window is open


  - Updated Eris to version 1.1.2 (Lua 5.3.4)
  - Changes and additions to Lua methods and objects:
    - New method player:get_produced_wares_count()
    - New object LuaMap -> LuaEconomy.
    - Added option to Lua function player:hide_fields to mark them as unexplored
    - New scripting functions for random and concentric revealing/hiding of
    - New attribute 'is_stopped' in LuaProductionSite
    - New method 'toggle_start_stop()' in LuaProductionSite
    - Added Lua method to get the type of the current game, i.e., single or
  - Changes to territorial win conditions:
    - Pulled out common code for Territorial Lord and Territorial Time.
    - Ensure that check_player_defeated is called before points are calculated.
    - New function to check whether a field is buildable.
    - Check if a player still exists before making it the winning player.
      Player will also win if there are no other players left.
    - Fixed desyncs
    - Updated documentation not to use some functions for multiplayer games
    - More precise calculation of conquerable fields to make territorial win
      conditions playable on all maps
  - Various fixes for win conditions:
    - Unified some functions for wood_gnome and collectors
    - Removed duplicated code and moved it to win_condition_functions
    - Notify only every hour, 10 minutes in the last 30 minutes
    - Move _game_over function out of the main loop.
    - Don't show points when game ended by military defeat
    - Main loop ends when time is over or only one faction is left
    - Check every second for defeated players
    - Refactor initialization of win conditions:
    - Shift calculations for territorial functions and Wood Gnome to C++
      to improve performance
    - Add immovables to the table for territory calculation
    - Expose port spaces and max caps to Lua interface
    - Fixed bug for Wood Gnome in which a destroyed player would gain infinite
      points. Also, no longer calculate score for a defeated player.
  - Remove unused parameters of message_box_objective.
  - Removed unused parameter 'req_suitability' from function
    place_building_in_region in infrastructure.lua
  - Added capability to add custom scenario buildings
  - Allow writing and loading of campaign data, so that some scenario state can
    be transferred from one scenario to the next in campaigns.
  - Do not broadcast Lua coroutine error messages to empty player slots.
    Also, use richtext_escape on them.
  - Orthogonal design for mapobject program names
  - Fix unpersisting of LuaImmovableDescription for tribe immovables.
  - Safeguard to avoid desyncs when using send_message() from ui.lua
  - Add parameter to send_message() to avoid an error
  - Fixed a memory leak in
  - Fixed bug #1670065: Random tree growth can block building sites needed to
                        progress in scenario
  - Fixed bug #1688655: lua func "place_building_in_region" not work for mines
  - Fixed bug #1815283: Nil value in Territorial Lord
  - Fixed bug #1790456: The final message in collectors doesn't show the points
                        of all players anymore


  - Map tags: Added "1v1" to Firegames, Islands at war and The Pass through
    the Mountains. Removed "unbalanced" from The Pass through the Mountains.
  - Moved hint texts from map descriptions to hints for the Last Bastion and
    Rendez-vous maps.
  - Increased maximum number of players from 8 to 16, to be used for testing
  - Minor fixes to Last Bastion map where a player's expansion could become
    completely blocked across the sea
  - Fixed bug in Crossing the Horizon map where an artifact couldn't be
    conquered by a player
  - Fixed desyncs in Smugglers scenario
  - Allow random player tribes in scenarios


  - Old scenario save games will no longer work due to changes to the map
    scrolling functions.
  - Broke savegame compatibility in version bzr8747
  - Savehandler: Avoid reading config more than once per game
  - Corrupt zip files now appear as "incompatible" on game loading/saving
    screens. This fixes stack-buffer-overflows.
  - Fixed bugs with missing files/folders in savegames by creating a temporary
    map save on game start
  - Improved error checking in filesystem functions
  - In Load/Save menu for games/replays:
    - All deletion errors are caught, player gets a message.
    - When deleting multiplayer replays, also the corresponding syncstream file
      is deleted.
    - After deleting replays, the table now respects the Show Filenames setting.
  - In Save menu for maps:
    - Errors when trying to create a directory are now caught, player gets a
    - Directory creation now doesn't allow names with map extensions, because
      the game would just try to interpret them as maps and not show as
      directories. A tooltip is shown.
    - Directory creation can now also be triggered by pressing Enter in the name
      edit box.
  - Other file errors are caught and logged:
    - Syncstream deletion in SyncWrapper destructor
    - In Map::get_correct_loader
    - File deletion/renaming in GameClient::handle_packet
  - Introduced a new class to robustly handle saving of files (incl. dealing
    with backups, handling errors, etc.) and using it whenever maps/games are
    being saved.
  - Remove superfluous "postload" call from replay
  - Added validity checks for S2 map headers to avoid crashes when preloading
    invalid S2 map files
  - Shift calculation of map fields relevant to win conditions from Lua to C++.
    This gives us a huge performance boost during saveloading those win
  - Fixed bug #1678987: Endless autosave cycles when a save takes longer than
                        the autosave interval, and inefficient statistics saving
  - Fixed bug #1746270: Unable to rename rolling autosave
  - Fixed bug #1798812: Saving a game from replay does not show up in load game


  - The AI now uses a genetic algorithm. The genetic parameters are trained and
    then kept in .wai files.
  - New command line switch --ai_training: Dumps new AI files in home folder and
    uses higher mutation ratios
  - New command line switch --auto_speed: Activates auto-speed in multiplayer
  - Various refactorings of AI hints
  - Multiple changes to the logic
  - Improvements to training sites
  - Add support for productionsites that are also supporting site to the AI.
    One productionsite can now support multiple wares/productionsites.
  - Allow resetting of teams via LUA during game
  - Improved selection of which fields to build something on
  - Improved identification of unconnectable regions based on walking algorithm.
    Used to keep AI from wasting attempts to build something there.
  - AI now splits and counts mineable fileds per resource/mine type and uses it
    for decision making, ignoring inaccessible fields in the process
  - When looking for the nearest buildable spot, the AI will accept mineable
    fields also. This affects willingness to expand when there are no buildable
    spots nearby, but some mines can be conquered by a new militarysite.
  - AI now calculates military strength based on the actual init.lua files
    rather than hard-coding the values. This also removes the tribe name
    restriction for modders.
  - When considering a quarry, the AI makes sure there is at least one rock in
    the vicinity. Same for fishers and fish.
  - Improved ship exploration decisions for AI.
  - AI now considers whether possible sea direction leads to unknown territories
  - AI also continues exploring when the last port is lost to prevent crashes.
  - Since the AI can handle only 1 expedition at a time, any extra expeditions
    are canceled
  - Prohibit seafaring buildings for AI on non-seafaring maps. AI can still
    handle ships and shipyards that already exist when a map does not allow
    seafaring at the moment.
  - AI now scans entire map for portspaces
  - Fixed endless loop in DefaultAI::dispensable_road_test
  - Added one well to the atlantean basic economy, as water is needed
    for crucial spidercloth production
  - Replaced logic_rand() with std::rand() in seafaring code of AI to fix
    desyncs in network gaming
  - Fixed bug #1724073: AI crashes when some AI slots are empty


  - New Frisian tribe
  - New "Village" starting condition
  - New "Barracks" (casern) building for recruiting soldiers. Soldiers are no
    longer created by warehouses. Production sites can now have workers as input
    to consume.
  - Started implementing new "Market" building with a Barbarian prototype.
    Not functional yet.
  - Balancing: Halved needed experience for Barbarian brewer and blacksmith
  - Balancing: Buffed Barbarian and Empire soldiers
  - Balancing: Added more trainers to headquarters at game start
  - Balancing: Removed meat default target quantity for Barbarians and
  - Balancing: Lowered productivity threshold for lumberjacks to 60%.
  - Balancing: Depleted Atlantean crystal (and iron) mines work slightly better
               when depleted
  - Balancing: Improvements to various production sites' logic
  - The worker program "plant" no longer takes "tribe:" as a parameter;
    immovables are now identified via their attributes only, and both world and
    tribe immovables are searched. As a side effect, tribe immovables can now
    have terrain affinity.
  - Forester/Ranger now prefers good soil, and is thus more efficient
  - Make the scout aware of nearby military sites. The scout now switches
    between random walking and doing an excursion to enemy military sites
  - When a Fish Breeder's fishing grounds are full, display a special tooltip
    instead of sending an "Out of Resources" message
  - When a warehouse is destroyed, the maximum number of fleeing units is now
    limited to 500 per unit type
  - Only cancel expedition if there is a reachable portdock. Show a warning
    message to owner.
  - Shifted ware hotspot definition from WorkerDescr to CarrierDescr
  - Fixed a bug where higher-level workers wouldn't occupy lower-level workers'
    working position slots in productionsites
  - The port now conquers every location where its military influence is higher
    than the influence of other players. This fixes a segfault when all
    potential portdock fields are owned by another player, but there is a
    portdock location available where the player owning the port has highest
  - Fixed bug in collectors script where a broken message was sent after the
    game ended
  - Check for visibility of military buildings before permitting attack. This
    solves a problem with impregnable castles.
  - Improved algorithm for promotion and demotion of roads
  - Removed hardcoding for resources
  - New return value no_stats for work programs
  - Tweaked production programs for shipyards
  - Balancing: All Smelting Works, Furnaces, Smokeries, Recycling Center,
    Atlantean and Frisian Toolsmithies, Taverns, Inns and Drinking Halls no
    longer waste time if a ware is missing and they have to skip a program
  - Balancing: Tweaked programs for Weapon/Armor producing buildings
  - Balancing: Imperial Armor Smithy produces 1 more Helm per run to balance the
    amount of armor types for training
  - Balancing: Changed the order of programs in the Atlantean Toolsmithy
  - Balancing: Gave the Barbarian Deep Gold Mine the same stats as the Deep Iron
  - Increased the area where the map is recalculated after conquering by 1.
    This prevents buildings from sitting between borders.
  - Fixed heap-use-after-free in fleet while processing
    EditorGameBase::cleanup_objects() when ship has already been deleted
  - Allow return on dismantle values without buildcost
  - Fix desyncs caused by floating point arithmetic in terrain affinity
  - Reset economy serial in Game constructor. This fixes desyncs in replays.
  - Stop ware dropoff when the target building has been destroyed. This fixes a
    crash when the enemy conquers a militarysite near a warehouse.
  - Cancel Worker::fetchfromflag when the building is destroyed/dismantled/
    enhanced to prevent crashes
  - Fixed bug #963799: shortsighted shipwright (ship in pond)
  - Fixed bug #1611323: ships can be built in non-floating spaces (shipyard)
  - Fixed bug #1636966: Segfault in battle
  - Fixed bug #1637386: Militarysites warn about allies
  - Fixed bug #1639444: Workers with wares inside ships can crash the game
  - Fixed bug #1643209: No-cost workers are not removed correctly
  - Fixed bug #1643284: Ships of a fleet can have the same name
  - Fixed bug #1656671: Wares are not always transported to construction site
  - Fixed bug #1658456: Imperials: Soldier target quantity not changeable
  - Fixed bug #1749586: Fish breeder can't breed fish if the game is loaded
                        after all fish is caught

User Interface

  - Maps can now be zoomed using the mouse wheel or keyboard keys: CTRL+, CTRL-
    to in-/decrease, and CTRL+0 to reset. This also removes 0 as a possible
    landmark number.
  - All map transitions like jumping in messages and in the buildings menu are
    now animated. New command line option "animate_map_panning".
  - Moved smooth animation of cursor and MapView from Lua into C++. This fixes
    the transitions in tutorials, which were broken when zoomed.
  - Show census information on destroyed building with the former building's
  - Added supplementary warning to enhancement message for military sites.
  - Fixed statistics label overlap. Ware statistics now update their plot range
  - Removed quick navigation with '.' and ','.
  - The game summary window now restores the original desired speed when it's
  - Productionsites no longer close their window when the stop/start button is
  - Minimized construction windows no longer get maximized when the construction
    is finished.
  - Window is no longer closed on enhance or dismantle.
  - Let the user select multiple entries in a table using Ctrl/Shift + Click
    (multiple/range selection) and Ctrl+A (select all) where appropriate.
  - Implemented textual and pictorial dropdown menus. Dropdowns are used for win
    condition and multiplayer tribe selection in the launch game screens.
  - Fullscreen background images are now tiled rather than stretched.
  - Stopped fullscreen toggle from flickering.
  - The following menus now relayout themselves when fullscreen mode is toggled:
    main, multiplayer, single player, about, map selection, options, load game,
    save game.
  - For multiplayer game setup, use dropdowns instead of buttons to select
    player options
  - Improved scrollbar and table header layout.
  - Remove buttons from economy options window for spectators
  - Improvements to StoryMessageBox, keyboard navigation and UI focusing
  - Updating all ware priorities of a building when CTRL is pressed while
  - Sorting IRC users behind the players in the lobby
  - Replaced get_key_state with SDL_GetModState() to fix keyboard mappings.
  - Actionconfirm now uses Box layout and resizes according to text size.
  - Display loading times on the console while loading the tribes.
  - Simplified the UI::Align enum and various alignment-related cleanup and
  - Replaced booleans in UI::Box::add() with enum classes for better readability
  - Converted all text to new font renderer. Formatting functions for the new
    renderer live in data/scripting/richtext.lua
  - A more principled fix to dangling object pointers in the UI using Optr<>
  - Building Statistics now only show relevant buildings
  - Building Statistics now show "under construction" navigation for buildings
    being enhanced
  - Show in-game clock in release builds too
  - In multiplayer games, scroll to starting position when a game is loaded
  - New Ship Statistics window
  - Bugfixes to multiplayer dropdowns
  - Use Lua to define background and button styles
    - Background images and colors are now defined in data/templates/default
    - Combine common background graphics with color overlays
    - Added StyleManager class to load and access backgrounds
    - Downscale background images (e.g. campaign maps) on small screens
    - New graphics for ui_fsmenu
    - Darker background for wui elements
  - Fixed keyboard navigation after "remove game" dialog has been displayed
  - Modified row selection/display in tables and message list
  - Remove focus from editbox in gamechatpanel when it minimizes
  - Added tooltip to file save and make directory edit boxes if illegal filename
    is being entered
  - Added a checkbox to toggle filenames when loading a replay
  - Fixed scenario title and tooltip during game setup
  - Preselect player names and tribes for non-scenario maps in single player
  - Set AI from selection in UI when saveloading
  - Missing wares (and workers) are indicated differently in InputQueueDisplays
    if the ware is on the way to the building than if it's really missing
  - Redesigned and fixed the showing of workarea overlays
  - Tweaks for the multiplayer game setup screen: less empty spaces and more
    space for important content
  - Very large amounts in WaresDisplays are shortened as "10k", "10M", "10G" to
    prevent text from flowing over on the left
  - When dismantling a building, the building window closes automatically
  - Added a dialog for the host when the connection to a client is lost. Allows
    the host to select whether to replace the client with an AI or to exit.
  - Setting focus to edit box when opening the game save menu
  - Don't provide the filename for the standard background image in the progress
    window. This fixes image positioning when starting multiplayer games.
  - Make dismantle button independent of buildable/enhanced. This fixes missing
    Dismantle buttons in Empire scenario 4.
  - Improve formatting for user status in the lobby
  - Allow hotkey usage while windows are open
  - Fixed memory leak in network UI
  - Fixed bug #1191295: Seafaring: builder not listed in expedition list in port
  - Fixed bug #1635808: Display of worker in training sites is not updated.
  - Fixed bug #1653254: Action window of Road stays open under some
  - Fixed bug #1653460: UI::Panel::get_inner_h() const: Assertion `tborder_ +
                        bborder_ <= h_' failed
  - Fixed bug #1658489: Expedition tab in Port window messed up some times
  - Fixed bug #1644553: Crash when buildhelp icon is clicked twice
  - Fixed bug #1687043: Memory leak in Multilineeditbox
  - Fixed bug #1695701: Crash when a militarysite window is open while the
                        enemy conquers it by sending a notification.
  - Fixed bug #1672059: Selection is not cleared when new message arrives
  - Fixed bug #1691336: Building window suddenly appears after construction has
  - Fixed bug #1658668: Menu Launch Game: Switching AI player on/off changes AI
  - Fixed bug #1656245: Scrolling with mousewheel is slow in some places
  - Fixed bug #1769344: High processor load single player launch game screen
  - Fixed bug #1785404: Chat does not autoscroll
  - Fixed bug #1794063: Extra message arrival sound
  - Fixed bug #1801208: Message boxes with long unbreakable strings show empty


  - Removed building names from confirmation messages, as they cause grammar
    problems in some languages.
  - Production program descnames can now be fetched by pgettext as well as plain
  - Deleted unused networking messages and unified the "Something went wrong"
  - Added a Python script to do automated glossary checks for translations. It
    enlists the help of Hunspell and 'misuses' the Transifex note field in order
    to reduce noise.
  - Implemented glossary generation for the Transifex glossary with help from
    the Translate Toolkit (
  - Show translation stats next to the language selection menu and invite
    translators if a translation is incomplete, with the help of the Translate
    Toolkit. New utils script "" that will write
    translation statistics to data/i18n/translation_stats.conf and is called
    on every translation pull.
  - Fixed various string issues and added some translators' comments
  - Completed the switchover to the new font renderer
  - Fixed translation of trainingsite program names
  - Fix undefined / unexpected behavior in case LANG environment is empty
  - Fix fetching of translations when user locale is set to C. If the desired
    Widelands locale does not exist, try to fall back to en_US.utf8 to make
    libintl happy.
  - Adapted to get translations for resources
  - Add an extra key to get a translatable author-value in the developers list
  - Fixed bug #1636586: Inconsistent localization of player names in Editor
                        player menu

Help and Documentation

  - Convert editor/game tips to Lua and display them in the in-editor/in-game
    help. Added new tips.
  - Restructured, enhanced and added to the Lua scripting reference for Tribes.
  - Added/Improved documentation for animations, worker programs, worker
    helptexts, AI hints, World units and the Richtext system
  - Added immovables to in-game help
  - Fixed some wrong indentation for the documentation in the website.
  - Added toptopple sound documentation in .ods spreadsheet format (LibreCalc)
    into 'doc' folder
  - Fixed and improved documentation for LuaMapObjectDescription::get_type_name.
  - More cross-linking between map object classes and their description objects.
  - Fixed some miscellaneous bugs in the LuaMap documentation.
  - Use mathjax for latex in docs instead of imgmath
  - Enable building documentation with warnings as errors on Travis
  - Constructionsites' help button now points to the help for the building being
  - Documented metaserver command line options
  - Added to the documentation
  - Add tribe-specific ware purpose texts to web encyclopedia
  - Fixed bug #1792297: Advanced buildings report wrong worker experience in the


  - Overhauled the selection menu for critters to give them categories
  - Added an option "items per row" and rearranged the terrains and immovables
  - Display of bobs, immovables and resources can now be toggled individually
  - Fixed drag and drop
  - Removed dead code for make infrastructure tool that was never finished
  - Fixed keyboard navigation with escape and enter for save map and save game
    screens. If the editbox is focused, escape will reset the text if changed,
    and close the window if unchanged.
  - Refactored Editor Player Menu to use Box layout. Show dismissable warning if
    more than 8 players are selected.
  - Map Editors now can choose "Random" tribe in the player menu
  - Converted editor infotool to new font renderer and added some layout tweaks
  - Enable OK button in map options when tags have changed.
  - Use temporary container in cleanup_port_spaces to prevent invalid iterators
  - Limited the editor undo stack to 500 items to prevent boundless growth of
    memory use
  - Fixed bug #1627537: Release mouse button does not work when placing things
                        and mouse gets under a window
  - Fixed bug #1738641: Resources can be replaced only once in editor
  - Fixed bug #1749146: MultilineEditboxes: Entering text not possible
  - Fixed bug #1736086: Saving a map with no player set shows up as having one
                        - Initialize new maps with 0 players
                        - Disable selection of maps with 0 players
                        - Automatically add first player to editor player menu
  - Fixed bug #1741779: Description is cut in map options multilineeditbox
  - Fixed bug #1782593: Segfault in random map generator
  - Fixed bug #1783878: Saved random map does segfault on load if no tribe is
                        explicitly set
  - Fixed bug #1815613: Editor crash when setting new 0,0 coordinates

Graphics Engine

  - Renamed "sub" tag to "div" in new font renderer.
  - The new font renderer now sets the width properly and supports player color
    for images. Added width property to img tag
  - The new font renderer now creates a set of textures that will be blitted
    separately by the new class RenderedText. This avoids issues with texture
    sizes exceeding the maximum size supported by graphics drivers when
    MultilineTextareas get arbitrarily long.
  - Fixed incorrect layout of divs with width=fill when the previous div is
    wider than 50%
  - Fixed superfluous space characters at beginning and end of lines
  - Implemented text floating around images
  - Messages try to render with the new font renderer first, then fall back to
    the old font renderer for layouting messages that haven't been converted yet
    (and from savegames).
  - All images with player color now receive their color by a common
    playercolor_image function. Available player colors are kept in an array.
  - Replaced raw pointers in the font renderer with shared_ptr
  - Split graphics into multiple Cmake libraries.
  - Got rid of EdgeOverlayManager and FieldOverlayManager and shifted their
    functionality to local draw() functions in individual classes. Gave the
    Interactive* classes their own draw() functions.
  - Refactored Tcoords, Fcoords and TriangleIndex
  - Force integer precision for overlays. This fixes fuzzy overlay images when
    the player hits Ctrl+0 to reset the zoom.
  - Show a basic SDL error message box to the user if the shading language
    can't be detected or is too old.
  - Print the shading language as double to console
  - Fix shading language version detection for system locales that don't
    use . as a decimal separator
  - Fail with SDL messagebox if SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL != 4
  - Fixed bug #1674243: Assign owners to neighbors in Player::rediscover_node.
                        The lack of owners was causing crashes with the road
                        program, which no longer knew which texture to pick.
  - Fixed bug #1711816: Black terrains on fullscreen switch.


  - Replaced SDL-Net with Boost.Asio
  - Added IPv6 support
  - Implemented a relay server. Opening a router port is no longer necessary
    for the host of internet games
  - Improved the online login code by adding semi-constant user ids that are
    valid for 12 hours, allowing to reclaim a username after a disconnect
  - Increasing password security by no longer storing and transmitting it in
  - Improvements to Metaserver protocol
  - Fixed memory leak in LanGameFinder
  - Fixes on the communication between widelands and the metaserver:
    - Permit answering PING requests even while logging in
    - Print current time to console when logging in
    - Ease finding the corresponding log entry on the metaserver when debugging
    - Re-enabled and fixed unused code for whisper message to nonexisting player
    - Handle error message when trying to join a non-existing game
    - Avoid hanging client even after being notified about the non-existing game
    - Removed no longer needed error messages
  - Fix crash in NetClient when host changes their mind about a custom map in
  - Fixed bug #1691335: Multiplayer client crashes when the host hasn't selected
                        a map yet
  - Fixed bug #1794339: Segfault joining game
  - Fixed bug #1805325: Crash on late joins of LAN games, and display of map
                        name in LAN lobby.

Build System

  - Windows builds now have a unique app id for every build. This allows
    parallel installation of several versions.
  - Added support for gcc7 and llvm8.
  - Removed "redundant-decls" flag for Windows builds due to conflict between
    SDL and MinGW.
  - New Macro FALLS_THROUGH; for use in switch statements.
  - Let Travis build each commit on MacOS in addition to our Linux builds. Note
    that the regression test suite is only run for Linux.
  - Allow compiling with AddressSanitizer, and choosing between gcc and clang on
    the first compile.
  - Deactivated the rich text testing project, as it's currently unmaintained.
  - Move website related binaries to base dir in
  - Do not build website tools on appveyor, this saves 20 minutes on x64 debug
  - Check for minor version of CMake
  - Only export ICU_ROOT if CMake version is lower than 3.12
  - Support for glbinding 3 and new Boost version
  - Fix revision detection
  - Fixes for handling different Cmake policies
  - Use MacOSX.sdk if an appropriate versioned SDK can't be found.
  - Add linker flags to please Ubuntu 18.10
  - Use more processing units when using the compile script. Defaults to: max.
    Processors -1. Can be set with the -j switch.
  - Copy the version file instead of moving it, so that the update script can be
    run twice in a row.
  - Use when running
  - Added tags for Flatpak to appdata.xml
  - Modernized how Mac OS X releases are done:
    - Add CFBundleShortVersionString to Mac builds
    - The script for building on macOS uses gcc-7 now. Also it checks whether
      the SDK10.7 is installed or not and uses the latest installed version if
      it cannot find the old one.
    - Choose between compiler clang or gcc, specify build type: debug or release
    - Set build target to 10.9 if macOS 10.9 or newer is found
    - Append macOS target version to dmg filename
    - Fix the dependency fixer to not be confused by library id's
  - Fixes for Debian-based software centers:
    - Add stock icon to appdata.xml
    - Change icon definition in .desktop to be a generic one
    - Content ratings are now accepted by the validator, so we've activated them
    - Validate .desktop file on translation updates. Removed deprecated category
      from .desktop file.

Other Issues

  - Moved utils/ to utils/ and added calls to
    clang-format and pyformat.
  - Cleaned up Windows utils
  - Removed unused images
  - Fixed a series of compiler warnings for clang, gcc and Windows.
  - The ProductionSiteDescr constructor still contained some checks from the
    time when they used to inherit from MilitarysiteDescr. Removed this obsolete
    code and made working_positions and programs mandatory.
  - Used the Notification system to reduce some code interdependency.
  - Various code cleanups to make the code more readable.
  - Fixed diverse crashes and memory leaks with the help of AddressSanitizer
  - Diverse refactorings to use composition over inheritance and to get rid of
    multiple inheritance
  - Replaced SyncCallback through a std::function<void()>.
  - More widespread use of smart pointers
  - Untangled MapView and InteractiveBase.
  - Cleaned up map handling in EditorGameBase
  - Removed some dead code and reduced dependency cycles
  - Options screen now saves immediately so that the changes are persistent even
    if Widelands crashes afterwards.
  - Added 2 new functions to Lua interface: list_directory and is_directory
  - Split new function cleanup_portspaces() from allows_seafaring(), and
    refactored port spaces checks.
  - Only recalculate whether a map allows seafaring when something has changed
  - Economies are now mapped to global serials and kept as unique_ptr in the
    Player objects
  - Exit gracefully if user specifies a datadir that doesn't exist
  - More strict sanitizing of chat messages
  - Print a welcome message on joining the metaserver
  - Write Windows log output to homedir instead of the program dir
  - Widelands is now installed into local appdata on Windows
  - Copy translation validation results into maintainers' and translators' views
    to make them easier for translators to navigate
  - Use std::cout for logging when calling terminate on shutdown, because the
    logger might not exist any more
  - Remove test logging output from
  - Use internal names rather than descnames for log messages and workarea IDs
  - Refactor website binaries to use a real tree data structure for writing JSON
  - Print more information in syncstreams. Create additional smaller syncstream
    files containing the last few seconds leading to a desync.
  - Added a suppressions file for Valgrind to mask memory errors caused by
    backend libraries
  - Fixed bug #1648178: Fatal Exception: Bad Cast
  - Fixed bug #1743086: ASAN memcopy overlap on Ubuntu Budgie from libSDL
                        2.0.6+dfsg1 by disabling sound as a workaround to a bug
                        in the backend
  - Fixed bug #1724145: Crashes in master-2511_release_x64 on save, caused by
                        economy merges making Lua variables go nil
  - Fixed bug #1776603: ASAN: wl_map_object_info leaks memory

File Description Downloads
download icon widelands-build20-macosx-10.7.dmg (md5, sig) Mac OS X 10.7 and newer Binary (64 bit) (prefer other binary if you have Mac OS >= 10.9) 19,670
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build20-macosx-10.9.dmg (md5, sig) Mac OS X 10.9 and newer Binary (64 bit) 24,153
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon Widelands-Build20-win_x64.exe (md5, sig) Windows Installer (64 bit) 196,508
last downloaded today
download icon Widelands-Build20-win_x86.exe (md5, sig) Windows Installer (32 bit) 19,056
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build20.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) Source package 7,969
last downloaded today
Total downloads: 267,356

build20-rc1 release from the build20 series released

Release information
Release notes:

The Widelands Development Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the first release candidate for Widelands Build 20. Widelands is a free, cross-platform economy strategy game in which players control the fate of a small tribe that can grow into a big empire, in a style of play that is unique in the open source world. Please visit our homepage at to learn more.

PeerTube Trailer:
YouTube Trailer:

Since the previous release, we have implemented over 400 features, code cleanups and bug fixes. Build 20 features a new tribe – the Frisians – as well as four new campaign scenarios and a new “Barracks” building for recruiting soldiers. Also, the AI has ...


Animations, Icons and Overlays

  - New wheatfield graphics by fraang
  - Shorten a soldier's last evade_failure animation if the soldier is about to
    die to prevent overlooping.
  - The health bar of a soldier now falls gradually during an attack instead of
  - New graphics for field selectors and field action tabs
  - Special field selector for road building mode
  - Added missing call to get_rand_anim when a soldier is dying
  - Added missing working animations for barbarians big inn and wood hardener
  - Each tribe now has individual resource indicator graphics
  - Added util to rename animation files in bulk.
  - Fixed bug #1639253: Add missing walkload animation to Atlantean smoker

Sounds and Music

  - New music tracks "Scotty the Scout", "Hypathia's Theme", "We Work in the
    Vineyards" and "Running out of Coal" by Stuart Marshall
  - New music tracks "Silkweaver's Song" and "The beauty of the flatlands" by
    Klaus Halfmann
  - Added new sound files for Barbarians Inn + Big-Inn, Empire Inn,
    Atlantean Mill, Toolsmith, Smelting-Works, all Weaving Mills, Atlantean
    Woodcutter, Sawmill, Stonecutter, Goldspinner.
  - Modified smithies sounds to dimmer versions; added tree-falling sounds,
    substituted Timber shouting with tree-falling.
  - Allocate 32 mixing channels instead of the default 8.
  - Never play the same song twice in a row
  - Improvements to sounds and the sound mix

Tutorials and Campaigns

  - 2 new missions for the Empire campaign
  - 2 new missions for the new Frisians tribe
  - Tweaked timings in tutorials and scenarios
  - Updated the Economy tutorial to match the new, enhanced encyclopedia
  - Add roads to p2 in warfare tutorial because the AI is empty
  - Fixed reveal_campaign in bar_01
  - Fixed bug #1639514: Barbarian campaign, scenario 2: yellow brother bails out
  - Fixed bug #1656192: Economy tutorial assumes window is open


  - Updated Eris to version 1.1.2 (Lua 5.3.4)
  - Changes and additions to Lua methods and objects:
    - New method player:get_produced_wares_count()
    - New object LuaMap -> LuaEconomy.
    - Added option to Lua function player:hide_fields to mark them as unexplored
    - New scripting functions for random and concentric revealing/hiding of
    - New attribute 'is_stopped' in LuaProductionSite
    - New method 'toggle_start_stop()' in LuaProductionSite
    - Added Lua method to get the type of the current game, i.e., single or
  - Changes to territorial win conditions:
    - Pulled out common code for Territorial Lord and Territorial Time.
    - Ensure that check_player_defeated is called before points are calculated.
    - New function to check whether a field is buildable.
    - Check if a player still exists before making it the winning player.
      Player will also win if there are no other players left.
    - Fixed desyncs
    - Updated documentation not to use some functions for multiplayer games
    - More precise calculation of conquerable fields to make territorial win
      conditions playable on all maps
  - Various fixes for win conditions:
    - Unified some functions for wood_gnome and collectors
    - Removed duplicated code and moved it to win_condition_functions
    - Notify only every hour, 10 minutes in the last 30 minutes
    - Move _game_over function out of the main loop.
    - Don't show points when game ended by military defeat
    - Main loop ends when time is over or only one faction is left
    - Check every second for defeated players
    - Refactor initialization of win conditions:
    - Shift calculations for territorial functions and Wood Gnome to C++
      to improve performance
    - Add immovables to the table for territory calculation
    - Expose port spaces and max caps to Lua interface
    - Fixed bug for Wood Gnome in which a destroyed player would gain infinite
      points. Also, no longer calculate score for a defeated player.
  - Remove unused parameters of message_box_objective.
  - Removed unused parameter 'req_suitability' from function
    place_building_in_region in infrastructure.lua
  - Added capability to add custom scenario buildings
  - Allow writing and loading of campaign data, so that some scenario state can
    be transferred from one scenario to the next in campaigns.
  - Do not broadcast Lua coroutine error messages to empty player slots.
    Also, use richtext_escape on them.
  - Orthogonal design for mapobject program names
  - Fix unpersisting of LuaImmovableDescription for tribe immovables.
  - Safeguard to avoid desyncs when using send_message() from ui.lua
  - Add parameter to send_message() to avoid an error
  - Fixed a memory leak in
  - Fixed bug #1670065: Random tree growth can block building sites needed to
                        progress in scenario
  - Fixed bug #1688655: lua func "place_building_in_region" not work for mines
  - Fixed bug #1815283: Nil value in Territorial Lord
  - Fixed bug #1790456: The final message in collectors doesn't show the points
                        of all players anymore


  - Map tags: Added "1v1" to Firegames, Islands at war and The Pass through
    the Mountains. Removed "unbalanced" from The Pass through the Mountains.
  - Moved hint texts from map descriptions to hints for the Last Bastion and
    Rendez-vous maps.
  - Increased maximum number of players from 8 to 16, to be used for testing
  - Minor fixes to Last Bastion map where a player's expansion could become
    completely blocked across the sea
  - Fixed bug in Crossing the Horizon map where an artifact couldn't be
    conquered by a player
  - Fixed desyncs in Smugglers scenario
  - Allow random player tribes in scenarios


  - Old scenario save games will no longer work due to changes to the map
    scrolling functions.
  - Broke savegame compatibility in version bzr8747
  - Savehandler: Avoid reading config more than once per game
  - Corrupt zip files now appear as "incompatible" on game loading/saving
    screens. This fixes stack-buffer-overflows.
  - Fixed bugs with missing files/folders in savegames by creating a temporary
    map save on game start
  - Improved error checking in filesystem functions
  - In Load/Save menu for games/replays:
    - All deletion errors are caught, player gets a message.
    - When deleting multiplayer replays, also the corresponding syncstream file
      is deleted.
    - After deleting replays, the table now respects the Show Filenames setting.
  - In Save menu for maps:
    - Errors when trying to create a directory are now caught, player gets a
    - Directory creation now doesn't allow names with map extensions, because
      the game would just try to interpret them as maps and not show as
      directories. A tooltip is shown.
    - Directory creation can now also be triggered by pressing Enter in the name
      edit box.
  - Other file errors are caught and logged:
    - Syncstream deletion in SyncWrapper destructor
    - In Map::get_correct_loader
    - File deletion/renaming in GameClient::handle_packet
  - Introduced a new class to robustly handle saving of files (incl. dealing
    with backups, handling errors, etc.) and using it whenever maps/games are
    being saved.
  - Remove superfluous "postload" call from replay
  - Added validity checks for S2 map headers to avoid crashes when preloading
    invalid S2 map files
  - Shift calculation of map fields relevant to win conditions from Lua to C++.
    This gives us a huge performance boost during saveloading those win
  - Fixed bug #1678987: Endless autosave cycles when a save takes longer than
                        the autosave interval, and inefficient statistics saving
  - Fixed bug #1746270: Unable to rename rolling autosave
  - Fixed bug #1798812: Saving a game from replay does not show up in load game


  - The AI now uses a genetic algorithm. The genetic parameters are trained and
    then kept in .wai files.
  - New command line switch --ai_training: Dumps new AI files in home folder and
    uses higher mutation ratios
  - New command line switch --auto_speed: Activates auto-speed in multiplayer
  - Various refactorings of AI hints
  - Multiple changes to the logic
  - Improvements to training sites
  - Add support for productionsites that are also supporting site to the AI.
    One productionsite can now support multiple wares/productionsites.
  - Allow resetting of teams via LUA during game
  - Improved selection of which fields to build something on
  - Improved identification of unconnectable regions based on walking algorithm.
    Used to keep AI from wasting attempts to build something there.
  - AI now splits and counts mineable fileds per resource/mine type and uses it
    for decision making, ignoring inaccessible fields in the process
  - When looking for the nearest buildable spot, the AI will accept mineable
    fields also. This affects willingness to expand when there are no buildable
    spots nearby, but some mines can be conquered by a new militarysite.
  - AI now calculates military strength based on the actual init.lua files
    rather than hard-coding the values. This also removes the tribe name
    restriction for modders.
  - When considering a quarry, the AI makes sure there is at least one rock in
    the vicinity. Same for fishers and fish.
  - Improved ship exploration decisions for AI.
  - AI now considers whether possible sea direction leads to unknown territories
  - AI also continues exploring when the last port is lost to prevent crashes.
  - Since the AI can handle only 1 expedition at a time, any extra expeditions
    are canceled
  - Prohibit seafaring buildings for AI on non-seafaring maps. AI can still
    handle ships and shipyards that already exist when a map does not allow
    seafaring at the moment.
  - AI now scans entire map for portspaces
  - Fixed endless loop in DefaultAI::dispensable_road_test
  - Added one well to the atlantean basic economy, as water is needed
    for crucial spidercloth production
  - Replaced logic_rand() with std::rand() in seafaring code of AI to fix
    desyncs in network gaming
  - Fixed bug #1724073: AI crashes when some AI slots are empty


  - New Frisian tribe
  - New "Village" starting condition
  - New "Barracks" (casern) building for recruiting soldiers. Soldiers are no
    longer created by warehouses. Production sites can now have workers as input
    to consume.
  - Started implementing new "Market" building with a Barbarian prototype.
    Not functional yet.
  - Balancing: Halved needed experience for Barbarian brewer and blacksmith
  - Balancing: Buffed Barbarian and Empire soldiers
  - Balancing: Added more trainers to headquarters at game start
  - Balancing: Removed meat default target quantity for Barbarians and
  - Balancing: Lowered productivity threshold for lumberjacks to 60%.
  - Balancing: Depleted Atlantean crystal (and iron) mines work slightly better
               when depleted
  - Balancing: Improvements to various production sites' logic
  - The worker program "plant" no longer takes "tribe:" as a parameter;
    immovables are now identified via their attributes only, and both world and
    tribe immovables are searched. As a side effect, tribe immovables can now
    have terrain affinity.
  - Forester/Ranger now prefers good soil, and is thus more efficient
  - Make the scout aware of nearby military sites. The scout now switches
    between random walking and doing an excursion to enemy military sites
  - When a Fish Breeder's fishing grounds are full, display a special tooltip
    instead of sending an "Out of Resources" message
  - When a warehouse is destroyed, the maximum number of fleeing units is now
    limited to 500 per unit type
  - Only cancel expedition if there is a reachable portdock. Show a warning
    message to owner.
  - Shifted ware hotspot definition from WorkerDescr to CarrierDescr
  - Fixed a bug where higher-level workers wouldn't occupy lower-level workers'
    working position slots in productionsites
  - The port now conquers every location where its military influence is higher
    than the influence of other players. This fixes a segfault when all
    potential portdock fields are owned by another player, but there is a
    portdock location available where the player owning the port has highest
  - Fixed bug in collectors script where a broken message was sent after the
    game ended
  - Check for visibility of military buildings before permitting attack. This
    solves a problem with impregnable castles.
  - Improved algorithm for promotion and demotion of roads
  - Removed hardcoding for resources
  - New return value no_stats for work programs
  - Tweaked production programs for shipyards
  - Balancing: All Smelting Works, Furnaces, Smokeries, Recycling Center,
    Atlantean and Frisian Toolsmithies, Taverns, Inns and Drinking Halls no
    longer waste time if a ware is missing and they have to skip a program
  - Balancing: Tweaked programs for Weapon/Armor producing buildings
  - Balancing: Imperial Armor Smithy produces 1 more Helm per run to balance the
    amount of armor types for training
  - Balancing: Changed the order of programs in the Atlantean Toolsmithy
  - Balancing: Gave the Barbarian Deep Gold Mine the same stats as the Deep Iron
  - Increased the area where the map is recalculated after conquering by 1.
    This prevents buildings from sitting between borders.
  - Fixed heap-use-after-free in fleet while processing
    EditorGameBase::cleanup_objects() when ship has already been deleted
  - Allow return on dismantle values without buildcost
  - Fix desyncs caused by floating point arithmetic in terrain affinity
  - Reset economy serial in Game constructor. This fixes desyncs in replays.
  - Stop ware dropoff when the target building has been destroyed. This fixes a
    crash when the enemy conquers a militarysite near a warehouse.
  - Cancel Worker::fetchfromflag when the building is destroyed/dismantled/
    enhanced to prevent crashes
  - Fixed bug #963799: shortsighted shipwright (ship in pond)
  - Fixed bug #1611323: ships can be built in non-floating spaces (shipyard)
  - Fixed bug #1636966: Segfault in battle
  - Fixed bug #1637386: Militarysites warn about allies
  - Fixed bug #1639444: Workers with wares inside ships can crash the game
  - Fixed bug #1643209: No-cost workers are not removed correctly
  - Fixed bug #1643284: Ships of a fleet can have the same name
  - Fixed bug #1656671: Wares are not always transported to construction site
  - Fixed bug #1658456: Imperials: Soldier target quantity not changeable
  - Fixed bug #1749586: Fish breeder can't breed fish if the game is loaded
                        after all fish is caught

User Interface

  - Maps can now be zoomed using the mouse wheel or keyboard keys: CTRL+, CTRL-
    to in-/decrease, and CTRL+0 to reset. This also removes 0 as a possible
    landmark number.
  - All map transitions like jumping in messages and in the buildings menu are
    now animated. New command line option "animate_map_panning".
  - Moved smooth animation of cursor and MapView from Lua into C++. This fixes
    the transitions in tutorials, which were broken when zoomed.
  - Show census information on destroyed building with the former building's
  - Added supplementary warning to enhancement message for military sites.
  - Fixed statistics label overlap. Ware statistics now update their plot range
  - Removed quick navigation with '.' and ','.
  - The game summary window now restores the original desired speed when it's
  - Productionsites no longer close their window when the stop/start button is
  - Minimized construction windows no longer get maximized when the construction
    is finished.
  - Window is no longer closed on enhance or dismantle.
  - Let the user select multiple entries in a table using Ctrl/Shift + Click
    (multiple/range selection) and Ctrl+A (select all) where appropriate.
  - Implemented textual and pictorial dropdown menus. Dropdowns are used for win
    condition and multiplayer tribe selection in the launch game screens.
  - Fullscreen background images are now tiled rather than stretched.
  - Stopped fullscreen toggle from flickering.
  - The following menus now relayout themselves when fullscreen mode is toggled:
    main, multiplayer, single player, about, map selection, options, load game,
    save game.
  - For multiplayer game setup, use dropdowns instead of buttons to select
    player options
  - Improved scrollbar and table header layout.
  - Remove buttons from economy options window for spectators
  - Improvements to StoryMessageBox, keyboard navigation and UI focusing
  - Updating all ware priorities of a building when CTRL is pressed while
  - Sorting IRC users behind the players in the lobby
  - Replaced get_key_state with SDL_GetModState() to fix keyboard mappings.
  - Actionconfirm now uses Box layout and resizes according to text size.
  - Display loading times on the console while loading the tribes.
  - Simplified the UI::Align enum and various alignment-related cleanup and
  - Replaced booleans in UI::Box::add() with enum classes for better readability
  - Converted all text to new font renderer. Formatting functions for the new
    renderer live in data/scripting/richtext.lua
  - A more principled fix to dangling object pointers in the UI using Optr<>
  - Building Statistics now only show relevant buildings
  - Building Statistics now show "under construction" navigation for buildings
    being enhanced
  - Show in-game clock in release builds too
  - In multiplayer games, scroll to starting position when a game is loaded
  - New Ship Statistics window
  - Bugfixes to multiplayer dropdowns
  - Use Lua to define background and button styles
    - Background images and colors are now defined in data/templates/default
    - Combine common background graphics with color overlays
    - Added StyleManager class to load and access backgrounds
    - Downscale background images (e.g. campaign maps) on small screens
    - New graphics for ui_fsmenu
    - Darker background for wui elements
  - Fixed keyboard navigation after "remove game" dialog has been displayed
  - Modified row selection/display in tables and message list
  - Remove focus from editbox in gamechatpanel when it minimizes
  - Added tooltip to file save and make directory edit boxes if illegal filename
    is being entered
  - Added a checkbox to toggle filenames when loading a replay
  - Fixed scenario title and tooltip during game setup
  - Preselect player names and tribes for non-scenario maps in single player
  - Set AI from selection in UI when saveloading
  - Missing wares (and workers) are indicated differently in InputQueueDisplays
    if the ware is on the way to the building than if it's really missing
  - Redesigned and fixed the showing of workarea overlays
  - Tweaks for the multiplayer game setup screen: less empty spaces and more
    space for important content
  - Very large amounts in WaresDisplays are shortened as "10k", "10M", "10G" to
    prevent text from flowing over on the left
  - When dismantling a building, the building window closes automatically
  - Added a dialog for the host when the connection to a client is lost. Allows
    the host to select whether to replace the client with an AI or to exit.
  - Setting focus to edit box when opening the game save menu
  - Don't provide the filename for the standard background image in the progress
    window. This fixes image positioning when starting multiplayer games.
  - Make dismantle button independent of buildable/enhanced. This fixes missing
    Dismantle buttons in Empire scenario 4.
  - Improve formatting for user status in the lobby
  - Allow hotkey usage while windows are open
  - Fixed memory leak in network UI
  - Fixed bug #1191295: Seafaring: builder not listed in expedition list in port
  - Fixed bug #1635808: Display of worker in training sites is not updated.
  - Fixed bug #1653254: Action window of Road stays open under some
  - Fixed bug #1653460: UI::Panel::get_inner_h() const: Assertion `tborder_ +
                        bborder_ <= h_' failed
  - Fixed bug #1658489: Expedition tab in Port window messed up some times
  - Fixed bug #1644553: Crash when buildhelp icon is clicked twice
  - Fixed bug #1687043: Memory leak in Multilineeditbox
  - Fixed bug #1695701: Crash when a militarysite window is open while the
                        enemy conquers it by sending a notification.
  - Fixed bug #1672059: Selection is not cleared when new message arrives
  - Fixed bug #1691336: Building window suddenly appears after construction has
  - Fixed bug #1658668: Menu Launch Game: Switching AI player on/off changes AI
  - Fixed bug #1656245: Scrolling with mousewheel is slow in some places
  - Fixed bug #1769344: High processor load single player launch game screen
  - Fixed bug #1785404: Chat does not autoscroll
  - Fixed bug #1794063: Extra message arrival sound
  - Fixed bug #1801208: Message boxes with long unbreakable strings show empty


  - Removed building names from confirmation messages, as they cause grammar
    problems in some languages.
  - Production program descnames can now be fetched by pgettext as well as plain
  - Deleted unused networking messages and unified the "Something went wrong"
  - Added a Python script to do automated glossary checks for translations. It
    enlists the help of Hunspell and 'misuses' the Transifex note field in order
    to reduce noise.
  - Implemented glossary generation for the Transifex glossary with help from
    the Translate Toolkit (
  - Show translation stats next to the language selection menu and invite
    translators if a translation is incomplete, with the help of the Translate
    Toolkit. New utils script "" that will write
    translation statistics to data/i18n/translation_stats.conf and is called
    on every translation pull.
  - Fixed various string issues and added some translators' comments
  - Completed the switchover to the new font renderer
  - Fixed translation of trainingsite program names
  - Fix undefined / unexpected behavior in case LANG environment is empty
  - Fix fetching of translations when user locale is set to C. If the desired
    Widelands locale does not exist, try to fall back to en_US.utf8 to make
    libintl happy.
  - Adapted to get translations for resources
  - Add an extra key to get a translatable author-value in the developers list
  - Fixed bug #1636586: Inconsistent localization of player names in Editor
                        player menu

Help and Documentation

  - Convert editor/game tips to Lua and display them in the in-editor/in-game
    help. Added new tips.
  - Restructured, enhanced and added to the Lua scripting reference for Tribes.
  - Added/Improved documentation for animations, worker programs, worker
    helptexts, AI hints, World units and the Richtext system
  - Added immovables to in-game help
  - Fixed some wrong indentation for the documentation in the website.
  - Added toptopple sound documentation in .ods spreadsheet format (LibreCalc)
    into 'doc' folder
  - Fixed and improved documentation for LuaMapObjectDescription::get_type_name.
  - More cross-linking between map object classes and their description objects.
  - Fixed some miscellaneous bugs in the LuaMap documentation.
  - Use mathjax for latex in docs instead of imgmath
  - Enable building documentation with warnings as errors on Travis
  - Constructionsites' help button now points to the help for the building being
  - Documented metaserver command line options
  - Added to the documentation
  - Add tribe-specific ware purpose texts to web encyclopedia
  - Fixed bug #1792297: Advanced buildings report wrong worker experience in the


  - Overhauled the selection menu for critters to give them categories
  - Added an option "items per row" and rearranged the terrains and immovables
  - Display of bobs, immovables and resources can now be toggled individually
  - Fixed drag and drop
  - Removed dead code for make infrastructure tool that was never finished
  - Fixed keyboard navigation with escape and enter for save map and save game
    screens. If the editbox is focused, escape will reset the text if changed,
    and close the window if unchanged.
  - Refactored Editor Player Menu to use Box layout. Show dismissable warning if
    more than 8 players are selected.
  - Map Editors now can choose "Random" tribe in the player menu
  - Converted editor infotool to new font renderer and added some layout tweaks
  - Enable OK button in map options when tags have changed.
  - Use temporary container in cleanup_port_spaces to prevent invalid iterators
  - Limited the editor undo stack to 500 items to prevent boundless growth of
    memory use
  - Fixed bug #1627537: Release mouse button does not work when placing things
                        and mouse gets under a window
  - Fixed bug #1738641: Resources can be replaced only once in editor
  - Fixed bug #1749146: MultilineEditboxes: Entering text not possible
  - Fixed bug #1736086: Saving a map with no player set shows up as having one
                        - Initialize new maps with 0 players
                        - Disable selection of maps with 0 players
                        - Automatically add first player to editor player menu
  - Fixed bug #1741779: Description is cut in map options multilineeditbox
  - Fixed bug #1782593: Segfault in random map generator
  - Fixed bug #1783878: Saved random map does segfault on load if no tribe is
                        explicitly set
  - Fixed bug #1815613: Editor crash when setting new 0,0 coordinates

Graphics Engine

  - Renamed "sub" tag to "div" in new font renderer.
  - The new font renderer now sets the width properly and supports player color
    for images. Added width property to img tag
  - The new font renderer now creates a set of textures that will be blitted
    separately by the new class RenderedText. This avoids issues with texture
    sizes exceeding the maximum size supported by graphics drivers when
    MultilineTextareas get arbitrarily long.
  - Fixed incorrect layout of divs with width=fill when the previous div is
    wider than 50%
  - Fixed superfluous space characters at beginning and end of lines
  - Implemented text floating around images
  - Messages try to render with the new font renderer first, then fall back to
    the old font renderer for layouting messages that haven't been converted yet
    (and from savegames).
  - All images with player color now receive their color by a common
    playercolor_image function. Available player colors are kept in an array.
  - Replaced raw pointers in the font renderer with shared_ptr
  - Split graphics into multiple Cmake libraries.
  - Got rid of EdgeOverlayManager and FieldOverlayManager and shifted their
    functionality to local draw() functions in individual classes. Gave the
    Interactive* classes their own draw() functions.
  - Refactored Tcoords, Fcoords and TriangleIndex
  - Force integer precision for overlays. This fixes fuzzy overlay images when
    the player hits Ctrl+0 to reset the zoom.
  - Show a basic SDL error message box to the user if the shading language
    can't be detected or is too old.
  - Print the shading language as double to console
  - Fix shading language version detection for system locales that don't
    use . as a decimal separator
  - Fail with SDL messagebox if SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL != 4
  - Fixed bug #1674243: Assign owners to neighbors in Player::rediscover_node.
                        The lack of owners was causing crashes with the road
                        program, which no longer knew which texture to pick.
  - Fixed bug #1711816: Black terrains on fullscreen switch.


  - Replaced SDL-Net with Boost.Asio
  - Added IPv6 support
  - Implemented a relay server. Opening a router port is no longer necessary
    for the host of internet games
  - Improved the online login code by adding semi-constant user ids that are
    valid for 12 hours, allowing to reclaim a username after a disconnect
  - Increasing password security by no longer storing and transmitting it in
  - Improvements to Metaserver protocol
  - Fixed memory leak in LanGameFinder
  - Fixes on the communication between widelands and the metaserver:
    - Permit answering PING requests even while logging in
    - Print current time to console when logging in
    - Ease finding the corresponding log entry on the metaserver when debugging
    - Re-enabled and fixed unused code for whisper message to nonexisting player
    - Handle error message when trying to join a non-existing game
    - Avoid hanging client even after being notified about the non-existing game
    - Removed no longer needed error messages
  - Fixed bug #1691335: Multiplayer client crashes when the host hasn't selected
                        a map yet
  - Fixed bug #1794339: Segfault joining game
  - Fixed bug #1805325: Crash on late joins of LAN games, and display of map
                        name in LAN lobby.

Build System

  - Windows builds now have a unique app id for every build. This allows
    parallel installation of several versions.
  - Added support for gcc7 and llvm8.
  - Removed "redundant-decls" flag for Windows builds due to conflict between
    SDL and MinGW.
  - New Macro FALLS_THROUGH; for use in switch statements.
  - Let Travis build each commit on MacOS in addition to our Linux builds. Note
    that the regression test suite is only run for Linux.
  - Allow compiling with AddressSanitizer, and choosing between gcc and clang on
    the first compile.
  - Deactivated the rich text testing project, as it's currently unmaintained.
  - Move website related binaries to base dir in
  - Do not build website tools on appveyor, this saves 20 minutes on x64 debug
  - Check for minor version of CMake
  - Only export ICU_ROOT if CMake version is lower than 3.12
  - Support for glbinding 3 and new Boost version
  - Fix revision detection
  - Fixes for handling different Cmake policies
  - Use MacOSX.sdk if an appropriate versioned SDK can't be found.
  - Add linker flags to please Ubuntu 18.10
  - Use more processing units when using the compile script. Defaults to: max.
    Processors -1. Can be set with the -j switch.
  - Copy the version file instead of moving it, so that the update script can be
    run twice in a row.
  - Use when running
  - Added tags for Flatpak to appdata.xml
  - Modernized how Mac OS X releases are done:
    - Add CFBundleShortVersionString to Mac builds
    - The script for building on macOS uses gcc-7 now. Also it checks whether
      the SDK10.7 is installed or not and uses the latest installed version if
      it cannot find the old one.
    - Choose between compiler clang or gcc, specify build type: debug or release
    - Set build target to 10.9 if macOS 10.9 or newer is found
    - Append macOS target version to dmg filename
  - Fixes for Debian-based software centers:
    - Add stock icon to appdata.xml
    - Change icon definition in .desktop to be a generic one
    - Content ratings are now accepted by the validator, so we've activated them
    - Validate .desktop file on translation updates. Removed deprecated category
      from .desktop file.

Other Issues

  - Moved utils/ to utils/ and added calls to
    clang-format and pyformat.
  - Cleaned up Windows utils
  - Removed unused images
  - Fixed a series of compiler warnings for clang, gcc and Windows.
  - The ProductionSiteDescr constructor still contained some checks from the
    time when they used to inherit from MilitarysiteDescr. Removed this obsolete
    code and made working_positions and programs mandatory.
  - Used the Notification system to reduce some code interdependency.
  - Various code cleanups to make the code more readable.
  - Fixed diverse crashes and memory leaks with the help of AddressSanitizer
  - Diverse refactorings to use composition over inheritance and to get rid of
    multiple inheritance
  - Replaced SyncCallback through a std::function<void()>.
  - More widespread use of smart pointers
  - Untangled MapView and InteractiveBase.
  - Cleaned up map handling in EditorGameBase
  - Removed some dead code and reduced dependency cycles
  - Options screen now saves immediately so that the changes are persistent even
    if Widelands crashes afterwards.
  - Added 2 new functions to Lua interface: list_directory and is_directory
  - Split new function cleanup_portspaces() from allows_seafaring(), and
    refactored port spaces checks.
  - Only recalculate whether a map allows seafaring when something has changed
  - Economies are now mapped to global serials and kept as unique_ptr in the
    Player objects
  - Exit gracefully if user specifies a datadir that doesn't exist
  - More strict sanitizing of chat messages
  - Print a welcome message on joining the metaserver
  - Write Windows log output to homedir instead of the program dir
  - Widelands is now installed into local appdata on Windows
  - Copy translation validation results into maintainers' and translators' views
    to make them easier for translators to navigate
  - Use std::cout for logging when calling terminate on shutdown, because the
    logger might not exist any more
  - Remove test logging output from
  - Use internal names rather than descnames for log messages and workarea IDs
  - Refactor website binaries to use a real tree data structure for writing JSON
  - Print more information in syncstreams. Create additional smaller syncstream
    files containing the last few seconds leading to a desync.
  - Added a suppressions file for Valgrind to mask memory errors caused by
    backend libraries
  - Fixed bug #1648178: Fatal Exception: Bad Cast
  - Fixed bug #1743086: ASAN memcopy overlap on Ubuntu Budgie from libSDL
                        2.0.6+dfsg1 by disabling sound as a workaround to a bug
                        in the backend
  - Fixed bug #1724145: Crashes in master-2511_release_x64 on save, caused by
                        economy merges making Lua variables go nil
  - Fixed bug #1776603: ASAN: wl_map_object_info leaks memory

File Description Downloads
download icon widelands-build20-rc1-win-x64.exe (md5, sig) Windows Installer (64 bit) 579
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build20-rc1-win-x86.exe (md5, sig) Windows Installer (32 bit) 1,885
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands_10.7_build-20-rc1.dmg (md5, sig) Mac OS X 10.7 and newer Binary (64 bit) (prefer other binary if you have Mac OS >= 10.9) 51
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands_10.9_build-20-rc1.dmg (md5, sig) Mac OS X 10.9 and newer Binary (64 bit) 97
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build20-rc1.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) Source package 124
last downloaded 2 days ago
Total downloads: 2,736

build19 release from the build19 series released

Release information
Release notes:

The Widelands Development Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of Widelands Build 19. Widelands is a free, cross-platform strategy game in which players control the fate of a small tribe that can grow into a big empire, in a style of play that is unique in the open source world. Please visit our homepage at to learn more.

Build 19 focuses on behind the scene cleanup, polish and modernization - for example we ported Widelands to the modern c++11 standard and removed old code that was a maintenance burden. These changes will facilitate feature development going forward, but they come at a price: Savegames from Build 18 and older do not load in this version of Widelands and we now require graphics hardware acceleration (OpenGL 2.1). We also recommend that you...


* Animations, Icons and Overlays

  - New animations for Barbarians buildings: Wood Hardener, Farm, Fisher's Hut,
    Gamekeeper's Hut, Lumberjack's Hut, Quarry, Ranger's Hut, Taver, Inn,
    Big Inn, Warehouse, Scout.
  - New animations: Imperial Vintner, Blackroot Field.
  - New menu icons: All workers, Blackroot, Pitta Bread, Snack, Ration, Meal,
    Spidercloth, Options Menu, Warehouse stock policy, Messages window
  - New road textures to improve visibility on all terrains
  - Better coloring for workarea pics.
  - Fixed hotspot for Babarian Brewer walk animation.
  - Fixed bug #1453528: Buildings missing menu icons
  - Fixed bug #1408712: Waves are rolling in different speed /rolling angle is
  - Fixed bug #1407799: Fatal exception: Image not found:
  - Fixed bug #1324642: Playercolor mask has wrong size
  - Fixed bug #829984: Tweak the duck animation
  - Fixed bug #672248: Duplicated animations

* Sounds

  - Added sounds for Fox, Elk, Wolf, Stag, Boar, Smelting Works, Weapon
    Smithies, Ax workshop, Lime Kilns, Taverns, Breweries, Winery,
    Wood Hardener.
  - Replaced sound for Sheep and Mills.
  - Fixed bug #1592692: No production sounds on some maps
  - Fixed bug #1536053: Widelands without sound on win
  - Fixed bug #1500531: Random corrupted audio (loud garbled noise) when
                        ox breeder is working for Barbarian tribe.
  - Fixed bug #1304638: Wrong sound played

* Tutorials and Campaigns:

  - Split tutorial into "Basic Control" and "Warefare" and added encancements.
  - New "Seafaring" and "Economy" tutorials"
  - Redesigned Barbarian campaign to remove topcs that are covered by the
  - Fixed bug #1424950: Strange character relationships in the empire campaigns
  - Fixed bug #1349378: Get_soldiers doesn't return a table in Island Hopping
  - Fixed bug #1311244: Atlantean Mission Trigger fail
  - Fixed bug #1298411: No necessity to conquer all military buildings in the
                        third Barbarian Campaign
  - Fixed bug #1286576: Tutorial fails if player is in road building mode when
                        military building finishes
  - Fixed bug #1088222: Barbarians Campaign: small suggestions for improvement
  - Fixed bug #674839: Some issues of barbarian tutorial 3

* Maps

  - New maps: Archipelago Sea, Dolomites, Wide World
  - Removed maps: Dry Riverbed, Long long way, War of the Valleys
  - Overhauled maps: Comet Islands, Full Moon, Glacier Lake, Kings and Queens,
    Last Bastion, River Explorers, The Nile, Twin Lagoons, Volcanic Winter
  - Added "hint" to the json file created by wl_map_info for use on the website.

* Saveloading

  - Older savegames can no longer be loaded.
  - Older maps can be loaded, but new maps can't be loaded with previous
    versions of Widelands.
  - User maps are now saved in a 'My Maps' subdirectory to prevent overwriting
    of official maps
  - No longer write replay files for scenarios
  - Implemented rolling autosave
  - Disallow changing player slots in single player scenarios.
  - Added checks for illegal file names during map saving.
  - Fixed a crash where a leaked remnant of the game session would still be
    subscribed to the 'changed resolution' event if a savegame failed to load.
  - Fixed crash with identical autosave filenames when LAN game is run with
    multiple instances of Widelands on a single computer. Also, more informative
    error messages in
  - Fixed bug #1548932: Editor fails on save with zip filesystem
  - Fixed bug #1526514: player 2 in "" section [player_2] not found
  - Fixed bug #1509172: Editor gives error on saving maps in Windows.
  - Fixed bug #1428396: Savefile broken when enemy deafed
  - Fixed bug #1413734: Savegame does not load
  - Fixed bug #1388028: Unable to load saved game
  - Fixed bug #1375915: Scripting files get deleted when a map is resaved
  - Fixed bug #1332832: Warning when starting a new game Unused key "name" in
  - Fixed bug #1311716: Segfault when loading a game with nightly build
  - Fixed bug #1303669: Reduce size of campaign savegames
  - Fixed bug #1302577: Wrong minimap in load dialog when the save game has been
  - Fixed bug #1254116: Crash on saving game: unprotected error in call to Lua
                        API (table index is NaN)
  - Fixed bug #1228811: Observers savegame contains no minimap.
  - Fixed bug #1227984: Autosave should not trigger while game is paused
  - Fixed bug #992829: Console output: WARNING: There are 73 unloaded objects.
  - Fixed bug #979995: Game crashes with large map when saving

* AI:

  - AI can now build and use ships
  - Improved placing, upgrading and dismantling buildings
  - Improved placing and destroying roads.
  - AI no longer runs out of wood
  - Enhanced military and soldier training strategy
  - Reworked the way how AI stores some data in Player object
  - Fixed bug #1388255: Widelands crashes when loading a multiplayer game
  - Fixed bug #1344288: Segmentation fault - AI building enhancement
  - Fixed bug #1342554: [] Help: I do not know what to do with
                        a outpost
  - Fixed bug #1330070: AI crashes
  - Fixed bug #1311790: Assertion error Widelands::StreamWrite::Coords32 shortly
                        after starting a new game

* Gameplay

  - Collectors win condition now reports team scores as well as player scores.
  - New win condition: Artifacts
  - Added New starting condition "Trading Outpost" that will periodically give
    the player some wares if needed (cheat mode)
  - Other tribes’ buildings that have been conquered can now be dismantled
  - Balancing: Added gold to building cost for Atlantean training sites.
    Made Barbarian attack stronger.
  - When an expedition ship places a port, a bit of land is cleared of trees to
    make room for a few buildings.
  - Ports can be affected by terrain changes up to 3 tiles away from their original
    position, so we recalculate as much when changing a terrain tile.
  - New tree/terrain affinity values.
  - Forcing a constructionsite properly conquers the area that the finished
    building will occupy.
  - Reworked find_portdock.
  - "Out of resources" messages are now be triggered by productivity
  - Engine change: all tribes can now use any building/ware/worker etc.
    Use Lua instead of finf file for initialization.
  - Ontology cleanup: Internal unit names now match their display names.
    Renamed worker program "geologist-find" to "geologist_find" and "playFX" to
    "play_sound" and removed unused option "setdescription".
  - Added Description objects for all tribe and world entities to Lua interface.
  - Removed LuaBaseImmovable::get_size. The corresponding functions now return
    strings instead of ints.
  - Added LUA interface to ship - RO property shipname
  - Updated Eris to version 683ac97476a8634d9e5c17f0dec8dff8b7f3e595 (Lua 5.3).
  - Fixed bug #1554552: Wounded attacking soldiers failing to retreat
  - Fixed bug #1551578: Fortified Village crashes when building can't be placed.
  - Fixed bug #1542703: Crash during battle in Only
                        allow building a port if all fields can be conquered.
                        Also added a test for this issue.
  - Fixed bug #1525395: Atlantean mines failing to extract all resources
  - Fixed bug #1509220: Atlanteans campaign keeps counting 0 ships
  - Fixed bug #1504948: Performance issue when "no use for ships on this map"
  - Fixed bug #1502458: Carrier hiding in Warehouse/HQ is hardcoded
  - Fixed bug #1490116: Fully promoted soldiers remaining in training sites
  - Fixed bug #1457425: Fight never ends (also not 2h later)
  - Fixed bug #1451078: Labyrinth malfunctions full report
  - Fixed bug #1451069: Collectors win condition doesn't count wares in ports
  - Fixed bug #1442945: Atlanteans ship construction much faster
  - Fixed bug #1442869: Stopped production sites should produce something from
                        their consumed wares before they stop
  - Fixed bug #1434291: Collectors game over message
  - Fixed bug #1423468: After reload, all percentages are blue until they are
                        updated again
  - Fixed bug #1420521: Reset target quantity is overwritten easily
  - Fixed bug #1407418: Multiple hunters hunt for same animal
  - Fixed bug #1402392: Widelands crashed with SIGSEGV in
  - Fixed bug #1402231: Wl crashes when saving after port is reduced to
  - Fixed bug #1395238: Soldiers getting stuck
  - Fixed bug #1389211: Port without a portdock (game crashing)
  - Fixed bug #1387801: Crash when expedition port is destroyed while wares are
  - Fixed bug #1344179: Granite mines should check if their output is needed
  - Fixed bug #1341662: Remove the animals out of the Barbarian directory
  - Fixed bug #1332842: Remove support for different flag and frontier 'styles'.
  - Fixed bug #1332455: Productivity of the Atlantean farm does not drop to 0
                        when it does not work
  - Fixed bug #1332452: Crop does not grow
  - Fixed bug #1302635: Random tribe selection always gives the same result
  - Fixed bug #1302593: Result screen not shown in loaded game when a player was
                        already defeated in saved game
  - Fixed bug #1290123: Delete barbarian stronghold
  - Fixed bug #1251914: Soldier stuck in battle animation loop
  - Fixed bug #980287: Productivity drops on game load
  - Fixed bug #978138: Ship is under fisher's hut
  - Fixed bug #902807: Stopped production sites do not have their reserves
  - Fixed bug #861761: Improve production prioritisation
  - Fixed bug #849896: Heal the highest level, healthiest soldier first
  - Fixed bug #653308: The attack dialog is not updating the number of possible
  - Fixed bug #580923: Production of carrier does not respect building costs

* User Interface

  - Display Widelands version for each client in Internet lobby.
  - Overhaul of diverse menu screens and windows: map and game loading,
    in-game Building Statistics, main menu Options and "About Widelands"
  - Messages can be filtered
  - Added Win condition descriptions as an Objective
  - Remember map location markers in singleplayer savegames.
  - Ships now have individual names and show their states in the statistics
  - Added census/statistics strings to ships and ship construction.
  - Hide wares which do not need prerequisites and therefore are produced
    'endlessly' from configure economy
  - Watchwindow fixes: Fixed some oddities such as view duplication:
    - Possibly fixed bug #1553699 (probable cause: std::erase used on invalid
      position, which results in undefined behavior).
    - Highlight the current view button.
  - Editor CategorizedItemSelectionMenu no longer grows excessively wide when
    multiple items are selected.
  - Shifted chat overlay up so it won't overlap with the menu buttons.
  - Most UI elements now use the new font renderer
  - Various scrollbar-related fixes.
  - Fixed handling of Alt key in Linux
  - Fixed bug #1566441: String "Saving Game" appears too late
  - Fixed bug #1559729: Port space not shown.
  - Fixed bug #1542214: Inconsistent ordering of OK/Cancel buttons.
  - Fixed bug #1526916: When selecting a map, the parent directory now has a
                        lower sort order than all other directories.
  - Fixed bug #1480937: Escape key doesn't work in all dialogues
  - Fixed bug #1451147: Game crashes when headquarters is taken over
  - Fixed bug #1426654: Only list compatible .wmf files in the load game dialog
  - Fixed bug #1422072: Private message improvements
  - Fixed bug #1419537: Allow Observers to show building spaces
  - Fixed bug #1413226: Spaces in attack box disappear
  - Fixed bug #1412242: Multiplayer save game selection does not show the
  - Fixed bug #1371062: Add confirmation dialog to exit game
  - Fixed bug #1344350: Constructionsites/dismantlesites only show a dot instead
                        of building image
  - Fixed bug #1342563: When choosing random tribe and castle village, the tribe
                        can be guessed
  - Fixed bug #1339861: Remove the "Military settings" option
  - Fixed bug #1322741: Text issue: fps statistics overlaps with xz coordinates
  - Fixed bug #1306728: Crash when info window opened if statistics window has
                        been opened
  - Fixed bug #1300359: Installation dialog shows old screenshot
  - Fixed bug #1298301: Do not show scenario messages when player is in road
                        building mode
  - Fixed bug #1296655: News window crashes when building has not been seen in
                        the game
  - Fixed bug #1283693: Crash after very long chat message
  - Fixed bug #1252625: Plot areas now update their data less often.
  - Fixed bug #1247384: Newly conquered building should prefer heroes
  - Fixed bug #1232392: Allow tabbing in forms
  - Fixed bug #1191556: The "Cancel Expedition" button in Port windows will now
                        toggle and remove the tab.
  - Fixed bug #1167242: Ctrl+destroying a flag with a building does not destroy
                        the whole road
  - Fixed bug #998544: Replay name should contain Widelands version
  - Fixed bug #988831: Remove message expiry feature.
  - Fixed bug #965633: Set default AI to random tribe
  - Fixed bug #964541: Closing building window closes (child) help window
  - Fixed bug #744749: Training sites should either show statistics as a
                        military or as a productionsite
  - Fixed bug #736404: Cannot switch from Widelands in full screen on Linux
  - Fixed bug #682351: Wishlist: Fullscreen toogle also in Menu
  - Fixed bug #571796: Stop the rounding to full 10ths for productivity
  - Fixed bug #566729: Add gametime display to replays
  - Fixed bug #536230: Building icons in menu are shown without correct

* Internationalization

  - Big string overhaul to improve translations
  - UI redesigns to make translated strings fit
  - Automatic font selection and support for Arabic script
  - Fixed escaping of special characters in messages
  - Richtext and rt_render can now handle &nbsp;
  - ngettext and pgettext are now available in Lua
  - Fixed bug #1341990: Map names cause confusion in internet play
  - Fixed bug #1289698: Sorting maps by name sort by original instead of
                        translated name
  - Fixed bug #1289586: Let tree descriptions use the same size scheme as
  - Fixed bug #1290066: Sort languages by their native names
  - Fixed bug #978175: Localization not yet loaded in command line
  - Fixed bug #973714: Fonts are different between daily PPA and bzr repository

* Editor

  - Merged the four worlds into one, so any entity can be placed on any map now.
  - New forested mountain terrains
  - Editor now starts with the Info tool instead of the Set Height tool
  - The user can choose to display map or filenames when loading or saving a map
  - Overhaul of all main menu subenus
  - Stopped the infotool from painting and gave it size 1.
  - Fixed various cashes in editor when loading a map or using the Set Origin
  - Fixed bug #1535065: Editor crashes with random map regarding player
  - Fixed bug #1532417: Complete indicators for resource water
  - Fixed bug #1504366: Editor crashes unexpectedly
  - Fixed bug #1426276: Editor Player Menu doesn't update tool overlay when
                        player is removed
  - Fixed bug #1402786: "Set origin" should be in the tools menu
  - Fixed bug #1392406: Confirmation dialog when leaving the editor although
                        Ctrl has been pressed
  - Fixed bug #1392215: Secondary and Third Alternative Tool no longer working
                        in the Editor
  - Fixed bug #1378801: Random map: Wasteland % change not reflected in
                        Mountains %
  - Fixed bug #1341112: Editor line abruption in Noise height tool
  - Fixed bug #1289575: Dialog for selecting immovable bobs in editor lacks
  - Fixed bug #1281823: Setting resources via LUA API broken in Editor
  - Fixed bug #1174075: Clarify meaning of icons in editor terrain preview
  - Fixed bug #1171231: Size of minimap in the editor not changed when new map
                        is loaded
  - Fixed bug #977980: Fish and mountain ressources cannot be removed when they
                        are on grass
  - Fixed bug #821553: Increase maximum number of terrain types
  - Fixed bug #768826: Show altitude level in the editor

* Help and Documentation:

  - Generic in-game and in-editor help system driven by Lua scripts. All values
    except for performance are now read from the current Lua configuration
  - Added some performance values for the buildings help text
  - Improved documentation: Started adding Tribe and World information to our
    online Widelands Scripting Reference.
  - Created a new executable 'wl_map_object_info' that will generate JSON files
    for updating the encyclopedia on the website.

* Graphics Engine:

  - Fixed line drawing by replacing the broken use of GL_LINES with a
    tessellation algorithm for drawing lines.
  - Decoupled UI update frequency from game update frequency (which is now 15
    times per second).
  - Removed graphic::update() and Panel::update() and always redraw at maxfps.
  - Changed default maxfps to 30 (instead of 25).
  - Filter all textures linearly instead of near. This looks nicer and texture
    bleeding has been taken care of.
  - Added a new undocumented command line argument --debug_gl_trace which will
    log every OpenGL call that is made, together with arguments, return values
    and glError status. This requires that Widelands is build using
    -DOPTION_USE_GLBINDING:BOOL=ON. It is a NoOp for GLEW. This will help
    debugging non-reproducible OpenGL errors that are reported. Tested with
    glbinding 1.1.0.
  - More logging when OpenGL is initialized.
  - Correctly crop destination and source rectangle while blitting.
  - Fixed memory leaks in UI::Table::draw and around code found using the Leaks
    tool in Apple's Instruments.
  - Fixed bug #1562071: Visual glitch in chat overlay as well as chat overlay
  - Fixed bug #1535569: Messages window slows down game speed
  - Fixed bug #1480928: Lumberjack animation glitches
  - Fixed bug #1447333: Crashes on main menu under Windows 7. Mouse movement
                        seems to trigger this.
  - Fixed bug #1424408: Graphics become all white in tutorial
  - Fixed bug #1409267: Graphic errors with text on Windows
  - Fixed bug #1408707: Water should be dithered as land terrain
  - Fixed bug #1397302: Fullscreen Toggle Text Overlay
  - Fixed bug #1397301: Screenshots black
  - Fixed bug #1393547: Flashing black background when autosaving
  - Fixed bug #1389346: Disabling opengl results in black screen
  - Fixed bug #1378797: When playing fullscreen mode Unity locks the screen
  - Fixed bug #1370144: Playercolor mask is sometimes black
  - Fixed bug #1302565: Screenshot shows wrong image when a game is chosen with
                        the mouse pointer
  - Fixed bug #1257476: Crash when attempting to load a game after toggeling
                        opengl rendering
  - Fixed bug #1257320: Strange vertical lines during gameplay
  - Fixed bug #1243700: Statistic window displays graph incorrectly when in
  - Fixed bug #1215412: Graphic artifacts
  - Fixed bug #1203006: Increasing resolution in fullscreen results in the right
                        and bottom sides not being updated properly
  - Fixed bug #1202133: Dialogs (and list of maps) have white background and
  - Fixed bug #1041436: Game jerks and stops after playing awhile. Bzr6421
  - Fixed bug #731987: Mouse does not work in full screen on virtual machines
  - Fixed bug #647456: Options: colors of the main WL menu changes when changing
                        the language
  - Fixed bug #536559: Fullscreen must not change physical screen resolution
  - Fixed bug #536500: Can not toggle fullscreen with Alt+Enter or resize with
  - Fixed bug #536317: Graphics libraries still in memory when no longer needed

* Other Issues:

  - Added build instructions for OpenBSD
  - Ships get debug window. Also its content are extended.
  - Removed --logfile command line flag - use redirects instead.
    Added an SDL2 aware logger that replicates writing a stdout.txt on windows.
  - Removed --remove-replays and --remove-syncstreams. We now always delete
    them if they were autogenerated and older than 4 weeks.
  - Added --write-syncstreams option which defaults to true for now.
    This will give us more debug information for future desyncs.
  - Remove --dedicated commandline option and associated code.
  - Added Widelands version to log output
  - Moved all data-related directories into a new "data" directory.
  - Fixed bug #1581828: Desync while testing bzr8001[bug-1418154-collectors-teams]
  - Fixed bug #1562332: Crash with playing chat sound in Internet lobby
  - Fixed bug #1522290: Gameplay suddenly gets very slow
  - Fixed bug #1503949: Excessive CPU usage and loading time seemingly related
                        to length of the game
  - Fixed bug #1438611: Widelands is leaking memory
  - Fixed bug #1413326: Current trunk on Linux cannot join a game that is hosted
                        on Windows
  - Fixed bug #1404478: Windows installer puts string "Widelands" into the
                        version field
  - Fixed bug #1278050: Login problems with metaserver
  - Fixed bug #1274279: Metaserver entry in config gets deleted
  - Fixed bug #1169445: Commandline options 1/0 &lt;=&gt; true/false on win32
  - Fixed bug #1096453: Massive memory leaks

File Description Downloads
download icon widelands-build19-src-gcc7.tar.bz2 (md5) Source package with fixes for GCC7 422
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build19-repack-mac64.dmg (md5) Mac OS X Binary (64 bit) 5,306
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build19-repack-win64.exe (md5) Windows Installer (64 bit) 45,672
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build19-repack-src.tar.bz2 (md5) Source package 201
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build19-mac64.dmg (md5) Mac OS X Binary (64 bit) 3,027
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build19-win64.exe (md5) Windows Installer (64 bit) 26,830
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build19-src.tar.bz2 (md5) Source package 16,090
last downloaded 2 days ago
Total downloads: 97,548

build19-rc1 release from the build19 series released

Release information
Release notes:

The Widelands Development Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the release candidate 1 for Build 19 of Widelands. Widelands is a free, cross-platform strategy game in which players control the fate of a small tribe that can grow into a big empire, in a style of play that is unique in the open source world. Please visit our homepage at to learn more.

Build 19 focuses on behind the scene cleanup, polish and modernization - for example we ported Widelands to the modern c++11 standard and removed old code that was a maintenance burden. These changes will facilitate feature development going forward, but they come at a price: Savegames from Build 18 and older do not load in this version of Widelands and we now require graphics hardware acceleration (OpenGL 2...


* Animations, Icons and Overlays

  - New animations for Barbarians buildings: Wood Hardener, Farm, Fisher's Hut,
    Gamekeeper's Hut, Lumberjack's Hut, Quarry, Ranger's Hut, Taver, Inn,
    Big Inn, Warehouse, Scout.
  - New animations: Imperial Vintner, Blackroot Field.
  - New menu icons: All workers, Blackroot, Pitta Bread, Snack, Ration, Meal,
    Spidercloth, Options Menu, Warehouse stock policy, Messages window
  - New road textures to improve visibility on all terrains
  - Better coloring for workarea pics.
  - Fixed hotspot for Babarian Brewer walk animation.
  - Fixed bug #1453528: Buildings missing menu icons
  - Fixed bug #1408712: Waves are rolling in different speed /rolling angle is
  - Fixed bug #1407799: Fatal exception: Image not found:
  - Fixed bug #1324642: Playercolor mask has wrong size
  - Fixed bug #829984: Tweak the duck animation
  - Fixed bug #672248: Duplicated animations

* Sounds

  - Added sounds for Fox, Elk, Wolf, Stag, Boar, Smelting Works, Weapon
    Smithies, Ax workshop, Lime Kilns, Taverns, Breweries, Winery,
    Wood Hardener.
  - Replaced sound for Sheep and Mills.
  - Fixed bug #1592692: No production sounds on some maps
  - Fixed bug #1536053: Widelands without sound on win
  - Fixed bug #1500531: Random corrupted audio (loud garbled noise) when
                        ox breeder is working for Barbarian tribe.
  - Fixed bug #1304638: Wrong sound played

* Tutorials and Campaigns:

  - Split tutorial into "Basic Control" and "Warefare" and added encancements.
  - New "Seafaring" and "Economy" tutorials"
  - Redesigned Barbarian campaign to remove topcs that are covered by the
  - Fixed bug #1424950: Strange character relationships in the empire campaigns
  - Fixed bug #1349378: Get_soldiers doesn't return a table in Island Hopping
  - Fixed bug #1311244: Atlantean Mission Trigger fail
  - Fixed bug #1298411: No necessity to conquer all military buildings in the
                        third Barbarian Campaign
  - Fixed bug #1286576: Tutorial fails if player is in road building mode when
                        military building finishes
  - Fixed bug #1088222: Barbarians Campaign: small suggestions for improvement
  - Fixed bug #674839: Some issues of barbarian tutorial 3

* Maps

  - New maps: Archipelago Sea, Dolomites, Wide World
  - Removed maps: Dry Riverbed, Long long way, War of the Valleys
  - Overhauled maps: Comet Islands, Full Moon, Glacier Lake, Kings and Queens,
    Last Bastion, River Explorers, The Nile, Twin Lagoons, Volcanic Winter
  - Added "hint" to the json file created by wl_map_info for use on the website.

* Saveloading

  - Older savegames can no longer be loaded.
  - Older maps can be loaded, but new maps can't be loaded with previous
    versions of Widelands.
  - User maps are now saved in a 'My Maps' subdirectory to prevent overwriting
    of official maps
  - No longer write replay files for scenarios
  - Implemented rolling autosave
  - Disallow changing player slots in single player scenarios.
  - Added checks for illegal file names during map saving.
  - Fixed a crash where a leaked remnant of the game session would still be
    subscribed to the 'changed resolution' event if a savegame failed to load.
  - Fixed crash with identical autosave filenames when LAN game is run with
    multiple instances of Widelands on a single computer. Also, more informative
    error messages in
  - Fixed bug #1548932: Editor fails on save with zip filesystem
  - Fixed bug #1526514: player 2 in "" section [player_2] not found
  - Fixed bug #1509172: Editor gives error on saving maps in Windows.
  - Fixed bug #1428396: Savefile broken when enemy deafed
  - Fixed bug #1413734: Savegame does not load
  - Fixed bug #1388028: Unable to load saved game
  - Fixed bug #1375915: Scripting files get deleted when a map is resaved
  - Fixed bug #1332832: Warning when starting a new game Unused key "name" in
  - Fixed bug #1311716: Segfault when loading a game with nightly build
  - Fixed bug #1303669: Reduce size of campaign savegames
  - Fixed bug #1302577: Wrong minimap in load dialog when the save game has been
  - Fixed bug #1254116: Crash on saving game: unprotected error in call to Lua
                        API (table index is NaN)
  - Fixed bug #1228811: Observers savegame contains no minimap.
  - Fixed bug #1227984: Autosave should not trigger while game is paused
  - Fixed bug #992829: Console output: WARNING: There are 73 unloaded objects.
  - Fixed bug #979995: Game crashes with large map when saving

* AI:

  - AI can now build and use ships
  - Improved placing, upgrading and dismantling buildings
  - Improved placing and destroying roads.
  - AI no longer runs out of wood
  - Enhanced military and soldier training strategy
  - Reworked the way how AI stores some data in Player object
  - Fixed bug #1388255: Widelands crashes when loading a multiplayer game
  - Fixed bug #1344288: Segmentation fault - AI building enhancement
  - Fixed bug #1342554: [] Help: I do not know what to do with
                        a outpost
  - Fixed bug #1330070: AI crashes
  - Fixed bug #1311790: Assertion error Widelands::StreamWrite::Coords32 shortly
                        after starting a new game

* Gameplay

  - Collectors win condition now reports team scores as well as player scores.
  - New win condition: Artifacts
  - Added New starting condition "Trading Outpost" that will periodically give
    the player some wares if needed (cheat mode)
  - Other tribes’ buildings that have been conquered can now be dismantled
  - Balancing: Added gold to building cost for Atlantean training sites.
    Made Barbarian attack stronger.
  - When an expedition ship places a port, a bit of land is cleared of trees to
    make room for a few buildings.
  - Ports can be affected by terrain changes up to 3 tiles away from their original
    position, so we recalculate as much when changing a terrain tile.
  - New tree/terrain affinity values.
  - Forcing a constructionsite properly conquers the area that the finished
    building will occupy.
  - Reworked find_portdock.
  - "Out of resources" messages are now be triggered by productivity
  - Engine change: all tribes can now use any building/ware/worker etc.
    Use Lua instead of finf file for initialization.
  - Ontology cleanup: Internal unit names now match their display names.
    Renamed worker program "geologist-find" to "geologist_find" and "playFX" to
    "play_sound" and removed unused option "setdescription".
  - Added Description objects for all tribe and world entities to Lua interface.
  - Removed LuaBaseImmovable::get_size. The corresponding functions now return
    strings instead of ints.
  - Added LUA interface to ship - RO property shipname
  - Updated Eris to version 683ac97476a8634d9e5c17f0dec8dff8b7f3e595 (Lua 5.3).
  - Fixed bug #1554552: Wounded attacking soldiers failing to retreat
  - Fixed bug #1551578: Fortified Village crashes when building can't be placed.
  - Fixed bug #1542703: Crash during battle in Only
                        allow building a port if all fields can be conquered.
                        Also added a test for this issue.
  - Fixed bug #1525395: Atlantean mines failing to extract all resources
  - Fixed bug #1509220: Atlanteans campaign keeps counting 0 ships
  - Fixed bug #1504948: Performance issue when "no use for ships on this map"
  - Fixed bug #1502458: Carrier hiding in Warehouse/HQ is hardcoded
  - Fixed bug #1490116: Fully promoted soldiers remaining in training sites
  - Fixed bug #1457425: Fight never ends (also not 2h later)
  - Fixed bug #1451078: Labyrinth malfunctions full report
  - Fixed bug #1451069: Collectors win condition doesn't count wares in ports
  - Fixed bug #1442945: Atlanteans ship construction much faster
  - Fixed bug #1442869: Stopped production sites should produce something from
                        their consumed wares before they stop
  - Fixed bug #1434291: Collectors game over message
  - Fixed bug #1423468: After reload, all percentages are blue until they are
                        updated again
  - Fixed bug #1420521: Reset target quantity is overwritten easily
  - Fixed bug #1407418: Multiple hunters hunt for same animal
  - Fixed bug #1402392: Widelands crashed with SIGSEGV in
  - Fixed bug #1402231: Wl crashes when saving after port is reduced to
  - Fixed bug #1395238: Soldiers getting stuck
  - Fixed bug #1389211: Port without a portdock (game crashing)
  - Fixed bug #1387801: Crash when expedition port is destroyed while wares are
  - Fixed bug #1344179: Granite mines should check if their output is needed
  - Fixed bug #1341662: Remove the animals out of the Barbarian directory
  - Fixed bug #1332842: Remove support for different flag and frontier 'styles'.
  - Fixed bug #1332455: Productivity of the Atlantean farm does not drop to 0
                        when it does not work
  - Fixed bug #1332452: Crop does not grow
  - Fixed bug #1302635: Random tribe selection always gives the same result
  - Fixed bug #1302593: Result screen not shown in loaded game when a player was
                        already defeated in saved game
  - Fixed bug #1290123: Delete barbarian stronghold
  - Fixed bug #1251914: Soldier stuck in battle animation loop
  - Fixed bug #980287: Productivity drops on game load
  - Fixed bug #978138: Ship is under fisher's hut
  - Fixed bug #902807: Stopped production sites do not have their reserves
  - Fixed bug #861761: Improve production prioritisation
  - Fixed bug #849896: Heal the highest level, healthiest soldier first
  - Fixed bug #653308: The attack dialog is not updating the number of possible
  - Fixed bug #580923: Production of carrier does not respect building costs

* User Interface

  - Display Widelands version for each client in Internet lobby.
  - Overhaul of diverse menu screens and windows: map and game loading,
    in-game Building Statistics, main menu Options and "About Widelands"
  - Messages can be filtered
  - Added Win condition descriptions as an Objective
  - Remember map location markers in singleplayer savegames.
  - Ships now have individual names and show their states in the statistics
  - Added census/statistics strings to ships and ship construction.
  - Hide wares which do not need prerequisites and therefore are produced
    'endlessly' from configure economy
  - Watchwindow fixes: Fixed some oddities such as view duplication:
    - Possibly fixed bug #1553699 (probable cause: std::erase used on invalid
      position, which results in undefined behavior).
    - Highlight the current view button.
  - Editor CategorizedItemSelectionMenu no longer grows excessively wide when
    multiple items are selected.
  - Shifted chat overlay up so it won't overlap with the menu buttons.
  - Most UI elements now use the new font renderer
  - Various scrollbar-related fixes.
  - Fixed handling of Alt key in Linux
  - Fixed bug #1566441: String "Saving Game" appears too late
  - Fixed bug #1559729: Port space not shown.
  - Fixed bug #1542214: Inconsistent ordering of OK/Cancel buttons.
  - Fixed bug #1526916: When selecting a map, the parent directory now has a
                        lower sort order than all other directories.
  - Fixed bug #1480937: Escape key doesn't work in all dialogues
  - Fixed bug #1451147: Game crashes when headquarters is taken over
  - Fixed bug #1426654: Only list compatible .wmf files in the load game dialog
  - Fixed bug #1422072: Private message improvements
  - Fixed bug #1419537: Allow Observers to show building spaces
  - Fixed bug #1413226: Spaces in attack box disappear
  - Fixed bug #1412242: Multiplayer save game selection does not show the
  - Fixed bug #1371062: Add confirmation dialog to exit game
  - Fixed bug #1344350: Constructionsites/dismantlesites only show a dot instead
                        of building image
  - Fixed bug #1342563: When choosing random tribe and castle village, the tribe
                        can be guessed
  - Fixed bug #1339861: Remove the "Military settings" option
  - Fixed bug #1322741: Text issue: fps statistics overlaps with xz coordinates
  - Fixed bug #1306728: Crash when info window opened if statistics window has
                        been opened
  - Fixed bug #1300359: Installation dialog shows old screenshot
  - Fixed bug #1298301: Do not show scenario messages when player is in road
                        building mode
  - Fixed bug #1296655: News window crashes when building has not been seen in
                        the game
  - Fixed bug #1283693: Crash after very long chat message
  - Fixed bug #1252625: Plot areas now update their data less often.
  - Fixed bug #1247384: Newly conquered building should prefer heroes
  - Fixed bug #1232392: Allow tabbing in forms
  - Fixed bug #1191556: The "Cancel Expedition" button in Port windows will now
                        toggle and remove the tab.
  - Fixed bug #1167242: Ctrl+destroying a flag with a building does not destroy
                        the whole road
  - Fixed bug #998544: Replay name should contain Widelands version
  - Fixed bug #988831: Remove message expiry feature.
  - Fixed bug #965633: Set default AI to random tribe
  - Fixed bug #964541: Closing building window closes (child) help window
  - Fixed bug #744749: Training sites should either show statistics as a
                        military or as a productionsite
  - Fixed bug #736404: Cannot switch from Widelands in full screen on Linux
  - Fixed bug #682351: Wishlist: Fullscreen toogle also in Menu
  - Fixed bug #571796: Stop the rounding to full 10ths for productivity
  - Fixed bug #566729: Add gametime display to replays
  - Fixed bug #536230: Building icons in menu are shown without correct

* Internationalization

  - Big string overhaul to improve translations
  - UI redesigns to make translated strings fit
  - Automatic font selection and support for Arabic script
  - Fixed escaping of special characters in messages
  - Richtext and rt_render can now handle &nbsp;
  - ngettext and pgettext are now available in Lua
  - Fixed bug #1341990: Map names cause confusion in internet play
  - Fixed bug #1289698: Sorting maps by name sort by original instead of
                        translated name
  - Fixed bug #1289586: Let tree descriptions use the same size scheme as
  - Fixed bug #1290066: Sort languages by their native names
  - Fixed bug #978175: Localization not yet loaded in command line
  - Fixed bug #973714: Fonts are different between daily PPA and bzr repository

* Editor

  - Merged the four worlds into one, so any entity can be placed on any map now.
  - New forested mountain terrains
  - Editor now starts with the Info tool instead of the Set Height tool
  - The user can choose to display map or filenames when loading or saving a map
  - Overhaul of all main menu subenus
  - Stopped the infotool from painting and gave it size 1.
  - Fixed various cashes in editor when loading a map or using the Set Origin
  - Fixed bug #1535065: Editor crashes with random map regarding player
  - Fixed bug #1532417: Complete indicators for resource water
  - Fixed bug #1504366: Editor crashes unexpectedly
  - Fixed bug #1426276: Editor Player Menu doesn't update tool overlay when
                        player is removed
  - Fixed bug #1402786: "Set origin" should be in the tools menu
  - Fixed bug #1392406: Confirmation dialog when leaving the editor although
                        Ctrl has been pressed
  - Fixed bug #1392215: Secondary and Third Alternative Tool no longer working
                        in the Editor
  - Fixed bug #1378801: Random map: Wasteland % change not reflected in
                        Mountains %
  - Fixed bug #1341112: Editor line abruption in Noise height tool
  - Fixed bug #1289575: Dialog for selecting immovable bobs in editor lacks
  - Fixed bug #1281823: Setting resources via LUA API broken in Editor
  - Fixed bug #1174075: Clarify meaning of icons in editor terrain preview
  - Fixed bug #1171231: Size of minimap in the editor not changed when new map
                        is loaded
  - Fixed bug #977980: Fish and mountain ressources cannot be removed when they
                        are on grass
  - Fixed bug #821553: Increase maximum number of terrain types
  - Fixed bug #768826: Show altitude level in the editor

* Help and Documentation:

  - Generic in-game and in-editor help system driven by Lua scripts. All values
    except for performance are now read from the current Lua configuration
  - Added some performance values for the buildings help text
  - Improved documentation: Started adding Tribe and World information to our
    online Widelands Scripting Reference.
  - Created a new executable 'wl_map_object_info' that will generate JSON files
    for updating the encyclopedia on the website.

* Graphics Engine:

  - Fixed line drawing by replacing the broken use of GL_LINES with a
    tessellation algorithm for drawing lines.
  - Decoupled UI update frequency from game update frequency (which is now 15
    times per second).
  - Removed graphic::update() and Panel::update() and always redraw at maxfps.
  - Changed default maxfps to 30 (instead of 25).
  - Filter all textures linearly instead of near. This looks nicer and texture
    bleeding has been taken care of.
  - Added a new undocumented command line argument --debug_gl_trace which will
    log every OpenGL call that is made, together with arguments, return values
    and glError status. This requires that Widelands is build using
    -DOPTION_USE_GLBINDING:BOOL=ON. It is a NoOp for GLEW. This will help
    debugging non-reproducible OpenGL errors that are reported. Tested with
    glbinding 1.1.0.
  - More logging when OpenGL is initialized.
  - Correctly crop destination and source rectangle while blitting.
  - Fixed memory leaks in UI::Table::draw and around code found using the Leaks
    tool in Apple's Instruments.
  - Fixed bug #1562071: Visual glitch in chat overlay as well as chat overlay
  - Fixed bug #1535569: Messages window slows down game speed
  - Fixed bug #1480928: Lumberjack animation glitches
  - Fixed bug #1447333: Crashes on main menu under Windows 7. Mouse movement
                        seems to trigger this.
  - Fixed bug #1424408: Graphics become all white in tutorial
  - Fixed bug #1409267: Graphic errors with text on Windows
  - Fixed bug #1408707: Water should be dithered as land terrain
  - Fixed bug #1397302: Fullscreen Toggle Text Overlay
  - Fixed bug #1397301: Screenshots black
  - Fixed bug #1393547: Flashing black background when autosaving
  - Fixed bug #1389346: Disabling opengl results in black screen
  - Fixed bug #1378797: When playing fullscreen mode Unity locks the screen
  - Fixed bug #1370144: Playercolor mask is sometimes black
  - Fixed bug #1302565: Screenshot shows wrong image when a game is chosen with
                        the mouse pointer
  - Fixed bug #1257476: Crash when attempting to load a game after toggeling
                        opengl rendering
  - Fixed bug #1257320: Strange vertical lines during gameplay
  - Fixed bug #1243700: Statistic window displays graph incorrectly when in
  - Fixed bug #1215412: Graphic artifacts
  - Fixed bug #1203006: Increasing resolution in fullscreen results in the right
                        and bottom sides not being updated properly
  - Fixed bug #1202133: Dialogs (and list of maps) have white background and
  - Fixed bug #1041436: Game jerks and stops after playing awhile. Bzr6421
  - Fixed bug #731987: Mouse does not work in full screen on virtual machines
  - Fixed bug #647456: Options: colors of the main WL menu changes when changing
                        the language
  - Fixed bug #536559: Fullscreen must not change physical screen resolution
  - Fixed bug #536500: Can not toggle fullscreen with Alt+Enter or resize with
  - Fixed bug #536317: Graphics libraries still in memory when no longer needed

* Other Issues:

  - Added build instructions for OpenBSD
  - Ships get debug window. Also its content are extended.
  - Removed --logfile command line flag - use redirects instead.
    Added an SDL2 aware logger that replicates writing a stdout.txt on windows.
  - Removed --remove-replays and --remove-syncstreams. We now always delete
    them if they were autogenerated and older than 4 weeks.
  - Added --write-syncstreams option which defaults to true for now.
    This will give us more debug information for future desyncs.
  - Remove --dedicated commandline option and associated code.
  - Added Widelands version to log output
  - Moved all data-related directories into a new "data" directory.
  - Fixed bug #1581828: Desync while testing bzr8001[bug-1418154-collectors-teams]
  - Fixed bug #1562332: Crash with playing chat sound in Internet lobby
  - Fixed bug #1522290: Gameplay suddenly gets very slow
  - Fixed bug #1503949: Excessive CPU usage and loading time seemingly related
                        to length of the game
  - Fixed bug #1438611: Widelands is leaking memory
  - Fixed bug #1413326: Current trunk on Linux cannot join a game that is hosted
                        on Windows
  - Fixed bug #1404478: Windows installer puts string "Widelands" into the
                        version field
  - Fixed bug #1278050: Login problems with metaserver
  - Fixed bug #1274279: Metaserver entry in config gets deleted
  - Fixed bug #1169445: Commandline options 1/0 &lt;=&gt; true/false on win32
  - Fixed bug #1096453: Massive memory leaks

File Description Downloads
download icon widelands-b19-rc1-src.tar.bz2 (md5) Source package 171
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands_64bit_build-19-rc1.dmg (md5) Mac OS X Binary (64 bit) 127
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon Widelands-build19rc1-win64.exe (md5) Windows Installer (64 bit) 824
last downloaded 2 days ago
Total downloads: 1,122

build-18 release from the build18 series released

Release information
Release notes:

The Widelands Development Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of build 18 of Widelands. Widelands is a free, cross-platform strategy game in which players control the fate of a small tribe that can grow into a big empire, in a style of play that is unique in the open source world. Please visit our homepage to learn more.

Some of the highlights of this build are:
   * Seafaring enhancements: expeditions and colonization.
   * Eviction of workers from production sites.
   * Soldier preference selection in military sites.
   * Better in-game stock charts with new information.
   * new maps, sounds, music, graphics & animations.
   * On demand loading of graphics improves startup time.
   * Better performance: Widelands needs less CPU and memory.


### Build 18
- Added a preview for the costs of a building and the resources gained
  through the dismantling of a building.
- Added a button to productionsites for evicting a worker.
- Added control to exchange stationed soldiers of a militarysite
  with soldiers of a higher resp. lower level.
- Added seafaring expedition and colonization.
- Added new win condition: Territorial time similar to territorial lord.
- Added a game result screen showing a summary of the game once the game is over
- Added support for a "message of the day" to Widelands and the Widelands' dedicated server.
- Added new game tips.
- Improved start up time through on demand loading of graphics.
- Improved Widelands' rich text rendering engine and improved
  much of text in many different places.
- Improved OpenGL rendering leading to a huge speed up.
- Improved the handling of soldiers inside trainingssites:
  Soliders that did not receive training for some time are now evicted automatically
- Improved the old stock charts and added some new ones.
- Improved graphics and animations in many places.
- Improved graphics used in road building mode to indicate the steepness.
- Improved multiplayer scenario "Smugglers".
- Improved Empire Inn to be backward compatible.
- Improved the handling of game saving
- Improved Widelands' translations and added some new ones.
- Fixed a bunch of memory leaks.
- Fixed a bunch of compiler warnings.
- Fixed an editor crash when trying to save a map inside a subdirectory.
- Fixed bug #535806: Loading images takes a tremendous amount of time
- Fixed bug #536110: Some Map Editor tools (Resources) are not translatable
- Fixed bug #536161: Widelands bundles internal copy of
- Fixed bug #536482: Downgrade skilled workers when possible
- Fixed bug #536507: Autosave after reaching objective
- Fixed bug #536548: Allow control of stationed Soldiers in Military Buildings
- Fixed bug #536571: Empire Inns should be able to produce rations.
- Fixed bug #537194: Unable to see full list of bobs on debug
- Fixed bug #566970: Unable to attack castle
- Fixed bug #576347: show game results screen
- Fixed bug #580905: write building status in a different font color for construction sites
- Fixed bug #657285: Multiple tooltips may be shown when opening building information
- Fixed bug #674600: Long titles in message inbox overlap with time sent
- Fixed bug #674930: Rare bug in soldiers code
- Fixed bug #704637: Does not start (could not set video mode) using too large resolution in fullscreen mode
- Fixed bug #706284: Default save file name is always the first in list
- Fixed bug #706284: Default save file name is always the first in list
- Fixed bug #714036: Add evict worker button to productionsites
- Fixed bug #722087: hard to empty warehouse
- Fixed bug #723113: Weird green granite in the editor on Blackland maps
- Fixed bug #726139: Numeric wares display in warehouses not updating correctly
- Fixed bug #732142: Please choose lighter blue player color
- Fixed bug #738643: Pause game while in 'save'-dialog
- Fixed bug #738895: Show a message when the game is autosaving
- Fixed bug #740401: Preview required building costs before building or upgrading
- Fixed bug #744595: clang llvm 2.9 compiler widelands crash
- Fixed bug #751836: Loading games memory usage
- Fixed bug #763567: Sort Messages in Message Inbox to be most recent on top
- Fixed bug #787217: editor crashes on map load
- Fixed bug #787464: Hard to tell the difference between actual flags and possible flags for
                      the yellow player
- Fixed bug #796673: Roads "light up" in the fog of war
- Fixed bug #796690: Atleantean resource signs have a red tint
- Fixed bug #802432: wreck sail is blue instead of white
- Fixed bug #803284: While building, show range of the building on construction site
- Fixed bug #818823: Multiplayer game kicked out players after being paused for a while (Broken pipe)
- Fixed bug #825957: Warnings at compile-time (GCC)
- Fixed bug #846409: Improving the load game dialog
- Fixed bug #858517: Counter for 50% of the land in territorial lord doesn't reset
- Fixed bug #861840: building near shoreline
- Fixed bug #898129: Workarea color policy
- Fixed bug #900784: Screen resolution can be set too large in windowed mode
- Fixed bug #902464: Upgrading building: number of wares in stock window not updated
- Fixed bug #902558: Workers returning to a building being dismantled will attempt to enter it
- Fixed bug #913369: Warnings at compile-time (clang/llvm)
- Fixed bug #923702: soldier "lost" if the building he is returning to has been destroyed
- Fixed bug #933747: Text refers to bug #1951113
- Fixed bug #939026: Sea expedition and colonization
- Fixed bug #939709: Make OpenGL terrain rendering less demanding on hardware
- Fixed bug #955908: Open stockstatistics with a button
- Fixed bug #957750: Add Portspace tool doesn't use the toolsize.
- Fixed bug #960370: Atlantean Ship Shows "flashes" on the Hull
- Fixed bug #961548: widelands executable links against boost_unit_test_framework in Debug mode
- Fixed bug #963697: Port build help icon shown, though no port can be build
- Fixed bug #963802: Add option to burn a ship
- Fixed bug #963963: Game crashes when ship construction site cannot be cleared for a new ship
- Fixed bug #965052: Cannot see which map I am currently playing
- Fixed bug #970264: Missing SDL_* libraries lead to rather useless messages
- Fixed bug #970840: new graph: availability of wares
- Fixed bug #972759: barbarian beer icons misleading
- Fixed bug #974679: Inconsistent behaviour in soldier creation leads to irregular economy state
- Fixed bug #975091: Ship freezes loaded with wares upon destruction of destination port
- Fixed bug #975495: lua bug in "Together we are strong" map
- Fixed bug #975840: Same expression on both sides of '-'
- Fixed bug #975847: increase and decrese resource tool has methods with multiple consecutive returns
- Fixed bug #975852: lua_map has a statement after a return which will never be executed
- Fixed bug #976077: x\y axis in ware statistics are wrong
- Fixed bug #976551: ftbfs with gcc 4.7 if not including <unistd.h>
- Fixed bug #976698: Atlantean saw has misleading description
- Fixed bug #978123: Small icons for wares on ships
- Fixed bug #978169: Global militarysites icons not updated
- Fixed bug #979937: Coal can be replaced by other ressources in the editor
- Fixed bug #982364: Editor in Windows XP suffers high CPU, memory leak
- Fixed bug #982620: "no use for ships on this map" blocks building ships in first Atlantis campaign
- Fixed bug #983448: Improve OpenBSD support
- Fixed bug #984110: memory leak in src/ai/
- Fixed bug #984165: Make the increase/reduce wares buttons repeatable
- Fixed bug #984197: Suggestion: Confirmation window for dismantling production building
- Fixed bug #985109: Decreasing vision for node that is not seen
- Fixed bug #986526: Clarify "X player teams" map filter
- Fixed bug #986534: Improve in-game checkboxes
- Fixed bug #986910: Multiplayer game setup does not show team suggestions for maps
- Fixed bug #988498: Suggestion: remove cppcheck related stuff from build
- Fixed bug #988870: Barbarian weaving mill produces endless cloth
- Fixed bug #989483: Widelands host crashes if a client connection breaks
- Fixed bug #989489: After leaving an internet game, Widelands freezes in the lobby
- Fixed bug #990623: Checkboxes should react when hovered by the mouse cursor
- Fixed bug #992466: dedicated server regression: not able to choose map
- Fixed bug #993293: EnsureDirectoryExists() does only work with a path deepth of 1.
- Fixed bug #994712: GPL Text should maybe not be translateable
- Fixed bug #995011: They can attack me but I can't attack them
- Fixed bug #996965: Fail to build on amd64
- Fixed bug #998828: Only coal can be placed in the editor
- Fixed bug #1005955: Start using C++11 features in Widelands sources
- Fixed bug #1008861: Massive memory leak after closing stats window when OpenGL rendering enabled.
- Fixed bug #1016104: The stock plot is quite wrong
- Fixed bug #1019585: Building window background "jumping" when previewing upgrade build cost
- Fixed bug #1020736: CrossPlatform Path fix: remove ":" in path names on Windows
- Fixed bug #1022267: stock chart counts wares in every building
- Fixed bug #1023264: Scouts explore consistently to the west
- Fixed bug #1024549: Crash in Build Cost Preview in Observer Mode
- Fixed bug #1025014: segmentation fault in widelands
- Fixed bug #1025848: --version prints more and less than it should
- Fixed bug #1027058: Connection lost after some time if all players pause in multiplayer
- Fixed bug #1033213: Assertion in nethost is always true
- Fixed bug #1033216: Undefined identifiers used
- Fixed bug #1033615: Consider checking for more warnings when compiling Widelands
- Fixed bug #1044933: Branch condition evaluates to a garbage value in io/filesystem/
- Fixed bug #1044935: Assigned value is garbage or undefined in graphic/render/terrain_sdl.h
- Fixed bug #1044939: Dead assignment or increment (variables which have values assigned,
                      but are then never read again)
- Fixed bug #1050431: Worker icons should not contain letters for levels
- Fixed bug #1063233: Starting game while savegame is still being transferred
- Fixed bug #1074655: FPS slowly drops when playing with stock screen open
- Fixed bug #1074979: r6433 has an economy mismatch after building a third port
- Fixed bug #1090433: dedicated server module not working on windows
- Fixed bug #1090887: buildcosts and "wares that get recycled" preview moves the window
- Fixed bug #1093848: Remove ware removes wares without placing them outside the building
- Fixed bug #1094711: Fisher runs out of fish even with double breeders
- Fixed bug #1094750: Usability Suggestion: move economy configuration button to a more obvious location
                      / clarify its location in documentation and tips.
- Fixed bug #1095022: Division by zero in ui_basic/
- Fixed bug #1095028: Called C++ object pointer is null in ui_basic/
- Fixed bug #1095034: Called C++ object pointer is null in network/
- Fixed bug #1095695: Middle-clicking in any window will crash the game (assertion error)
- Fixed bug #1095702: Game crashed with OpenGL ERROR: out of memory
- Fixed bug #1096362: Crash when increasing speed in a internet game as observer
                      (only happens on dedicated servers)
- Fixed bug #1096632: Open windows cause game to stall after several hours
- Fixed bug #1096651: Windowed graphics resolution change does not resize window
- Fixed bug #1096786: Indicate direction of steepness in road building mode
- Fixed bug #1097420: Window tabs in map editor cause exception
- Fixed bug #1098263: Widelands does not start if PC has OpenGL problems
- Fixed bug #1099094: Tutorial description bug
- Fixed bug #1100045: Carriers can/can't be removed from Warehouses
- Fixed bug #1101788: Atlantean stone economy target too low
- Fixed bug #1104462: Untranslatable strings
- Fixed bug #1108083: Construction site window does not display specific building name
- Fixed bug #1115664: Extremely slow framerate/performance with OpenGL
- Fixed bug #1121396: Assertion error upon starting WL (regression after latest opengl changes)
- Fixed bug #1125539: Roads not rendered in road building mode
- Fixed bug #1128114: segmentation fault when running with --dedicated
- Fixed bug #1130469: Textarea does not place cursor correctly on mouse click (map description in the editor)
- Fixed bug #1130905: OpenGL switch to Software Rendering crash
- Fixed bug #1132238: Open buildingwindow after closing of constructionsitewindow when
                      construction has finished
- Fixed bug #1132466: Evicted workers will become stuck if the are away from home and the building is
                      not conencted to the road network
- Fixed bug #1132469: List of workers in building window not updating properly
- Fixed bug #1132473: soldier hangs at one point
- Fixed bug #1132476: change yellow color in white(?) - building menu % is unreadable
- Fixed bug #1132774: Assertion in image cache while loading first barbarian campaign
- Fixed bug #1137765: displaying tooltips in fullscreen causes crash
- Fixed bug #1139666: New buildcap allows larger buildings in smaller spaces
- Fixed bug #1142781: Current BZR version leads to compiler errors on Windows
- Fixed bug #1144465: Builder gets "lost" after dismantling site
- Fixed bug #1145376: Dark box when hovering over buildings
- Fixed bug #1150455: Dedicated servermode segfaults on non-existing maps
- Fixed bug #1150517: Crash when closing widelands
- Fixed bug #1153361: OpenPandora patch for FAT FS
- Fixed bug #1159000: Building WL should check whether gettext is installed
- Fixed bug #1159432: Warnings at compile-time in GCC 4.8
- Fixed bug #1159968: Crash in opengl fonthandler_cc:99
- Fixed bug #1162918: Workers exiting warehouse do not follow flag
- Fixed bug #1162920: Shovel icon is unclear
- Fixed bug #1162936: After eviction of a worker, a worker of the same level is requested instead of
                      the original worker type
- Fixed bug #1167234: Terrain preview in editor shows nothing
- Fixed bug #1170086: Imperial sentry returns more wares when dismantled than it needed
- Fixed bug #1171131: Revision 6559 FTBFS on GNU/Linux due to compile_assert failing
- Fixed bug #1171233: Opening a Widelands file makes all strings appear in English
- Fixed bug #1172197: Seefaring doesn't work on nightly Build
- Fixed bug #1174066: Setting the origin of a map disrupts it
- Fixed bug #1178327: Empire does not have economy target for marble
- Fixed bug #1181132: Random Map: Randomize positioning of start positions
- Fixed bug #1182010: fish breeder does not work
- Fixed bug #1183479: Evict Worker code possibly incomplete
- Fixed bug #1184151: Cant load a saved game after update
- Fixed bug #1186906: Remove entries from the message list that have become obsolete
- Fixed bug #1189615: WL crashes down while ship makes expedition
- Fixed bug #1191554: Game crashes when ship with open window is loaded for expedition
- Fixed bug #1191556: Port window not updated ("Cancel the expedition" starts a new one)
- Fixed bug #1191568: Expedition feature does not work properly in replay mode
- Fixed bug #1191889: Ship loads ware but does not transport it
- Fixed bug #1194194: Show build progress of the current ship
- Fixed bug #1195639: Ports build into water
- Fixed bug #1196194: Game freezes when exploring coast when not at coast
- Fixed bug #1197429: Fail to build in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- Fixed bug #1198624: A player should be considered defeated in Autocrat after losing all warehouses,
                      rather than all buildings
- Fixed bug #1198921: Returning null reference in scripting/
- Fixed bug #1198930: Use-after-free in wui/
- Fixed bug #1199653: Unseen port crashes the game when saving
- Fixed bug #1199808: Use-after-free in wui/
- Fixed bug #1199812: Use-after-free in economy/
- Fixed bug #1199957: Segmentation fault during combat
- Fixed bug #1200952: Make error: /wui/
- Fixed bug #1201081: Building with boost 1.54: "Boost.Signals is no longer being maintained and is
                      now deprecated. Please switch to Boost.Signals2."
- Fixed bug #1201330: Dangerous variable-length array (VLA) declaration in
- Fixed bug #1202040: Soldier preference button graphics
- Fixed bug #1202133: Dialogs (and list of maps) have white background and repetition
- Fixed bug #1202146: With opengl enabled, screenshots display edges in terrain strangely
- Fixed bug #1202228: Better controls for specifying preference of strong and weak soldiers
- Fixed bug #1202499: Can't open directory with maps
- Fixed bug #1203121: Latest trunk FTBFS on Ubuntu 12.04
                      (src/ error: 'mt19937' in namespace 'boost::random' does not name a type)
- Fixed bug #1203329: Possible to trigger a crash by saving between story dialogs
- Fixed bug #1203337: Map name appears untranslated in save dialog, even when translation exists
- Fixed bug #1203338: According to save dialog, campaign maps have 58 players
- Fixed bug #1203439: Crash on saving with no human player
- Fixed bug #1203474: Ingame README needs review
- Fixed bug #1203492: Fail to build in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
- Fixed bug #1204008: Suggestion: widelands-daily should incorporate recent translations
- Fixed bug #1204144: Cursor Key Navigation in table not complete
- Fixed bug #1204171: Can't select ware in ware statistics window
- Fixed bug #1204199: Buildings and building statistics have different color groups for productivity
- Fixed bug #1204226: FTBFS on Ubuntu 13.04 fixed.
- Fixed bug #1204462: Suggestion: widelands-daily should not only include bzr revision,
                      but also date/time in the package name
- Fixed bug #1204481: Militarysite initialization
- Fixed bug #1204612: FTBFS on Ubuntu Precise and Lucid ('unique_ptr' is not a member of 'std')
- Fixed bug #1204756: REVDETECT=BROKEN-PLEASE-REPORT-THIS(Release) in PPA builds
- Fixed bug #1205010: segfault on dismantle on conquered enemy building or starting buildings in campaigns
- Fixed bug #1205149: Crash on Ubuntu 12.04 when clicking to open a building window
- Fixed bug #1205457: Fisher produces fish without decreasing resources
- Fixed bug #1205609: Wincondition scripts reloaded too often
- Fixed bug #1205806: Ware statistics window too small for empire warelist
- Fixed bug #1205882: Typo in license text
- Fixed bug #1205901: Value stored to unread variable in map_io/
- Fixed bug #1206211: "Follow" function in watch window crashes in replays or when playing as a spectator
- Fixed bug #1206441: Autosave leads to crash on replays
- Fixed bug #1206563: Error when loading savegame saved in replay
- Fixed bug #1206712: Endless loop in Layout::fit_nodes
- Fixed bug #1206917: Pausing during save dialog behaves different in replays and games
- Fixed bug #1207069: Seafaring: cancel expedition button on ship
- Fixed bug #1207412: Authors button ingame leads to crash
- Fixed bug #1207477: Assertion `it != end()' failed in message queue
- Fixed bug #1208130: Desync error after clicking "Prefer rookies/heros" buttons in military buildings
- Fixed bug #1208229: Segmentation fault in Widelands::Soldier::attack_update
                      (this=0x99f1ea0, game=..., state=...) at src/logic/
- Fixed bug #1208440: Some messages directly expired and still play sound
- Fixed bug #1208474: Need a nice compatibility safegame from b17.
- Fixed bug #1209125: FTBFS trunk/6705 on Debian Wheezy
- Fixed bug #1209256: Saving a game not working because of minimap.png code
- Fixed bug #1209283: Crash at end of game (game statistics window)
- Fixed bug #1211248: Add map tag "seafaring" and handle in the UI
- Fixed bug #1211255: Show workarea doesn't work
- Fixed bug #1211898: bzr 6718 segfault building expedition port
- Fixed bug #1212191: 100% training site production without any soldier
- Fixed bug #1212192: Evict worker doesn't work for the second worker
- Fixed bug #1213330: Called C++ object pointer is null in wui /
- Fixed bug #1215075: Terrains not translateable - feature not a bug???
- Fixed bug #1215134: Hint text inherited by new map
- Fixed bug #1216278: Assertion failed when making a port at top left position in this safegame
- Fixed bug #1216305: It is possible to place ports via expeditions where players can not build them
                      via normal expansion
- Fixed bug #1219388: Port spaces missing after change of map origin
- Fixed bug #1219390: Wine farmer missing in description of shovel
- Fixed bug #1219507: Savegame crashes Widelands
- Fixed bug #1219524: Empire bakery drops from 100% to 0% very quickly when no wares are available.
- Fixed bug #1219526: Last received chat message never vanishes from main in game screen
- Fixed bug #1220546: segfault on dismantle a building on ubuntu 12.04
- Fixed bug #1228518: Chat announces defeat of all network players although only one is defeated
- Fixed bug #1228529: Defeated player can see_all, but can only use fieled_action_window on prior seen fields
- Fixed bug #1228592: Internet lobby chat is blocked once another UI part was used (one of the lists, etc.)
- Fixed bug #1228596: Important system messages are not forwarded to ingame chat

File Description Downloads
download icon widelands-build18-mac.dmg (md5) Mac OS X Binary 14,123
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build18-win32.exe (md5) Windows 32 installer 280,511
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build18-src.tar.bz2 (md5) Source package 174,560
last downloaded 2 days ago
Total downloads: 469,194

build18-rc1 release from the build18 series released

Release information
Release notes:

The Widelands Development Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of build 18 (release candidate “rc” 1) of Widelands. Widelands is a free, cross-platform strategy game in which players control the fate of a small tribe that can grow into a big empire, in a style of play that is unique in the open source world. Please visit our homepage to learn more.

Some of the highlights of this build are:
   * Seafaring enhancements: expeditions and colonization.
   * Eviction of workers from production sites.
   * Soldier preference selection in military sites.
   * Better in-game stock charts with new information.
   * new maps, sounds, music, graphics & animations.
   * On demand loading of graphics improves startup time.
   * Better performance: Widelands ...


- Added a preview for the costs of a building and the resources gained
  through the dismantling of a building.
- Added a button to productionsites for evicting a worker.
- Added control to exchange stationed soldiers of a militarysite
  with soldiers of a higher resp. lower level.
- Added seafaring expedition and colonization.
- Added new win condition: Territorial time similar to territorial lord.
- Added a game result screen showing a summary of the game once the game is over
- Added support for a "message of the day" to Widelands and the Widelands' dedicated server.
- Added new game tips.
- Improved start up time through on demand loading of graphics.
- Improved Widelands' rich text rendering engine and improved
  much of text in many different places.
- Improved OpenGL rendering leading to a huge speed up.
- Improved the handling of soldiers inside trainingssites:
  Soliders that did not receive training for some time are now evicted automatically
- Improved the old stock charts and added some new ones.
- Improved graphics and animations in many places.
- Improved graphics used in road building mode to indicate the steepness.
- Improved multiplayer scenario "Smugglers".
- Improved Empire Inn to be backward compatible.
- Improved the handling of game saving
- Improved Widelands' translations and added some new ones.
- Fixed a bunch of memory leaks.
- Fixed a bunch of compiler warnings.
- Fixed an editor crash when trying to save a map inside a subdirectory.
- Fixed bug #535806: Loading images takes a tremendous amount of time
- Fixed bug #536110: Some Map Editor tools (Resources) are not translatable
- Fixed bug #536161: Widelands bundles internal copy of
- Fixed bug #536482: Downgrade skilled workers when possible
- Fixed bug #536507: Autosave after reaching objective
- Fixed bug #536548: Allow control of stationed Soldiers in Military Buildings
- Fixed bug #536571: Empire Inns should be able to produce rations.
- Fixed bug #537194: Unable to see full list of bobs on debug
- Fixed bug #566970: Unable to attack castle
- Fixed bug #576347: show game results screen
- Fixed bug #580905: write building status in a different font color for construction sites
- Fixed bug #657285: Multiple tooltips may be shown when opening building information
- Fixed bug #674600: Long titles in message inbox overlap with time sent
- Fixed bug #674930: Rare bug in soldiers code
- Fixed bug #704637: Does not start (could not set video mode) using too large resolution in fullscreen mode
- Fixed bug #706284: Default save file name is always the first in list
- Fixed bug #706284: Default save file name is always the first in list
- Fixed bug #714036: Add evict worker button to productionsites
- Fixed bug #722087: hard to empty warehouse
- Fixed bug #723113: Weird green granite in the editor on Blackland maps
- Fixed bug #726139: Numeric wares display in warehouses not updating correctly
- Fixed bug #732142: Please choose lighter blue player color
- Fixed bug #738643: Pause game while in 'save'-dialog
- Fixed bug #738895: Show a message when the game is autosaving
- Fixed bug #740401: Preview required building costs before building or upgrading
- Fixed bug #744595: clang llvm 2.9 compiler widelands crash
- Fixed bug #751836: Loading games memory usage
- Fixed bug #763567: Sort Messages in Message Inbox to be most recent on top
- Fixed bug #787217: editor crashes on map load
- Fixed bug #787464: Hard to tell the difference between actual flags and possible flags for
                      the yellow player
- Fixed bug #796673: Roads "light up" in the fog of war
- Fixed bug #796690: Atleantean resource signs have a red tint
- Fixed bug #802432: wreck sail is blue instead of white
- Fixed bug #803284: While building, show range of the building on construction site
- Fixed bug #818823: Multiplayer game kicked out players after being paused for a while (Broken pipe)
- Fixed bug #825957: Warnings at compile-time (GCC)
- Fixed bug #846409: Improving the load game dialog
- Fixed bug #858517: Counter for 50% of the land in territorial lord doesn't reset
- Fixed bug #861840: building near shoreline
- Fixed bug #898129: Workarea color policy
- Fixed bug #900784: Screen resolution can be set too large in windowed mode
- Fixed bug #902464: Upgrading building: number of wares in stock window not updated
- Fixed bug #902558: Workers returning to a building being dismantled will attempt to enter it
- Fixed bug #913369: Warnings at compile-time (clang/llvm)
- Fixed bug #923702: soldier "lost" if the building he is returning to has been destroyed
- Fixed bug #933747: Text refers to bug #1951113
- Fixed bug #939026: Sea expedition and colonization
- Fixed bug #939709: Make OpenGL terrain rendering less demanding on hardware
- Fixed bug #955908: Open stockstatistics with a button
- Fixed bug #957750: Add Portspace tool doesn't use the toolsize.
- Fixed bug #960370: Atlantean Ship Shows "flashes" on the Hull
- Fixed bug #961548: widelands executable links against boost_unit_test_framework in Debug mode
- Fixed bug #963697: Port build help icon shown, though no port can be build
- Fixed bug #963802: Add option to burn a ship
- Fixed bug #963963: Game crashes when ship construction site cannot be cleared for a new ship
- Fixed bug #965052: Cannot see which map I am currently playing
- Fixed bug #970264: Missing SDL_* libraries lead to rather useless messages
- Fixed bug #970840: new graph: availability of wares
- Fixed bug #972759: barbarian beer icons misleading
- Fixed bug #974679: Inconsistent behaviour in soldier creation leads to irregular economy state
- Fixed bug #975091: Ship freezes loaded with wares upon destruction of destination port
- Fixed bug #975495: lua bug in "Together we are strong" map
- Fixed bug #975840: Same expression on both sides of '-'
- Fixed bug #975847: increase and decrese resource tool has methods with multiple consecutive returns
- Fixed bug #975852: lua_map has a statement after a return which will never be executed
- Fixed bug #976077: x\y axis in ware statistics are wrong
- Fixed bug #976551: ftbfs with gcc 4.7 if not including <unistd.h>
- Fixed bug #976698: Atlantean saw has misleading description
- Fixed bug #978123: Small icons for wares on ships
- Fixed bug #978169: Global militarysites icons not updated
- Fixed bug #979937: Coal can be replaced by other ressources in the editor
- Fixed bug #982364: Editor in Windows XP suffers high CPU, memory leak
- Fixed bug #982620: "no use for ships on this map" blocks building ships in first Atlantis campaign
- Fixed bug #983448: Improve OpenBSD support
- Fixed bug #984110: memory leak in src/ai/
- Fixed bug #984165: Make the increase/reduce wares buttons repeatable
- Fixed bug #984197: Suggestion: Confirmation window for dismantling production building
- Fixed bug #985109: Decreasing vision for node that is not seen
- Fixed bug #986526: Clarify "X player teams" map filter
- Fixed bug #986534: Improve in-game checkboxes
- Fixed bug #986910: Multiplayer game setup does not show team suggestions for maps
- Fixed bug #988498: Suggestion: remove cppcheck related stuff from build
- Fixed bug #988870: Barbarian weaving mill produces endless cloth
- Fixed bug #989483: Widelands host crashes if a client connection breaks
- Fixed bug #989489: After leaving an internet game, Widelands freezes in the lobby
- Fixed bug #990623: Checkboxes should react when hovered by the mouse cursor
- Fixed bug #992466: dedicated server regression: not able to choose map
- Fixed bug #993293: EnsureDirectoryExists() does only work with a path deepth of 1.
- Fixed bug #994712: GPL Text should maybe not be translateable
- Fixed bug #995011: They can attack me but I can't attack them
- Fixed bug #996965: Fail to build on amd64
- Fixed bug #998828: Only coal can be placed in the editor
- Fixed bug #1005955: Start using C++11 features in Widelands sources
- Fixed bug #1008861: Massive memory leak after closing stats window when OpenGL rendering enabled.
- Fixed bug #1016104: The stock plot is quite wrong
- Fixed bug #1019585: Building window background "jumping" when previewing upgrade build cost
- Fixed bug #1020736: CrossPlatform Path fix: remove ":" in path names on Windows
- Fixed bug #1022267: stock chart counts wares in every building
- Fixed bug #1023264: Scouts explore consistently to the west
- Fixed bug #1024549: Crash in Build Cost Preview in Observer Mode
- Fixed bug #1025014: segmentation fault in widelands
- Fixed bug #1025848: --version prints more and less than it should
- Fixed bug #1027058: Connection lost after some time if all players pause in multiplayer
- Fixed bug #1033213: Assertion in nethost is always true
- Fixed bug #1033216: Undefined identifiers used
- Fixed bug #1033615: Consider checking for more warnings when compiling Widelands
- Fixed bug #1044933: Branch condition evaluates to a garbage value in io/filesystem/
- Fixed bug #1044935: Assigned value is garbage or undefined in graphic/render/terrain_sdl.h
- Fixed bug #1044939: Dead assignment or increment (variables which have values assigned,
                      but are then never read again)
- Fixed bug #1050431: Worker icons should not contain letters for levels
- Fixed bug #1063233: Starting game while savegame is still being transferred
- Fixed bug #1074655: FPS slowly drops when playing with stock screen open
- Fixed bug #1074979: r6433 has an economy mismatch after building a third port
- Fixed bug #1090433: dedicated server module not working on windows
- Fixed bug #1090887: buildcosts and "wares that get recycled" preview moves the window
- Fixed bug #1093848: Remove ware removes wares without placing them outside the building
- Fixed bug #1094711: Fisher runs out of fish even with double breeders
- Fixed bug #1094750: Usability Suggestion: move economy configuration button to a more obvious location
                      / clarify its location in documentation and tips.
- Fixed bug #1095022: Division by zero in ui_basic/
- Fixed bug #1095028: Called C++ object pointer is null in ui_basic/
- Fixed bug #1095034: Called C++ object pointer is null in network/
- Fixed bug #1095695: Middle-clicking in any window will crash the game (assertion error)
- Fixed bug #1095702: Game crashed with OpenGL ERROR: out of memory
- Fixed bug #1096362: Crash when increasing speed in a internet game as observer
                      (only happens on dedicated servers)
- Fixed bug #1096632: Open windows cause game to stall after several hours
- Fixed bug #1096651: Windowed graphics resolution change does not resize window
- Fixed bug #1096786: Indicate direction of steepness in road building mode
- Fixed bug #1097420: Window tabs in map editor cause exception
- Fixed bug #1098263: Widelands does not start if PC has OpenGL problems
- Fixed bug #1099094: Tutorial description bug
- Fixed bug #1100045: Carriers can/can't be removed from Warehouses
- Fixed bug #1101788: Atlantean stone economy target too low
- Fixed bug #1104462: Untranslatable strings
- Fixed bug #1108083: Construction site window does not display specific building name
- Fixed bug #1115664: Extremely slow framerate/performance with OpenGL
- Fixed bug #1121396: Assertion error upon starting WL (regression after latest opengl changes)
- Fixed bug #1125539: Roads not rendered in road building mode
- Fixed bug #1128114: segmentation fault when running with --dedicated
- Fixed bug #1130469: Textarea does not place cursor correctly on mouse click (map description in the editor)
- Fixed bug #1130905: OpenGL switch to Software Rendering crash
- Fixed bug #1132238: Open buildingwindow after closing of constructionsitewindow when
                      construction has finished
- Fixed bug #1132466: Evicted workers will become stuck if the are away from home and the building is
                      not conencted to the road network
- Fixed bug #1132469: List of workers in building window not updating properly
- Fixed bug #1132473: soldier hangs at one point
- Fixed bug #1132476: change yellow color in white(?) - building menu % is unreadable
- Fixed bug #1132774: Assertion in image cache while loading first barbarian campaign
- Fixed bug #1137765: displaying tooltips in fullscreen causes crash
- Fixed bug #1139666: New buildcap allows larger buildings in smaller spaces
- Fixed bug #1142781: Current BZR version leads to compiler errors on Windows
- Fixed bug #1144465: Builder gets "lost" after dismantling site
- Fixed bug #1145376: Dark box when hovering over buildings
- Fixed bug #1150455: Dedicated servermode segfaults on non-existing maps
- Fixed bug #1150517: Crash when closing widelands
- Fixed bug #1153361: OpenPandora patch for FAT FS
- Fixed bug #1159000: Building WL should check whether gettext is installed
- Fixed bug #1159432: Warnings at compile-time in GCC 4.8
- Fixed bug #1159968: Crash in opengl fonthandler_cc:99
- Fixed bug #1162918: Workers exiting warehouse do not follow flag
- Fixed bug #1162920: Shovel icon is unclear
- Fixed bug #1162936: After eviction of a worker, a worker of the same level is requested instead of
                      the original worker type
- Fixed bug #1167234: Terrain preview in editor shows nothing
- Fixed bug #1170086: Imperial sentry returns more wares when dismantled than it needed
- Fixed bug #1171131: Revision 6559 FTBFS on GNU/Linux due to compile_assert failing
- Fixed bug #1171233: Opening a Widelands file makes all strings appear in English
- Fixed bug #1172197: Seefaring doesn't work on nightly Build
- Fixed bug #1174066: Setting the origin of a map disrupts it
- Fixed bug #1178327: Empire does not have economy target for marble
- Fixed bug #1181132: Random Map: Randomize positioning of start positions
- Fixed bug #1182010: fish breeder does not work
- Fixed bug #1183479: Evict Worker code possibly incomplete
- Fixed bug #1184151: Cant load a saved game after update
- Fixed bug #1186906: Remove entries from the message list that have become obsolete
- Fixed bug #1189615: WL crashes down while ship makes expedition
- Fixed bug #1191554: Game crashes when ship with open window is loaded for expedition
- Fixed bug #1191556: Port window not updated ("Cancel the expedition" starts a new one)
- Fixed bug #1191568: Expedition feature does not work properly in replay mode
- Fixed bug #1191889: Ship loads ware but does not transport it
- Fixed bug #1194194: Show build progress of the current ship
- Fixed bug #1195639: Ports build into water
- Fixed bug #1196194: Game freezes when exploring coast when not at coast
- Fixed bug #1197429: Fail to build in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- Fixed bug #1198624: A player should be considered defeated in Autocrat after losing all warehouses,
                      rather than all buildings
- Fixed bug #1198921: Returning null reference in scripting/
- Fixed bug #1198930: Use-after-free in wui/
- Fixed bug #1199653: Unseen port crashes the game when saving
- Fixed bug #1199808: Use-after-free in wui/
- Fixed bug #1199812: Use-after-free in economy/
- Fixed bug #1199957: Segmentation fault during combat
- Fixed bug #1200952: Make error: /wui/
- Fixed bug #1201081: Building with boost 1.54: "Boost.Signals is no longer being maintained and is
                      now deprecated. Please switch to Boost.Signals2."
- Fixed bug #1201330: Dangerous variable-length array (VLA) declaration in
- Fixed bug #1202040: Soldier preference button graphics
- Fixed bug #1202133: Dialogs (and list of maps) have white background and repetition
- Fixed bug #1202146: With opengl enabled, screenshots display edges in terrain strangely
- Fixed bug #1202228: Better controls for specifying preference of strong and weak soldiers
- Fixed bug #1202499: Can't open directory with maps
- Fixed bug #1203121: Latest trunk FTBFS on Ubuntu 12.04
                      (src/ error: 'mt19937' in namespace 'boost::random' does not name a type)
- Fixed bug #1203329: Possible to trigger a crash by saving between story dialogs
- Fixed bug #1203337: Map name appears untranslated in save dialog, even when translation exists
- Fixed bug #1203338: According to save dialog, campaign maps have 58 players
- Fixed bug #1203439: Crash on saving with no human player
- Fixed bug #1203474: Ingame README needs review
- Fixed bug #1203492: Fail to build in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
- Fixed bug #1204008: Suggestion: widelands-daily should incorporate recent translations
- Fixed bug #1204144: Cursor Key Navigation in table not complete
- Fixed bug #1204171: Can't select ware in ware statistics window
- Fixed bug #1204199: Buildings and building statistics have different color groups for productivity
- Fixed bug #1204226: FTBFS on Ubuntu 13.04 fixed.
- Fixed bug #1204462: Suggestion: widelands-daily should not only include bzr revision,
                      but also date/time in the package name
- Fixed bug #1204481: Militarysite initialization
- Fixed bug #1204612: FTBFS on Ubuntu Precise and Lucid ('unique_ptr' is not a member of 'std')
- Fixed bug #1204756: REVDETECT=BROKEN-PLEASE-REPORT-THIS(Release) in PPA builds
- Fixed bug #1205010: segfault on dismantle on conquered enemy building or starting buildings in campaigns
- Fixed bug #1205149: Crash on Ubuntu 12.04 when clicking to open a building window
- Fixed bug #1205457: Fisher produces fish without decreasing resources
- Fixed bug #1205609: Wincondition scripts reloaded too often
- Fixed bug #1205806: Ware statistics window too small for empire warelist
- Fixed bug #1205882: Typo in license text
- Fixed bug #1205901: Value stored to unread variable in map_io/
- Fixed bug #1206211: "Follow" function in watch window crashes in replays or when playing as a spectator
- Fixed bug #1206441: Autosave leads to crash on replays
- Fixed bug #1206563: Error when loading savegame saved in replay
- Fixed bug #1206712: Endless loop in Layout::fit_nodes
- Fixed bug #1206917: Pausing during save dialog behaves different in replays and games
- Fixed bug #1207069: Seafaring: cancel expedition button on ship
- Fixed bug #1207412: Authors button ingame leads to crash
- Fixed bug #1207477: Assertion `it != end()' failed in message queue
- Fixed bug #1208130: Desync error after clicking "Prefer rookies/heros" buttons in military buildings
- Fixed bug #1208229: Segmentation fault in Widelands::Soldier::attack_update
                      (this=0x99f1ea0, game=..., state=...) at src/logic/
- Fixed bug #1208440: Some messages directly expired and still play sound
- Fixed bug #1208474: Need a nice compatibility safegame from b17.
- Fixed bug #1209125: FTBFS trunk/6705 on Debian Wheezy
- Fixed bug #1209256: Saving a game not working because of minimap.png code
- Fixed bug #1209283: Crash at end of game (game statistics window)
- Fixed bug #1211248: Add map tag "seafaring" and handle in the UI
- Fixed bug #1211255: Show workarea doesn't work
- Fixed bug #1211898: bzr 6718 segfault building expedition port
- Fixed bug #1212191: 100% training site production without any soldier
- Fixed bug #1212192: Evict worker doesn't work for the second worker
- Fixed bug #1213330: Called C++ object pointer is null in wui /
- Fixed bug #1215075: Terrains not translateable - feature not a bug???
- Fixed bug #1215134: Hint text inherited by new map
- Fixed bug #1216278: Assertion failed when making a port at top left position in this safegame
- Fixed bug #1216305: It is possible to place ports via expeditions where players can not build them
                      via normal expansion
- Fixed bug #1219388: Port spaces missing after change of map origin
- Fixed bug #1219390: Wine farmer missing in description of shovel
- Fixed bug #1219507: Savegame crashes Widelands
- Fixed bug #1219524: Empire bakery drops from 100% to 0% very quickly when no wares are available.
- Fixed bug #1219526: Last received chat message never vanishes from main in game screen
- Fixed bug #1220546: segfault on dismantle a building on ubuntu 12.04
- Fixed bug #1228518: Chat announces defeat of all network players although only one is defeated
- Fixed bug #1228529: Defeated player can see_all, but can only use fieled_action_window on prior seen fields
- Fixed bug #1228592: Internet lobby chat is blocked once another UI part was used (one of the lists, etc.)
- Fixed bug #1228596: Important system messages are not forwarded to ingame chat

File Description Downloads
download icon widelands-build18-rc1-mac.dmg (md5) Mac OS X Binary 258
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build18-rc1-win32.exe (md5) Windows 32 installer 1,554
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon widelands-build18-rc1-src.tar.bz2 (md5) Source package 216
last downloaded 2 days ago
Total downloads: 2,028

110 of 18 releases